Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 372 London Bridge Is About to Collapse (V)

As long as they have seen Draco Malfoy's followers Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle, everyone will have contempt for pure blood, the product of standard inbreeding, not smart, only bullying people with brute force .

But even a fool like Crabbe can use the Fiercefire Curse. Thunder is more powerful than Fiercefire. The weapon of Zeus, the king of the gods, is thunder. Facing this kind of magic spear that can penetrate everything is the best way to dodge. A wise way, even if the lightning that is as thick as an arm is not as powerful as the one struck from the sky, it cannot be resisted by manpower.

Before paper money appeared, the gold and silver content of the coin determined its value. The currency value was directly related to the strength of the country. The silver content of the Roman Dinar silver coin was 100% when the national power was strong. In the period of the tyrant Nero, cheap silver coins were added Metals, such as lead, copper, etc., the silver content of Roman silver coins dropped from 100% to 90%.

This was just the beginning. In 117, the silver content of Roman silver coins dropped to 85%, in 211, only 50% remained, and in 238, the silver content dropped to 28%. By the time of Claudius II in 268, the silver content was only 0.02%, which was far inferior to that of Augustus.

Before the First World War, the gold content of the British pound was about 7.3 grams. After the First World War, it gradually decreased. At the end of World War II, the gold content of the British pound was 3.5 grams. The decline in national strength is obvious. The British pound is no longer an international reserve currency. To mint gold coins for other countries.

The goblin didn't want to mint gold coins for the wizard, but had to because of the armistice.

The gold gallon is full of gold and each one has a serial number, so you can find out which fairy made it, and ensure the quality passes the test.

Leprechauns produce a solid gold-like substance, but after a few hours these things disappear without a trace, Ludo Bagman fooling leprechauns with leprechaun's gold coins will of course provoke a bad temper Leprechauns, although leprechauns are known for being kind and mischievous, this kind of "joke" is not cute at all.

Pomona took out the panoramic brass telescope, a magical instrument almost designed for Quidditch, with replay, slow motion and video functions, covered with various knobs and dials.

Although she wasn't interested in Quidditch, it didn't stop her from buying one, and she saw what was going on in the field through the binoculars.

Marcus used that sword to rob a bank in the wizarding world without electricity, and would soon be subdued by goblins, but in the Muggle world, no one dared to approach him until Marcus was exhausted. He showed absolute strength, Perhaps only Voldemort and the white wizard Albus Dumbledore with the Elder Wand can stand against it.

Lightning blasted through the wall, and his accomplices apparated away after stealing the Mint's gold with a Summoning Charm, leaving Marcus in charge.

He didn't look flustered at all, instead he sneered evilly at the Aurors surrounding him, the same smile he had when he was reading.

"It's simply the big villain who deliberately let the enemy kill him." Pomona couldn't help muttering.

Marcus is as powerful as the Dark Lord, but he is too innocent compared to those villains in hypocrisy.

After the unscrupulous casting of the spell just now, the thunder light was no longer so terrifying, and the Aurors gradually approached, and Oliver Wood was the closest to the ground.

The two Quidditch captains, Gryffindor and Slytherin, had both given up the sport, and it was ill-fated to meet on this occasion.

The shield created by Wood with the transfiguration technique approached Marcus a little bit, and the lightning that opened its teeth and claws like a monster in the deep sea suddenly concentrated on Wood. If Oliver didn't avoid him, there would be nothing left of him. In an instant, a black shadow flashed, and then Oliver disappeared. That thunderbolt hit the brass lion at the entrance of the Royal Mint, and the hollow bronze statue exploded at once. The Aurors were all wounded.

Pomona looked for Oliver again like she was looking for Wally, but she gave up after searching for a while, and turned her attention to Marcus. Oliver led nearly ten Aurors to attack Marcus together.

With the athletic talent of the athlete, Marcus escaped those curses of various colors.

Looking at Marcus's distressed appearance, Pomona shook her head, "It's so sad, there is no beauty."

Fortunately, his accomplices did not completely abandon him, and the two Nifflers filled with gold nuggets fell back to block the curse for him. After he stabilized his position, Marcus began to show his power again, and the branch-shaped lightning rushed towards him again. the crowd.

Oliver Wood appears on a broomstick from nowhere, nimbly flying through the gaps of lightning in what appears to be a thrilling air show.

Seeing that Oliver was about to get close to Marcus, a night caller member threw a large handful of Peruvian invisibility smoke on the ground, and as a large cloud of purple-blue smoke spread out, everyone standing there just now disappeared. trace.

"Oh, Arthur." Pomona let out a scream, she almost saw tomorrow, no, it was people from Auror's office who came to his house to question Weasley's trick shop tonight.

Patsy didn't have the overly Muggle-loving kindness of his father Arthur, he was a simple power-hungry man who cared about his family, and he'd get along with someone from the Enforcement Department.

Arthur has not been promoted for so many years, not just because he is a pure-blood traitor, but because he is really not capable enough, he has always been like a child.

"Don't let them run away!" A female Auror yelled, and a hemispherical defensive formation quickly formed.

Normal people's thinking is that they will apparate at this time, and the Auror's defensive spell has the flash of the anti-apparition spell, but if Marcus is also carrying a work of goblins, he can't apparate away.

The wizard scolded people, saying that the other party looked like a goblin, and the goblin called the wizard a thief.

Gryffindor's sword always appears from the sorting hat. The sword and scabbard are a set. Dumbledore's gloves are a pair of portkeys. Grabbing one of the gloves can teleport to another location.

Harry took the goblin Griphook, and Griphook held the sword of Gryffindor to apparate. The magic of goblins, house elves, leprechauns and humans is a bit different. This rule cannot be broken. Who will keep the secret? Leaking to the enemy is a "traitor". The white wizard has been studying the alchemy of goblins, and Severus is his direct disciple, so that he can almost perfectly replicate the exact same Gryffindor sword.

A corner of the defensive array suddenly started to burn violently, and everyone looked there. There was a glass bottle on the ground, and the silver-white liquid kept surging, and it looked as if it would come out of the bottle at any time.

At the same time, a hole was torn in the other direction, silently, in line with someone's usual style, someone immediately shouted that the human form appeared, and the others followed suit, followed by a crisp "pop", and a test tube shattered Suddenly, a cloud of flashing blue liquid rose up, and everyone in the defensive formation remained motionless as if they had been petrified.

That's when the Revealing Charm kicked in, and Severus rushed Marcus through the opening, like the Dean taking an injured Quidditch player to the infirmary.

Pomona looked at Oliver Wood who was riding on a broomstick. He looked down at the people on the ground, and his expression looked extremely complicated.

This potion can erase a person's memory for an hour, and everyone in this area, including wizards, will not remember what they did within an hour. But Oliver Wood's memory will not be erased by that potion. Only Oliver Wood can expose Marcus and destroy his life.

It would be great if everyone could stay in their school days.

Pomona put away the brass telescope.

After playing around, the next step is to clean up the scene. It will be more troublesome to clean up the mess as much as you have fun. Now is the time for the housewife to play.

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