Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 389 The Godfather's Glory

Children are like small animals, their behavior is out of control, and parents need to teach them how to control their words and deeds, especially the kind of children who have power, it is better to teach them correctly than to warn them not to use them. In the Middle Ages, little wizards for To hide oneself and prevent Muggles from discovering, the probability of appearing silently is much higher than in modern times.

Blindly prohibiting some issues will have the opposite effect. The deeper the suppression, the greater the power of release. Wizards are cautious when dealing with silence, let alone Muggle parents. The more you want your child to behave "normally", he will tend to develop to the other extreme, but Muggles have no solution, which often leads to tragedy in the end.

The werewolf loses its sanity after transforming, and any creature that gets close to it will attack. Glop is still a giant even if he is a relatively small giant. He can grab a human with a light grasp and throw it into his mouth like eating candy.

His behavior needs to be controlled, and persuasion is useless. His IQ is not high, and he can only remember the lesson by whipping like a beast.

The giant's high magic resistance makes Grapp a good target for spell attacks, and even black magic can do limited damage to him.

The line between abuse and teaching is blurred. A bad one can leave wounds that cannot heal. Being a strict mother is much harder than being a gentle and pampering mother. A strict mother can become the bad guy in the family.

Walburga's love was hidden so deep that Sirius didn't notice that her portrait was the same as the portrait of the fat lady at the entrance to the Gryffindor lounge, and no one wondered why she pasted her soul on that portrait superior.

She was waiting for her missing son Regulus to come home, and Regulus told Krich not to tell others what happened in the cave, Narcissa chased him to ask Regulus' whereabouts, everyone They were all crazy about that kid.

Regulus was only one year younger than Sirius, and although he was Slytherin's Seeker, he had always lived in Sirius' shadow at school.

Outside the school, because of Bella's "help", everyone reminded Sirius how much better Regulus was than him. When the Dark Mark was branded on his arm, the family praised him as a brave little hero who made it hard for everyone for her "Dark Lord" Bella, who shamed her husband and brought shame on her immediate family. The discord in the family, the severance of the Black family has a direct relationship with her, she was too free to be indulged by the Dark Lord.

"I hate this." Pomona sat on the ground with her knees folded and looked at the clearing, as if the giant child sitting on the ground playing with the bicycle bell was still there.

Severus didn't pay attention to what she said, he kissed her neck, enjoying the warmth from the human heater.

Girls like mature men older than themselves may be derived from the Electra complex, while boys' Oedipus complex is much more complicated.

When a person is still weak, he will feel dependent on someone who can protect him, and it is often the mother who takes on this role. As we grow older, this kind of Oedipus will gradually disappear, but it will still affect some behaviors of men.

Erin was so focused on Tobias that she neglected her son, that attachment shifted to her as Severus was filled in Pomona.

It never occurred to Pomona that Sirius would notice her, that was Sirius Black, the prince of princes, the man many girls fantasized about dating.

It takes courage to go out with Sirius, and Pomona thinks she can't be as brave as Ginny. After confirming the relationship with Harry, Harry left the school to destroy the Horcrux, and Ginny was secretly slandered and even bullied by the girls at school. Oh, and Pomona was the headmaster by then, and she had power, so she could stop those girls bullying Ginny.

But when she was a student, she didn't dare to approach Sirius no matter what. She and the predators only dared to meet at night, so they gave her the nickname Knox.

Pomona still thought that Severus had made a mistake. She could fantasize about going to the ball with Prince Sirius Black as a couple, but she couldn't accept him condescending to fall in love with an ordinary girl.

As for Snape, before the Battle of Hogwarts and Harry Potter clarified him, no one noticed his kindness. No one wants the garbage, only she can hear the sweet voice.

The dead Lily is the goddess of love in the sky, and the living Pomona can't win her in her life, but there are many gods of love on the ground.

As a Hufflepuff, Pomona hates confrontation with others. She doesn't really value those things when other colleges compete for the Quidditch Cup and House Cup. As long as she doesn't compete for the first place, she doesn't have to offend anyone. There will be more friendly people to get along with.

Compared with Quidditch, doing housework for fun is also entertainment. During the Triwizard Tournament, she would work like a princess in a Muggle cartoon, singing and working with the house-elf.

Half of Hufflepuff's lounge is underground, and the second floor is on the ground. From the window, you can see a piece of green grass and dandelions. The singing plant specimens make music flow in the lounge all the time, and the glowing plants and fireflies at night Let the rest room be hung with colorful lights like a festival. The Dumbo Badgers party almost every day, right next door to the never-ending kitchen.

Neville was much happier in Hufflepuff than in Gryffindor, and although he danced clumsily, it was better than being invisible in Gryffindor.

He was not good at Quidditch, his grades were not good, and he was not very good-looking. It was really hard for Pomona to believe that the Squib of the Longbottom family would be the savior, but he was born in July like Harry.

The Forbidden Forest was very quiet, as if he could even hear Xueluo's voice, but Gropp was actually very lonely, even if she used magic to teach him a lesson, he would think that he had done something wrong.

A giant's stomach is a bottomless pit, after supplying him with leftovers for a while, even the house elves complained that Hogwarts couldn't afford a giant, he needed to forage in the forbidden forest by himself, and once he was very hungry He ran to a Muggle town not far away. Fortunately, he remembered that people should not be eaten, otherwise people would die.

If only the giants could support themselves and farm the land like humans, they are very strong. Power doesn't necessarily have to be used only for fighting. If they have stable food, they won't be drawn in by human interests, and eventually the genocide will be almost wiped out.

"What did Barty Crouch Jr. do in the Death Eaters besides tormenting the Longbottoms?" she asked the dark wizard who didn't know what was going on in his head and seemed out of his mind.

"A lot of people wear masks when they attend the party, and I don't know who it is." His hand stroked her body, and the black robes of the two entangled made a rustling sound. "I heard that he was imprisoned in Sirius Black. In the next cell, I was so scared that I called my mother every day."

"That's not him."

"It's him, senior sister. He and his mother switched identities just before their execution. Old Batty is the most likely person to become the Minister of Magic. He always enjoys a little bit of privilege." He whispered in her ear "It was the fault of old Barty Crouch, who supported the Dark Lord's supporters with such harsh measures that he forced the Death Eaters to have no choice but to kidnap his son. If old Barty really understood his Children should know that Barty Jr. actually doesn’t want to be a good boy at all, let alone live in the shadow of his father. He was only 19 years old when he executed the first execution. Barty Sr. really did it, he didn’t know Are there many people who can't survive for a month and go crazy in Azkaban?"

He hugged her tightly, trembling all over his body, "I'm scared, senior sister, I don't want to die like that, every day I have nightmares, until you appear, sometimes I think you are a hallucination produced by my delusion, you don't even never existed."

"Old Barty loves little Barty. He is such a ruthless person that he hides it for little Barty. Parents are willing to do anything for the child, including dying for him." Pomona hugged his arm, "I am very happy." Sorry for ignoring you."

"You had work to do back then, didn't you? Busy deleting other people's memories." He said sarcastically, "Old Barty Crouch died for his career, his wife and children died, and his reputation was gone. He and Abu Si is a person all the way, what did Vidocleon say, a man who doesn’t take care of his family is not a man at all, which one of us do you think is wrong now?”

"You're making trouble for no reason." She said angrily, "You made a wrong choice, so blame me."

He took a cigarette from the silver case, lit it, and smoked it like a hooligan, the red sparks flashing red like the taillights of a car.

"Smoking is a bad habit, do you want to correct me?"

Pomona snatched the cigarette from him without extinguishing it.

"Ahem." The first time she tried smoking, she coughed continuously, and she coughed up tears.

"I don't like this." She handed him the cigarette back.

He took a long drag on his cigarette so maliciously that he spewed choking smoke into her face.

"I want to watch a movie, I'll go tomorrow."

"Well, whatever you want," said Pomona resignedly, and that's when a fool would ask him about his work.

"Do you think I'm a man or a child now?"

Pomona said nothing.

"Answer my question," he asked furiously.

"Man, sir." She replied reluctantly, the fawn exuding a tough and majestic aura twisted its thin lips, as if trying to hide its smug smile, and when the cigarette was finished, he threw it into the snow casually Throwing it, grabbing her chin and turning her to face him, letting the bitter taste of tobacco fill her mouth.

"In the sinister era, you have to use sinister methods to live longer. Every time I see Sirius Black and Draco Malfoy crying, I think they are disgusting. I want to fight for what I want. Really A worthless coward."

Pomona wanted to scratch the face of the Slytherin in front of her, he said deadpan.

"The Elder Wand, I don't know what's wrong with it, it chose Draco instead of me, Kritch said that Regulus left the night with the Elder Wand and the Slytherin Locket Yes, how did it get into Albus' hands?"

"Call him Mr. Headmaster, Professor Snape!" Pomona said in a cold voice.

"I'm also the principal, Pomona, and I'm equal to him now, don't you white wizards believe in this the most?" The old Slytherin bat sneered, "Fate is inherently unfair, and it's hard to admit it." is it hard?"

"Then you still complain that the Elder Wand didn't choose you!"

"Where did you hear me complain about it? I was asking how the Elder Wand got from Regulus to Albus." He looked at her with unfathomable eyes. Is Richie plotting something again?"

"Why? Severus, why are you always so hated?"

Pomona yelled hysterically.

"Do you want to curse me?" He grabbed a handful of snow, threw it directly at her face, and ran away.

"Stop, Severus Snape!" Pomona drew out her wand and ran after him.

She wouldn't be so stupid as to cast a jinx on him, and his rebound spell was so strong that it was almost the same as the skin of a giant.

She couldn't run after a while, and as she gasped for breath, he smiled mockingly at her from the darkness ahead.

"Wait and see!" Pomona shook her fist at him. "I'll teach you a lesson sooner or later!"

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