Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 385 Eyes of the Salamander

The McMillan family was only pure blood nine generations ago. The Potter family had a longer history than them and still could not be regarded as a twenty-eight pure blood family. Who made Henry Potter stand on the wrong team at a critical moment.

Hufflepuff College is notorious for its large number of people, and it is also famous for being timid and fearful. When the Chamber of Secrets incident happened, the students of Hufflepuff were terrified and discussed who was the "murderer" all day long.

Justin Faller was a Muggle born and Ernie kept him in his dorm room after the attack started, look at that Harry Potter with the nice green eyes, he looks like a killer ? There is a kind of anger that you want to yell but can't yell, so you can only bear it in your heart. Pomona was so angry that she wanted to yell. Fortunately, Hermione was also attacked later, and the misunderstanding was resolved. Ernie and Justin worked together with Harry and Ron to take care of the Abyssinian shrunken figs.

Different parts of a plant used in potions have different effects. The purple liquid produced after peeling the fig fruit can be used to make a potion of shrinking body, and the root of the tree is used to make a potion of hair erection. The root of valerian is used to make Living Hell Potion, and the twigs are used to make Potion of Oblivion.

The time when the herb is picked also determines whether it has magical powers. The sap grass must be picked during the full moon before it can be used to make compound soup.

If a person dies before the effect of Polyjuice Potion wears off, as Mrs. Crouch did, then the person will remain transformed and not return to their original form. Severus killed a Death Eater to fake death, not Burying a person alive, as Minerva thought, each professor has his own specialization, and it is impossible for Severus to figure out the Animagus.

Unlike Draco Malfoy, he is a murderer, although his Patronus is a harmless fawn.

It’s easy when it’s time to kill others, but it’s scary when it’s your turn to die. Such people are not uncommon. There was a famous assassin in Chinese history, Jing Ke. At that time, he and another person named Qin Wuyang were responsible for assassinating Qin Shihuang. Wu Yang is the kind of person who looks very powerful and domineering at ordinary times, but at the critical moment he can't be relied on, and instead he wants Jing Ke as his assistant to carry out the task.

Severus was the kind of guy who got things right, whether that thing was right or wrong, and a single dose of Polyjuice Potion would last anywhere from 10 minutes to 12 hours, depending on how the magic was made. the quality of the medicine. Not only can he make a 12-hour long-acting compound decoction, but he can even control the time when the deformation effect disappears. It is really a waste for such a talented person to waste energy on love between men and women.

When he's alone with the Dark Lord, Severus could actually try to kill, Dorcas Meadows did it, a brave man deserves his own hands, but it takes incredible guts to do that, Severus Adams wasn't brave enough to be that brave, he was just a mortal.

The smarter people are, the more serious their mistakes will be. But if there are too many fools, collectively making wrong judgments, quantitative changes will still undergo qualitative changes, resulting in irreversible results.

Albus Dumbledore chose to sacrifice himself in this war of the minority against the majority. Not everyone can be as selfless as him, disregarding himself and his family for the greater good.

Human beings long to love and be loved. Credence, who possesses powerful magic power, grew up in an environment that lacks love, so he especially longs for the warmth of his family. His adoptive mother, Mary, is from Second Salem. Tina found out that she was beating Credence while investigating the anti-witchcraft association. It is illegal for wizards to abuse Muggles, so what about Muggles abusing little wizards?

In the face of Muggle issues, wizards are put on invisible shackles, and even the power of self-protection is not allowed. The daughter is bullied by Muggles, and the father can only endure it. If he seeks revenge from Muggles, he will be arrested. Azkaban, how fair is this sentence?

Even if wizards don't get in touch with Muggles, Muggles will find ways to find wizards. Arianna doesn't get in the way of anyone. She plants flowers in the garden of her home. She is spotted by peeping Muggle boys and they break into other people's homes. What is the difference between this kind of behavior and the murder of a robber.

What they wanted to kill was a person, not a pet dog. Pomona didn't know how the parents of these three children taught them, and they didn't even have the basic ability to distinguish right from wrong. Wizarding laws can't punish them, and Muggle laws can't do anything about minors, and these three bad guys don't know what harm they can do when they grow up.

Albus never mentioned his father and sister to her, all Pomona knew was from the newspapers, or Mrs Sprout told her, she thought she knew about Grindelwald and Albus Deng Bullido already knew more than the average person that he was a friend, and it didn't occur to him that Albus had something to hide from her.

Knowing how the Muggles treated Arianna, it was difficult for her to be friendly to them. Not everyone is like Albus, who can choose to forgive for the sake of the overall situation.

Those three children crossed the bottom line of human nature. Are they still human? Or are you going to use the excuse that they're just kids again? In this case, murderers must hope that they will never grow up, and they can use this excuse to kill and escape guilt forever.

Hogsmeade had no place to stay, so Pomona went to the Shrieking Shack, where she felt that Remus, Sirius, and James were all there, and she felt better just being away from the crowd.

Goats are easier to deal with than people, and Pomona wants to depend on goats like Aberforth and Zygmuntbach.


While Pomona was staring at the travel kettle in a daze, Hermione's cat Crookshanks appeared.

In fact, this is quite good. Women live with pets such as cats or dogs. They are so pure that they can go away. They work and earn their own living. They don't get married and don't have children. As for a country with no population in the future, what to do when the tax and military resources are exhausted is a question for the big man to consider. How can a little girl consider such a big matter.

The earth will rotate if there are humans, and it will rotate without humans. Even if great people like Queen Victoria and Emperor Wu of Han died, the earth would not be destroyed.

"Come here." Pomona waved to Crookshanks, and the half-breed cat raccoon jumped into her arms very spiritually.

Holding this fluffy and warm little thing, Pomona felt the warmth, and she let out a long and comfortable sigh.

"You are really a good cat, Cruxanne, and you will show up when you know someone needs company." Pomona said while smoothing its fur, "Thank you for being with Sirius. I will introduce you someday." How's the Scamander cat?"

Cruxan did not answer, of course, but it purred comfortably, as if in tacit agreement.

"Newt said that Tina had salamander eyes, and I think what he was trying to convey was that Tina's eyes have healing and rejuvenating powers," said Pomona sweetly, who loves Tina and Newts The way Kamander gets along, and those magical animals, it's really great to have something that can be protected with love.

"The Devil's Foot in Sherlock Holmes is a tragedy. Because of one person's greed, three people died and two went crazy, just for a basket of gold coins. What's the use of keeping the money when the person is gone? Are you right? Crookshanks?"

Crookshanks still ignored her, and now Pomona felt that Severus was better than cats, he could speak human language, and he could express a different opinion on the story than hers.

When Newt was in school, he built a small zoo in an empty classroom, which attracted a lonely Leta, and the two accompanied each other through their teenage years.

"Loneliness cannot be overcome by one person." Pomona whispered, she missed the Slytherin boy in the Forbidden Forest who put peppermint in her palm, but unfortunately he can only exist in her memory .

How carefree they were at that time, all because of the protection of an old man with a white beard.

She hugged Crookshanks and leaned into the arms of an old wizard in a purple star robe. She couldn't tell whether it was a ghost or a hallucination, but she felt very safe anyway.

Hogwarts is indeed the safest place in the world.

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