Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 362: Cigar Friend

Football originated in China, but the Chinese have never had hope for the men's national team.

Ancient Chinese women had the custom of binding their feet. They needed to wrap their feet very small with circles and circles of cloth. The deformed aesthetics were shocking. Fans use that kind of women's foot wrap to describe the men's national team. They qualified in 2002, provided that Japan and South Korea hosted the World Cup. In 2006, the fans of the World Cup in Germany did not have any hope for them.

What the hell, can't pick 11 out of 1.2 billion people to kick a broken ball? The probability of a Muggle giving birth to a wizard is even lower.

Summer is a grand event for football. The British watch football in bars, and the Chinese who come to the UK to study and work also watch it. When they talk about their national team, they gnash their teeth.

The national football team really stinks, how could they mess up Muggle Quidditch like this?

Fortunately, the Chinese wizards have earned back their face. If it weren't for the Indonesian tsunami, they would have continued to advance. Everyone is looking forward to their performance in the 2010 World Cup.

Before going to town hall, Justin invited his dean to dinner at his home in Mayfair, London, and after dinner he arranged for his car to take them to the evening party.

Children from rich families have some bad habits, but they also have something to learn.

Vision determines whether a person can see better choices and make better choices. Choices constitute a person's destiny and ultimately affect a person's life.

Justin gave up going to Eton and went to Hogwarts to study because of his father's influence. His mother actually opposed him to study in a world he didn't understand at first. Later, Justin found Lockhart's book for her to read, and she slowly accepted that her son should go to the magic school.

Mayfair has narrow streets and old houses. It used to be a place where princes and nobles celebrated the coming of May. Today, Mayfair is a place where oil tycoons and financial giants gather. The same has been passed down from generation to generation, but the Malfoy family's manor is located in the Wiltshire manor, and there is a large garden. In the rich area of ​​London where every inch of land is expensive, Fanglie's family dare not be so extravagant.

The serf system still existed in England in the 14th century. The Red and White Rose War between the York family and the Lancaster family killed the old feudal princes, and the Tudor dynasty prospered under the continuous strengthening and consolidation of the new nobles. The Fanglieli family was the "new noble" who rose up at that time, but after more than 600 years of inheritance, they are now old nobles.

Justin and Hermione are both Muggles, and they come into contact with different classes. When Pomona and Severus apparated on Mayfair Street, they met a pair of Muggles walking. The two who appeared suddenly did not make a fuss, and even smiled as usual, as if they were familiar with wizards.

"Good evening." They said politely, put the episode behind them and continued walking and chatting.

"Justin Faller...he's the kid who made Potter's stinky dung badge?" The old bat smiled, looking extremely happy.

"Why is your happiness based on Harry Potter's pain?" Pomona asked puzzled.

"Don't you think it's funny?" He looked at her with unfathomable black eyes.

Pomona thought of the leech juice Neville had squeezed for a month and the bucket of horned toads she had dissected, so she smiled sweetly, "Of course it's very interesting, Professor."

"Which one is the Fanglieli family?" His eyes began to scan the mailboxes with shiny bronze plaques hanging beside the door.

"That family." With the dim light of the evening sky, Pomona was the first to find it. A single-family villa was surrounded by a black fence, and there were many dead branches of roses protruding from the fence. A beautiful sight when the moon flowers are in full bloom.

There was a telephone next to the brown painted door, something that the Malfoys hated, Pomona took out a coin from Da to get in touch with Justin, and it wasn't long before Master Fang Lie appeared in casual clothes.

She wasn't drinking Polyjuice Potion, she was going to the dance after dinner, she was just trying to make herself less of a standout. Justin was surprised for a moment when he saw the two strangers standing at the door, but soon he returned to normal. He opened the door calmly and looked up and down at the dean's male companion.

"Good evening, Professor Snape." Justin whispered, "How should I introduce you to my parents later?"

"It's just as it says on the invitation letter, Mr. Sprout." He sighed comfortably. "Why don't I have students like you in my college?"

Justin is a Muggle, how could he be assigned to the Slytherin house of pure blood and mixed blood.

But neither Pomona nor Justin raised this common knowledge. They walked through the narrow courtyard together and walked through the luxurious oak door. In the dim light, a pair of armor was placed beside the low table at the door, and the wooden floor seemed to have just been waxed, making it look radiant.

The MP and his wife are standing at the door of the room on the left at the moment, as if they are welcoming distinguished guests. How much effort would it take for a Muggle kid from the slums to get to this point?

Severus had a leather pouch containing a dozen or so wands as trophies of his victorious duel.

After being disarmed by the disarming spell, the wand will not recognize its original owner. Draco obtained the ownership of the old wand from Dumbledore through the disarming spell, but lost both the hawthorn wand and the old wand after being disarmed by Harry Ownership of the game, the winner gets more, the loser loses everything, that's how the game works.

So she is very curious, how the Chinese will explain to Europeans who like Robin Hood and the continuous improvement of the accuracy of cannonballs that it is polite to miss the bullseye at the cultural exchange meeting later.

"Mom, this is the Dean when I was studying. I told you before that this is her husband, Mr. Sprout." Justin said gently and politely. Mrs. Fanlieli kept smiling, She has brown hair, and she wears a Chanel suit and no jewelry other than a pair of diamond earrings.

"It's an honor to meet you both." Mrs. Farriery reached out to shake Pomona's hand. When she shook hands with Severus, he actually gave a hand kiss, and everyone was stunned.

It's the 21st century, who would do that.

But it was natural for him to do so, and later Mr. Congressman also kissed the back of Pomona's hand like that, but Pomona felt that he was the kind of person who likes to shake hands with city citizens vigorously, and he performed this kind of aristocratic etiquette very stiffly. up.

"Are you the teacher who is responsible for taking care of my grandson?" An old man sat in the elegantly and warmly decorated dining room. He sat behind a large pot of flowers. He had scars on his face like Moody, and his body was full of solemnity. Gives a heavy pressure.

"I'm not your grandson's teacher." Pomona said coldly, "I'm his mentor."

"Then what did you teach him?" The old man looked at Justin as if he were looking at a failed sculpture, "His face is as pale as a girl's, and he didn't even go to Sandhurst, but went to Cambridge .”

Pomona finally knew why Justin couldn't change the Patronus.

Sandhurst Royal Military Academy and West Point Military Academy in the United States, Frunze Military Academy in Russia and Whampoa Military Academy in China are also known as the four major military academies. Cambridge University was founded by a group of teachers who fled Oxford to avoid a fight.

Aristotle, one of the three saints of ancient Greece, also escaped from Athens because he was accused of impiety like Socrates.

"Cowards" are like scholars, soldiers are "brave". Pomona glanced at the congressman and his wife who dared not say anything, and suddenly understood why Mr. Fenlie sent Justin to Hogwarts .

"What should I call you, sir?" Severus said slowly, looking at the Muggle veteran.

"Before you ask someone's name, you should give it," the veteran yelled.

He walked from behind Pomona to the front, facing the old man with thinning white hair.

"Have you ever seen a giant? Old man, they're 20 feet tall, about the size of this house, and your grandson is going to be fighting one of those monsters when he's 17, they don't really like to eat people, but if they're hungry If you are in a hurry, you will put people in your mouth to chew, like you, it is not enough for it to take a bite." He slowly paced in front of the old Fang Lieli, his leather shoes on the wooden floor making a heart-throbbing sound "So many years of isolation seem to have made you forget something, do you think Hogwarts is a joke school that teaches 'tricks'?"

"Oh, my God." Pomona exhaled softly, and then said seriously, "We're here to visit!"

"I was polite, but someone was rude to me. Where's your respect? Muggles."

Justin's grandfather stared at Snape intently.

The senator and his wife had anxious looks on their faces.

"Where's your right leg?" Severus said suddenly.

"Hitted by a shell, amputated." The old Fenlie pointed at his neck, and slashed across as if cutting his throat. "How did you get this?"

"Dark magic," he said with a smile, "left by the most powerful wizard of this century, known as the Dark Lord."

"You mean the person who can't even be mentioned by name?" the old squadron whispered in a hoarse voice.

"Looks like he's famous, even you know about it." Severus sat down across from him.

"When darkness falls, there will be a lot of missing people, and the police will not go after those people, because people are missing every day." The old division said coldly, "When I was young, I came with the expeditionary force. It's a pity to go to Macedonia, the Germans are not those fools who sit in a comfortable office and daydream, thinking that building a great wall like the Chinese will prevent them, it gives a false sense of security , It is safe to hide behind an unbreakable line of defense. In fact, when the line of defense is breached, people's will to fight is shattered together. Those French people have nothing to do all day long, hardly train, let alone cooperate in space. They do some useless things every day Or just enjoying the entertainment facilities in the rear until I was completely defeated by the sudden German offensive. At that time, I thought I saw a wolf."

"Did you see werewolves on the battlefield?"

"I don't know what I saw. It hid in the gunpowder smoke and gnawed at the remains of those soldiers." The old squadron gasped and said, "The Dunkirk evacuation was really a great miracle and victory."

Severus laughed. "They gave you a medal?"

"That's right."

"What a coincidence, I also have one, the Order of Merlin, First Class."

The old Fen Lie, who had always been serious, also laughed, and they looked as if they were about to give each other a hug.

"Harry Potter made great efforts to have Professor Snape's portrait hang in Hogwarts." Justin lowered his voice and said to Pomona, "Some people think that he escaped from the position of headmaster and should not be Hang it in the principal's office."

"No one wants him hanging on the wall." Pomona said angrily, and she walked to the table and sat down.

"But he was still hung on the wall, a life-size portrait of him." Justin said to himself, "but he never moved like the other portraits at Hogwarts."

"Boy, do you smoke cigars?" the old squad yelled loudly.

"Thanks, my wife doesn't like me smoking." Snape comfortably put his arms on the back of Pomona's chair, looking like a winner in life. "Oh, I like being alive."

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