"Why do you suddenly think of the Triwizard Tournament!"

After dinner, Justin's father and grandpa went off to chat with Severus, and he stayed with Pomona in the study, his mother was now alone in the bedroom.

"I don't know, it just popped out of my head." Justin said blankly, "Malfoy's father also came to visit."

"Do you want your dad to see it or your grandpa to visit the school?" Pomona asked seriously.

"Neither of them." Justin said deadpan. "Can you stop talking about that?"

"You never used magic at home?"

"Didn't the law stipulate that we are not allowed to use magic at home?"

"Yes, before adulthood, you can use it after adulthood."

"What's the use? I'm 24 and still in school, all my relatives have graduated, and it's against the law to use magic on Muggles. I'm really sorry to invite you here today, Professor, but my mother Been telling me about it since I answered your call." Justin sighed heavily, "Today is the professor's birthday, and I don't want to ruin your mood."

At this moment, Pomona also felt the suffocating pressure of the Fanglieli family, just like the old house of the Black family.

The poor and happy atmosphere of the Weasley family is hard to find. Everyone in their family will call on the gods for protection, and dementors happen to be the biggest threat to Muggles now.

It must be hard for Justin to read the books but not use them, and to compare each other at family gatherings.

"You didn't tell your family anything?"

"My grandpa will think I'm bragging and tell my parents they'll be worried and there's no need to bring it up." Justin suddenly sneered. "I can't believe I thought Lockhart was a really brave man before."

Pomona didn't answer.

The Maginot Line was breached. In addition to the battle on the frontal battlefield, there was also the espionage battle, which was false and true. She preferred secret battles to the bloody frontal battlefield.

Damn double agent, don't know which statement is true.

Pomona gritted her teeth. That's the excuse he used to trick her into the grove that day. They couldn't see the activities under the water. How stupid it is to stand and blow the wind.

"Professor Snape just used the withdrawal spell, right? He can even use jinxes with wandless and silent magic?"

"You've heard that he's obsessed with black magic."

"So that rumor is also true, you are secretly dating someone, and the object is still Professor Snape?"

"Oh, Cedric told you?" she said exhaustedly. She hadn't imagined that Cedric was such a lover of affairs.

"No, it's Hermione Granger, oh, I'm sorry, I should call her Hermione Weasley, she found out in the second grade that Percy Weasley, who had graduated, often sneaked back to school to meet LaVine Crowe's Penelope Clearwater dated until fourth grade."

The head of Ravenclaw is a half-breed goblin, and he is still a man. He didn't notice that the girls in his house had become the targets of other houses.

Patsy got married, not to Penelope Clearwater, but to Audrey, a person Pomona had never heard of before, and in short, the smart Ravenclaw girl was played.

Regardless of how stupid the Headmaster of Hufflepuff was herself, she managed to remind herself of the basic precautions of house girls. Before making a bet, check whether that person is worth investing in, and don't look at the appearance when looking at a person. If she hadn't seen the male teacher who used himself as a human shield to protect the children under the moonlight, she would not have fallen to this point. .

Severus hated Harry Potter and was willing to protect him with her life. She wanted that brave man to look at her, even for a moment. She wanted to steal his love for Lily, but she seduced him. The current fate is entirely her own fault.

Thanks to you being a half-breed veela, Pomona, if you were really a short, fat woman, the show would be out of your business.

You've paid for the school like a house elf without getting anything in return, not even a word of thanks, why?

Albus had told her once that a real Mrs. Hufflepuff could be patient and revenged afterwards, but had forgotten by then. It's not that Albus doesn't want to take revenge on the Muggles, but he knows that it won't work to directly confront the Muggles, and he needs to use a soft way to solve the problem, and there is a huge gap in the number of people right in front of him.

Forced to give up fierce resistance, compromise, and avoid creating disputes and conflicts, this happens to be what Voldemort is good at.

She doesn't want to continue to bother to guess who a man is in his heart. Queen Elizabeth I has never married in her life, so she can devote herself wholeheartedly to governing the country and let England take maritime hegemony from Spain.

Now she wants to get rid of that liar. Human emotions are too complicated to understand.

"woo woo woo woo"

She heard the whimpering of the puppy, looked back, and saw a little werewolf.

It's too thin because it refuses to eat human flesh, it's Remus Lupin.

A child who was only four years old, Fenrir Greyback actually bit him, fate was really unfair to Remus.

Fortunately, he still has a child, Teddy the Bear, that is Tonks' child, it is really great that he is not a werewolf.

Teddy bear made her feel better. Men are too complicated, but boys are much simpler. Lily is really smart. This is a simple way, and life is really much easier.

"Hermione is really good at inquiring, how did she find out about Percy's relationship?" Pomona started chatting with Justin.

"He secretly met with Penelope Clearwater all over the school, and one day Hermione walked into an empty classroom and saw them kissing."

"Day or night?" Pomona asked.

"It should be during the daytime." Justin said uncertainly, "That was when we were in the second grade. In the blink of an eye, it has been twelve years. Time flies so fast."

"Why did they break up?"

"It was Penelope Clearwater who dumped Passy."

The plot was reversed, and Pomona was stunned.

"Passy's personality changed drastically when we were in fifth grade. In order to be promoted to Assistant Minister of Magic, he promised Fudge to monitor the Weasleys and Dumbledore. You know, the Weasleys have never had much money. Penelope Kerry Watt broke up with him because of this. Arthur Weasley had no ambition, coupled with his reputation as a pure-blood traitor, his sons' careers were also affected. Ever since Percy entered the ministry, he had to work hard Struggling, trying to get rid of his father's bad name, I'm glad my father didn't have this problem, but I became a drag on him, people thought he raised an uneducated son."

"Is that why you left the Muggle world?"

"I have been separated from the world here for seven years, and all my connections have to be accumulated again. The friendship I grew up with is different from the adult relationship. I am more relaxed with Hannah and Ernie. I like He Fupafu." Justin said with a look of longing, "I am very happy in school every day, and those herbs that you put in our room that can sing, I think I am the only student who is praying that school will start early .”

"Not only you, but also Harry Potter." Pomona patted Justin's head, "Dumbledore said, I hope you treat school as your home."

"In Cambridge, I met a lot of girls like Penelope Clearwater. The romance in the student days usually didn't last until graduation. They knew exactly what to do to get greater benefits for themselves. I don't want to be like Passy, I heard his parents were very happy."

Pomona laughed at the thought of Molly's bucket waist, and Arthur Weasley's disgusting "Molly Tickles".

"That's rare for them."

"But for Patsy, that's his life. He treats a girl with all his enthusiasm, but she breaks up with him because she has no money and a low position. I don't want this mixed with too many interests. feelings." Justin said heavily, "I heard that Professor Snape has always loved Lily Potter. The Potter family is quite rich. I have seen a lot of women like Lily. I really don't understand why Professor Snape Will love her dearly.”

Hufflepuff Forty-seven, don't think too hard about a thing.

How much do men hate women for dislike the poor and love the rich? Boys from rich families also value true feelings more, just like Sirius, he prefers to be with friends like James who don't make friends with interests, and doesn't bother to care about those false feelings, so he appears a bit arrogant.

"In his memory, she is still the pure Lily." Pomona said listlessly, "It's a pity, I'm still alive."

"She is like the god of love in the sky, and you are like the god of love on the ground. If he keeps staring at the god of love in the sky, he will lose even the god of love on the ground. In the end, he will be empty-handed and get nothing. ’” Justin said philosophically.

"What?" Pomona asked confused.

"There is a passage in Plato's Symposium. The god of love in the sky is transformed by the emperor of heaven and has nothing to do with women. The god of love on the earth is very secular, but she is a woman. We praise the god of love in the sky but belittle the god of love on the ground. We think that only Love that aims to improve morality is true love, but is brave love and moral love true love?"

"Uh..." Pomona was stopped by the question.

"In the Middle Ages, the lord often went out to fight, and the house was run by the mistress, and a knight was usually arranged to guard it. No matter how the knight and the lord's wife fell in love, it was spiritual. This kind of platonic love is called court love. You Think Professor Snape looks like a knight?"

Pomona recalled the dark, greasy-haired, hook-nosed wizard who was hard to associate with the knight.

"Chivalry belongs to the age of cold weapons, while modern civilization is gentlemanly. My grandfather told me not to believe in the teachings from outsiders. It is impossible for ordinary people. My ancestors were knights. He joined the army because he was an Englishman. Nobles, the queen is recruiting soldiers, but he is terrified when he goes to the front line. He can't be brave and fearless. At the same time, he doesn't want to be a deserter, which will bring shame to the family, so his legs were blown off by shells He was happy when he was finally getting an honorable discharge, and I think that's why they hit it off, they both pretended to be brave."

Pomona sees Justin Flieri in a whole new light.

"Are you a knight too?"

"It's a pity that princesses are not so easy to find now." Justin said with a wry smile, "I think there may still be wizards in the world, am I stupid?"

"No, Hufflepuff, you did the right thing!" Pomona was instantly full of strength, "Never let anyone tell you what not to do!"

"When I heard that Professor Snape took the risk of being a double agent for a woman, I thought he was the real brave man, but it's a pity that he did it for a woman who fell in love with someone else, and she died. What is he for? He still hates Harry Potter so much, that woman's son, I can't understand this kind of person, how did he come to have such emotions, I feel disgusting if I continue to explore, I'm not obsessed His woman, I had forgotten him at first, but now I understand when I see you, his woman was kidnapped, so he was forced to take risks, am I right? "

"No! Justin, no!" She felt like denying it.

"Professor Snape is a very good male role model, but if he is doing his best for Lily Potter, it's fine. A person who can't even distinguish between illusory dreams and reality lives in the shadow of the past. I don't want to live like him That." Justin shook his head, "I will fight to the death for my love and the woman who loves me, and I won't do things that don't get paid unilaterally."

"What about guilt?"

Justin was silent, and after a long time he replied "If so, that's really sad."

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