"My dad said you should wear bright colored clothes at the wedding, so you can win the prize." Luna said while looking down at the road under her feet. Dad danced with me all the time, I don't know if you've heard of it, when Triwizard Tournament Durhamstrang player Victor Krum also came, it's because of him that I know daddy wears around his neck What does the logo represent."

The Peverell logo is also the logo of Grindelwald. Because of the rise of Voldemort, many people no longer know the person who once set off a frenzy all over the world. Like an outdated rock idol, only a small number of war victims still remember what it represents What is it.

Luna's father, Xenophilius, seems to be a very cheerful person. Pomona thought he was looking for the Deathly Hallows out of curiosity, but she didn't expect him to be for this reason.

"Have you talked to Professor Longbottom about your father?" Pomona said with a strange face, as if she had eaten a strange-flavored Bibi multi-flavored bean.

"He seems very busy, and I don't want to bother him with little things." Luna smiled and said, "I heard that he is very close to Hannah Albert now. They met at a wedding dance."

Pomona looked up at the sky. Fortunately, there were no dark clouds in the sky, and there were many tall trees covering her, so she didn't have to worry about being struck to death by lightning.

"She is also wearing a yellow dress. I believe she can bring good luck to everyone."

"Oh, Luna." Pomona felt extremely guilty. She once complained that the blond girl didn't think about letting Harry ride a Thestral to the Ministry of Magic in London.

It was Harry who made the wrong judgment. Harry needed help at the time, and Luna provided it. A bad leader like Fudge will bring disaster to many people, and Sirius is the direct victim.

"You don't need to feel sorry for me, actually I think I'm starting to get lucky too, I think it's the yellow dress, it did bring me some good luck, it's just that Fleur's wedding is a pity, maybe we should give She makes a replacement."

Fleur's wedding was ruined by Death Eaters, and thanks to Kingsley's reminder, most of them were able to Apparate and leave early.

"I don't think she needs it. That's a special memory." Pomona recalled her wedding, but she didn't think about the beautiful picture of dancing with the groom at the wedding.

Yes, they were married and legally married, but the early departure of the bride and groom would be embarrassing to the guests, and they are not young anymore.

Justin Falleri told her that Plato's friend said at a banquet that a long time ago, the human body was a spherical ball, and each person had four hands, four legs, two bodies and two heads, They went in opposite directions, this kind of person was very powerful, so the gods invited Zeus to split the person in half, like cutting an apple, half became a woman, and half became a man. People who have been split in half are magnetic, and when they see each other, they can't help but want to put them together again and become a whole.

It's a wild story, but Pomona likes the metaphor of that man, it's terrible to be missing the other half of her body, Fred, one of the Weasley twins, is gone, but Pomona thinks George doesn't Will want to revive him.

George had a son named Fred, Angelina and parents to take care of, and he didn't need a brother who was always in trouble for him.

"Weasley is our king, Weasley is our king, never put the ball in the goal, Weasley is our king..."

Luna started whining, singing the very song "Weasley Is Our King", an adaptation of Gryffindor.

"Did Ron Weasley take part in the operation?" Pomona said with a smile in a good mood.

Poor Ron, his worst fear is spiders, and if he did he'd probably do as badly as Quidditch.

"He participated, but he stayed in the tent of the headquarters and couldn't come out. Justin Fanglieli's grandfather, a Muggle who was as lame as the evil eye Moody, always taunted him and kept scolding him. It's a kitten."

Pomona felt that Justin's grandfather, the World War II veteran, would never be so polite in swearing. But Ron should be more afraid of spiders than being scolded. Just thinking about his frightened face and the way "spider, spider" muttered in a low voice made her feel better.

"That little Weasley fool, he can't block a ball, Slytherin sings, Weasley is our king..."

Pomona also began to sing "Weasley is our king", which was the original version of Slytherin. Slytherin College inherited the dean's style in terms of weakening the enemy's confidence through cruel ridicule. It's quite creative. The hair color of Harry and Ron is like a Bludger, and the other is like a Quaffle, and both of them are solid inside, just like what they call the difference between a ghost and a ghost. Six years of magic education It was all wasted on them.

When passing by a big tree, Luna and Pomona saw thestrals, they are generally only on the outskirts of the forest farm, and they will not enter the depths of the forbidden forest at will, they are domesticated magical animals, and they cannot be separated from humans. Lived alone in the wild.

"Okay, this area is relatively safe. You can wait for someone to form a team. It is not safe to enter the Forbidden Forest alone." Luna took out a parchment scroll from a messenger bag embroidered with airship Lee. "This is the registration form." , you can write the names of the team members on it. The number of team members cannot exceed 7. We score according to the logarithm of spider claws. The larger the spider claws, the higher the score, and the smaller the spider claws, the lower the score. There are eight eyes You can collect spider venom for your own use, or you can exchange it with us. There are various tents next to the headquarters, including potions, food, tent hotels, and owl post offices. If you want to settle with gold coins, you have to wait until after the game. You can walk through the Forbidden Forest path, which is the dividing line between us and Slytherin, and their prey cannot be counted in our results."

"How do you know the spiders I hunt are poached from next door?"

"Secret." Luna said mysteriously, and then bounced away, looking like a rabbit.

Pomona looked at Luna's back and sighed. She was so stupid that she wanted to match Theodore Not and Luna Lovegood as a pair, after all, they were both "rabbits".

Although the butterbeer-covered necklace and carrot earrings are gone, Zeppelin Lee is still there.

"Hey, Luna Lovegood!" Pomona called to her before she could run away. "Do you know why nobody paddles on Black Lake?"

Luna shook her head vigorously.

"It's a secret!" said Hufflepuff's dean maliciously, and turned away.

Stirring Ravenclaws' curiosity without telling them the truth, that's how Hufflepuff's fools deal with pretentious geniuses.

After years of hard work, the mermaids in the Black Lake have a good relationship with humans now, but there is a giant squid living in the lake. When Snape, the potion professor, was 21 years old, he wanted to secretly find Slytherin's secret room by himself, from the potion. The gargoyle in the classroom sneaked into the underwater secret passage, and finally met it, and escaped after a narrow escape.

Every freshman is like food that slips away from the mouth of a sea monster. The bottom of the black lake is very dangerous. It is really lucky that the contestants of the Triwizard Tournament and the rescued hostages can come back alive.

Pomona took off the summoning ring after walking to the clearing at the edge of the forest.

It was lunch time, and whatever happened later needed to eat, and Hufflepuff was the best at taking care of magical animals and plants.

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