Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 370 London Bridge is about to collapse (3)

Tower Bridge is close to the London Financial City and the New Financial City, and the luxury houses in this area stand beside the water.

St. Catherine's Wharf is the only pier in central London, and it is also a gathering place for luxury yachts. Some of those luxury yachts docked to rescue people, while others sailed along the Thames River without any plan to save people.

There is a game in casinos called roulette, which keeps turning just like the wheel of fortune. The casino has a probability advantage, and no one will do business that loses money. In these games, if players only play a few hands, they still have a chance to win, but the more they play, the bigger the loss.

Casinos are not afraid of you winning, but afraid of you not coming. The same is true for investment. If ordinary small and retail investors always try their luck and "gamble" too often, they will be eaten by predators in the financial market.

War is actually a kind of gamble. Those who don't participate in the war get nothing, and those who participate in the war can snatch everything from the losers. The Malfoy family's territory was snatched from the original owner.

Following the Death Eaters made the Malfoy family almost lose everything. Those who followed Dumbledore won the bet. The vision determines the choice, and the choice determines the fate. In this world, he can actually say the words "Ning and Youbang are not with domestic slaves".

They are also female rulers. Queen Victoria has more vision than Cixi. Cixi is as keen on repairing gardens as Queen Mary of Louis XVI. She spent money and energy in the wrong place. Pirates, the ending is bleak after a short period of glory.

If women don't care so much about material things and other people's eyes, they will live a much more comfortable life. Fleur is very happy. With her appearance, she can come and go in and out of the rich mansions in London at will, but she chooses to be with Bill. Together, live in a hut by the sea, and live a mortal life that doesn't match her gorgeous appearance at all.

Women were easily seduced, and Ginny was underage, but wanted to go to the ball, and Neville happened to be short of a partner, so the two of them went together.

But at the ball, Ginny didn't like Neville, but met Ravenclaw's Michael Corner, a black-haired young man with a talent for potions, who met him on the battlefield in Pomona.

If the underground air is not circulated, people will be suffocated. Not only the subway stations, but also the tunnels are equipped with fans. The operation of the fans makes the air in the tunnels and stations circulate and replace, so as to avoid the lack of oxygen inside the vehicles due to the large flow of people and tight seals.

When London was bombed, the subway tunnel served as an air-raid shelter. From the beginning of its design, it only had heating and ventilation fans. After the power outage, these fans stopped working.

Suffocation can kill a person in 5 minutes. When the subway was built, many shafts were dug. Except for some that later became ventilation ducts and elevator shafts, most of them were closed and abandoned. Michael is working with other Aurors to re-open the closed shafts. Ducts that blow the wind into the vents.

Ravenclaw is a wind school, and wind magic is their specialty. Who told them to live in a tower with wind on all sides like an owl.

How smart is the pretentious Ravenclaw, thinking that the stupid Hufflepuff can't do arithmetic, and the geniuses are all from their academy.

Both Penelope Clearwater who abandoned Passy and da's informant Mary belonged to Ravenclaw, and it was thanks to Miss Clearwater that Passy became so eager for quick success.

The geniuses thought that the boats that sent the freshmen across the black lake had cast some kind of spell, and they often went to the dock to study them. It was actually an ordinary boat, and the mermaids in the lake carried those boats. It's useless to dismantle it.

The students of Hufflepuff looked at the students of Ravenclaw College in vain to study those boats that had no secrets. The little eagle never paid attention to the little badger. Since they are so smart, let's guess slowly, maybe What genius would they have inspired to create new spells.

Michael Corner's reason for breaking up with Ginny is also ridiculous, because Gryffindor beat Ravenclaw in 1996, what the hell does Quidditch have to do with girls breaking up? What a clever mind, what did he think?

"I hate Ravenclaw." Pomona stopped looking at Michael Corner and continued walking through the mist.


A Muggle woman was kneeling on a street corner screaming hysterically.

She looked disheveled and embarrassed, and she looked like a tourist. She certainly didn't expect that a pleasant trip would turn into a disaster.

Pomona gave up looking for the Potions Master like she was looking for Wally in this messy and dirty ruined building. She took off the summoning ring and summoned him directly.

"Divorce if you don't show up, I'll do it!" she screamed as the green, moss-like smoke cleared.

With a barely audible sound, a stiff-faced Snape appeared, looking like it was a good thing for her to disturb him.

"Are you robbing a bank?"

"No." He suppressed his anger, gritted his teeth and said, "That's how you see me, a criminal?"

Pomona held out her arms toward him.

"What are you doing?"

"hug me!"

Severus paused for a moment and said, "Why?"

"what why?"

"Look around you." Severus motioned Pomona to look around the battlefield as if it had experienced a big bombing. "Do you think the time is right now?"

"Aurors are here. It's not your job to catch criminals, Professor." Pomona pointed her wand at Tower Bridge. "My students need help."

"I can't go." He said, looking at the thunderous doorway of the Royal Mint. "I see Marcus Flint."

Marcus likes to scare people, and what he is doing now is very scary. The hydrogen and oxygen produced by the electrolyzed snow are flooding the streets, and if it encounters a fire or an electric spark, it will ignite.

"I'm scared." Pomona felt her heart tremble when she heard the scream of the Muggle woman. "Can't you come and hug me?"

Both Lion Yard and Badger Yard are not stingy with physical contact, but Snake Yard keeps a distance from everyone. They are not the kind of "hug people".

Pomona took the initiative to walk over to him and hugged him.

It felt good to have someone to lean on at times like these, and she soon lost hearing those screams of fear.

The glass of the office building in the Financial City was also blown, and the paper was blown down from the sky like snowflakes. She listened to the heartbeat of another person, and she remembered the Christmas of the Triwizard Tournament.

The warm fireplace and black forest cake warmed her frozen heart again.

"It's twelve o'clock in the middle of the night and I want your attention, it's like alcohol, it's driving me crazy, your smell is like rum, this room is like a wine bottle, it's making me sleepless until tomorrow Help, if tonight makes any difference, that's how I'll remember how I felt."

She sang indistinctly the song she heard in the car just now, she liked the lyrics very much, it fit her mood that night very much.

"Why are you singing all of a sudden?"

"I was thinking about that night, Christmas Eve." She looked up at him, and the boy who was once shorter than him had grown much taller than her. "There was no drug or spell, it was just the right time."

There is a potion that becomes more powerful the longer it is left on, and that is the Love Potion.

amortentia, amorr (love) and tentor (seduction), love is an irresistible temptation for women, which can make smart Hermione and beautiful Fleur stay at home and do housework for a man.

Although not as heroic as Dumbledore's fall from the Astronomy Tower, it was also a sacrifice.

"I went to the Weasley's trick shop the other day and smelled the powerful love potion to make sure of one thing, whether the smell I smell has changed." Pomona smiled wryly and shook her head, "I learned this from the students, my college There is a girl in the dormitory who actually boils a love potion in the dormitory, she doesn't want to take the same medicine as Miranda Wanning, but she wants to make sure that the smell she smells has changed. "

"Then what did you smell?"

"Chocolate, ashes and mint, it's still the same as before." She sighed "I can smell the smell of ashes now, but I don't like this kind of ashes, only destruction, I like Dumbledore's Phoenix Fawkes After Nirvana The smell of ashes produced has the magic power of rebirth."

Don't dwell on the past. Death is the most misunderstood card. It represents the end of the old and the beginning of the new. Without death, nothing new will appear. Life is an endless cycle of birth and death.

"One must look forward, but don't forget yesterday. This is what Hufflepuff's manual says. I allow you to remember Lily, but you must focus on me. Also, you are not allowed to take Lily in your heart." I compare with her!"

He shook his head with a wry smile.

"You don't agree?"

"How did you come up with it?" He looked at her head with interest, as if he wanted to open it to see what was inside.

"Even if the ordinary wand is disarmed, it will still be a little loyal to the original owner. I will treat you as the wand that I captured." She reached out to touch the scar on his neck, which is similar to the boss in the story of the three brothers. The scar from the thief cutting his throat is almost "only the Elder Wand has no loyalty."

"You and Lily dueled for me?" Hook-nosed Snape smiled smugly. He must have remembered the scene of girls dueling for Sirius in the past.

He is such a person who is jealous of others being popular, and he is not popular and unwilling to compromise. He is such a disgusting bastard who is as disgusting as a thorn in his side and a thorn in his flesh.

"I hate you, Severus." She poked her waist angrily, and now Pomona wants to pull Lily's hair and fight with no image, this is the last scene Pomona wants to see " You made me the kind of person I hate the most."

"Welcome to the club." He reached out and hugged her. "I don't want to become like this for a woman."

"What kind?"

"Mortal." He said with a smile, "I don't want to be extraordinary anymore."

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