Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3502 The Terrifying Sound (Ten)

Nightingale is known as the "Angel with Lantern", but during the Crimean War, the soldiers did not call her that. She was called "Lady with Hammer" because she did not listen to the officers' dissuasion and knocked on the door of the warehouse with a hammer to take out the urgently needed supplies from the hospital.

War correspondent Russell was worried that readers would think that a woman holding a hammer was not ladylike enough, so he changed it to her patrolling with a lamp every day, so her gentle and kind image was deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Field hospitals are usually relatively far away from the battlefield, but they are not so far away from the sound of artillery fire, and relatively speaking, the battlefield may be better than the field hospital.

When England was jubilant about the victory of the war, the field hospital was full of abandoned people. The logistics supply of the Crimean War was very poor, and it was difficult for healthy people to grab food.

From top to bottom, all the officials of the British army worked together to conceal the truth, and the report sent back to the country only said "everything is fine". In fact, Nightingale could have brought some supplies before leaving, but the "everything is fine" in the report made her really believe it, and she ended up bringing 38 medical staff with her.

Nightingale was not a "gentle lady", although she was born in the upper class and was taught to be a socialite since childhood.

Whether it is nursing or facing war, it requires strong mental will and action. In order to improve the poor sanitary conditions of the hospital, she forcefully implemented her plan. Although there was no regulation at that time that hand washing was required for surgery, Nightingale still used compulsory hand washing and nutrition enhancement. As the first female member of the Royal Statistical Society, Nightingale also created a rose chart to visualize data and reduce mortality.

Injuries are painful, but when Nightingale appeared with a lamp, the wounded always endured the intense pain and watched her pass by the bedside. No one wailed or shouted, and the lamp filled the cold night with warmth.

Pomona put down the book she bought from the Muggle bookstore and looked at the clock. It was already 11 o'clock. Even if it was a midnight snack, it should be almost finished. It's time to go to bed.

So she put the book on the table, put on a cloak sprayed with insect repellent, and planned to check if anyone was still wandering outside at this time.

Now it is not that night outings violate school rules, but if you are bitten by a fox and do not receive timely treatment, it is very likely to endanger your life.

Usually, there are always couples reluctant to leave at the door of the lounge, but now it is empty.

She stared at that place for a long time.

Like Narcissa and even Bella, they all got married after graduation, not only the Black family, but also many noble women.

The first task of women seems to be to continue the family and avoid disappearing in history like other pure-blood families because of no heirs.

Many of Grindelwald's followers are from pure-blood families. He may not know that there are "office workers" like Tina among witches.

In his reproductive science, parents with magic on both sides, whether giants or goblins, have a higher probability of giving birth to magical offspring than parents with magic on both sides, or one of them is a Muggle.

Hagrid was born during the active period of this theory.

Magic is a good thing, so the Squibs and Muggles without it are pitiful, even the Weasleys sympathize with them.

But Pomona doesn't believe that magic can really help wizards rule the world, especially in modern society.

Data analysis is needed in both business and administration. Now Muggles are very popular with cost-benefit analysis. Decision makers use cost and benefit analysis to decide whether rules should be implemented.

For greater good.

This is the catchphrase of Grindelwald and Dumbledore. Many people have sacrificed for this concept.

At this time, she felt something strange behind her, turned her head subconsciously, and was shocked by what she saw.


Later, Pomona met a lot of vampires on the ship where Lockhart held a new book launch. The book was originally about vampires and sailing. At that time, it was the peak of the movement for vampires and werewolves to fight for their own power. They all wanted to be treated as "people".

Relatively speaking, vampires are much better than werewolves. Not only do they look decent and elegant, but... She heard that it doesn't matter if Lockhart's book doesn't sell well, because the vampires have already given him generous rewards.

Finally, Pomona and Jigg spent Valentine's Day together that year, but they did not go to Belgium. When the ship reached the mouth of the Thames, they left using the Floo Network like many other guests.

Draco Malfoy went to Scandinavia and came back less than a week later. It was snowy and icy there for most of the year, and Malfoy, who grew up in a manor with roses and peacocks, could not stand it. And he did not go to France, which was relatively warm, to study, not because of the language problem, but because the headmaster was a half-giant.

At that time, vampires said that they no longer attacked humans and switched to drinking blood products, although the taste was not as good as "fresh".

Giants are described as "ferocious" in history books, but Hagrid and Madame Maxime did not attack human cubs, so what was there to be afraid of?

During the Battle of Hogwarts, the last tribe of English giants also participated in the war. Many wizards saw them up close. They were not like Hagrid and Madame Maxime, and therefore the British pure-blood families were still wary of them, even though the Giant War had been over for a long time.

Georgiana was drinking by the window while watching the "guests" boat leave.

If someone keeps a dog and the dog bites a passerby, then even if the dog owner did not bite anyone, he will still be held "no-fault liability" because the owner is the manager of the dog.

However, wild animals do not have ownership, they belong to the natural state. If several people chase a wild deer, the first one to catch it has the right of "first occupation".

In 1750, the International Statute of Secrecy added "Each wizard management agency is responsible for hiding, caring for and controlling all magical animals and any ghosts living in their jurisdiction. If such an animal causes harm to the Muggle community or attracts their attention, then the country's magic management agency will be subject to disciplinary punishment by the International Confederation of Wizards".

She didn't know whether the Wizard Confederation would enforce effective punishment, but she knew that a dragon that violated the ban was imprisoned in the basement of Gringotts to protect the wealth of senior customers.

And the law itself was problematic. He was just the owner of a dog, and he didn't even keep a dog, but now he was responsible for all dog bites.

Humans see themselves as managers of nature, and all natural resources, including plants and animals, are for human use.

Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden were managers, and everything in the garden belonged to them, except for the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Those Peruvian Venomous Dragons live in deep mountains and forests. They do not actively attack people, and even humans enter their territory for reasons such as finding the City of Gold.

The dragon pox that suddenly became popular in the 1970s is itself very strange. It specifically attacks the elderly. Potter's parents and Lucius Malfoy's father both died during that epidemic.

Old Malfoy was unwilling to support Voldemort. He felt that Voldemort was too radical and wanted to stay out of it like the Black family, but his outstanding son was a Death Eater. At first, he was quite happy that Lucius became a Death Eater.

Dumbledore and Jigg, who are older than them, are fine.

She hopes that the Peruvian Venomous Dragon can exist, but this "weakness" will also be exploited by people who want to harm people, even though the magic world has not formed an empire like the Inca.

"I hope you can forgive me." Rabastan Lestrange said behind her, "I had to do this."

"Do you accept it? The goblins took the things in your treasure house." Georgiana asked.

"What do you want the goblins to do for you?" Rabastan asked.

She looked down at the red wine in the glass.

In order to realize her dream and eliminate the suffering in the world, Isidora couldn't really eliminate them, so she had to seal them with goblin magic silver.

She used so much magic silver, but no one reminded her how much it would cost to buy these things, and it might cost Hogwarts. She was a professor of defense against the dark arts at the magic school at the time.

"I want their magic silver." She said slowly, "to build something."

"What?" Rabastan asked.

"When the time is right, I will tell you." She took a sip of the wine glass.

Rabastan stood for a while and left.

Georgiana thought about the last time she was in the observatory and talked to him across the Da Vinci knot on the ground.

I really want to see what the floor of the French Ministry of Magic looks like, but unfortunately she has never been there and no one has noticed it.

She sighed silently, what should she do next?

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