"Professor McGonagall is a very responsible person, but as far as a headmaster is concerned, she is still a bit short. The school trustees have been trying to find someone to replace her."

Walking through the fog-filled Forbidden Forest, in this terrifying atmosphere Neville seemed to think that chatting can make people emboldened, and Severus walked quickly ahead in silence, without making any comments on the conversation between the two of them.

"Is that so? That's why you insist on not letting the Ministry interfere?" Pomona said with a smirk.

"There are many good things in the Forbidden Forest. At first we were short of manpower, but later we found that there were too many people. Everyone came for the wealth in the Forbidden Forest." Neville pursed his lips and said, "The unicorns are on the move. They were brought back to Hogwarts by Professor Graplan before the start, and we don't want any accidents with them."

"No one is stupid enough to drink their blood." Pomona said with a curled lip.

"There are also animal horns and hairs. Those are valuable items. Originally, this operation was expected to last for a week, but Hermione wanted to shorten it to four days."

The spiders seemed to be heading in one general direction, crawling along the broken branches and rustling among the leaves. The stars overhead were no longer visible, and there were no trails for wild beasts to walk on, and brambles and low-hanging branches made it difficult for them to walk.

"Shut up, we're very close to them." Severus whispered, at this moment they didn't dare to use fluorescent flashes, because they sneaked in to negotiate with Mossag, if other spiders knew their intentions, Then the plan cannot be implemented.

Mosag divided the huge family formed with Aragog into six. Martha was the "eldest daughter" and the smartest first. Her younger sisters had no wisdom at all except for their size. The eight-eyed spiders that formed an alliance with the Death Eaters in the Battle of Woz belonged to one of the tribes. They couldn't tell who was the Death Eaters and who was the Order of the Phoenix, and they attacked indiscriminately.

According to the information provided by Martha, the cave occupied by the basilisk Aragon is just one of the spiders' lairs, and the largest lair is in a valley.

If human beings do not intend to implement the peace agreement with Martha, then Martha's behavior of betraying the same kind will not save her tribe, and the seemingly clever peace talks will lead to disaster.

But Pomona intends to abide by the agreement with Martha, only when people understand the dangers in the dark forest, no one will trespass into the forbidden forest for profit, and these spiders have fulfilled their original duty of "protecting wizard property". .

"Aren't we going to use invisibility?" Neville asked in a low voice.

"It's useless, they were made to prevent thieves." Pomona said coldly, "Follow Neville closely."

Severus deftly shuttled through the dense forest. He didn't look like the kind of nerd with good grades but slow skills. Pomona and Neville were also frequent haunts in the forest, and they could barely keep up with him. Neville would even sometimes help the poor old professor across those wide gullies.

The so-called idiots are people like Severus, and now is the time to be chivalrous. But for the sake of him concentrating on exploring the way, Pomona decided to swallow her complaints.

As they went around a great oak tree, it thinned out, and through the mist the stars in the sky could be seen. The eight-eyed spider's nests were all built on a piece of bare ground. The trees in this valley were emptied, and spider webs like white gauze were everywhere.

"Da da da da"

There was the sound of spiders waving their pincers everywhere, and those carriage-sized spiders crawled densely on the web, and Pomona's goose bumps all over her body.

There is a very huge spider lying in the center of the web. It looks a bit old. Its black body is mixed with gray. There is a red pattern on its belly. There are web pocket-like attachments on its back. It contained what looked like spider eggs.

"Here we are." Severus turned to Neville and said, "Go and negotiate with her, Longbottom."

Look at how easy it was for him to say it, as if Neville could walk straight up to Mossag in a fair manner, chat with her and leave.

"What's the difference between Neville just passing by and the meat delivered to your door?" Pomona said in a low voice.

"It's a clever idea he came up with, and of course he's responsible for implementing it himself." Severus looked at Neville coldly with those evil eyes. "There's a big gap between imagination and reality, isn't it? Longbottom."

"My God." Pomona groaned in pain.

As a teacher, Severus was definitely a nightmare. If it wasn't for his strength, it would have been unknown how many people would have shot him to death like a spider.

Neville didn't listen to Severus' sarcasm, but stared at the huge female spider in a daze.

"Can we get a little closer?" Neville said, staring at Severus.

"What do you want?" Severus asked.

"I want to use the Flying Curse to summon the things on her back, and Mosag will come and fetch them himself."

"Then what if she doesn't come to fetch it?"

"At least take the risk."

Pomona immediately used Silence on Neville, and she was stopped by Severus when she was about to use one on herself.

"Stay here!"


"If there is an accident, you can help us distract. Don't think that you are safe if you stay here alone." He said coldly, "Be careful around, don't lose your vigilance."

She immediately gave in.

Immediately afterwards, Severus and Neville left the thornbush where they were hiding, and stalked in the dark.

At the same time, Pomona took out her flannel bag.

The easiest way to deal with spiders is fire. Once the spider web is burned with fire, there is no hiding place. In the past, she had to worry that the fire would spread to the entire forest. Now that the open valley has been cleared, she has nothing to worry about.

The most worrying thing about using plant magic on a large scale is being emptied of your own magic power by plants. She has used it once in the rock pit just now, and this time she dare not use it without restraint. She still needs to reserve some magic power at critical moments Apparate.

The soil here is much more fertile than the rock pit just now, and the devil's net is also stronger than the previous one, but the range is not as wide as it is. When she felt that it could not support it with the growth-stimulating curse, she gave up and continued to expand.

Her purpose was to divert attention, not to wipe out all the spiders in the valley, and then she turned her gaze to Mossag, who was still lying motionless on the spider web, and seemed to be asleep.

Spiders are also sentient and trustworthy. Aragog ran to Hagrid's side for help when he was dying, and told his children not to hurt Hagrid.

In a sinister era, only sinister ways can be used to live longer. If Mosag does not want to be eaten by her hungry children, she has to make a choice, whether to sacrifice those children or sacrifice herself.

Maternal love is great, but does Black Widow have maternal love?

Mrs. Zabini is a black widow. Her seven husbands rarely died well, but she became richer and richer.

The same sex is the most sober when looking at the same sex. Mrs. Zabini looks like a natural stunner, harassing, gorgeous, and charming. When dealing with people, she is kind, kind, and often participates in charity. spider.

Men have nothing to rely on but their brains, and those who like to go around Mrs. Zabini are like male spiders around a female spider, always trying their luck.

No matter who Blaise's father is, he must be Mrs. Blaise's own son. Pomona is curious whether Mrs. Zabini, the black widow of Blaise, will sacrifice herself because of maternal love.

Pomona's thoughts were interrupted by the sudden burst of rustling, the large swathes of black on the web began to shake, the largest redback spider moved slowly in one direction, and those who blocked her way The spiders all moved out of the way to avoid blocking her progress.

She raised her head and looked around, and there were three spiders falling down the spider silk, and she set them ablaze with fireball without hesitation.

The rest of the spiders sensed the movement here, and ran towards her one after another. When passing by the devil's web, the black vines suddenly trapped the spider.

If it weren't for the large number of bugs, these devil nets would be enough to kill them all, but the defense line formed by the devil nets was finally overwhelmed by the sea of ​​insects.

She raised her magic wand high, and whipped a burning match like a whip to the spiders who dared to approach her. After being whipped, they flew backwards for a long distance, and were soon overwhelmed by their own kind, and it was unknown whether they were eaten.

The spiders were approaching her inch by inch, and she even heard rustling behind her.

"I'm leaving!" Pomona yelled, and then she used the last bit of magic to Apparate and returned to the edge of the forest farm. Hagrid's cabin was not far away, and the room was lit with orange lights. Very warm.

Not long after, Severus and Neville also appeared, their bodies covered in spider silk.

"How was the talk?" Pomona asked after readjusting her breathing.

"I don't know." Severus shook his hand away from Neville's arm as if dropping a hot soldering iron. "Is that female spider like your grandma, Longbottom?"

"Don't answer that question," Pomona kindly reminded Neville.

Neville stood up staggeringly, his face was pale, but at least he didn't throw up like Ron, which was congratulations.

"Thank you," Neville said bravely to Severus.

"Are you expecting me to say you're welcome?" Snape's tone seemed to say that if Neville had this idea, he would be daydreaming, and it would never come true.

"No, I just think I should thank you." Neville said blankly, "Thank you for everything you have done for Hogwarts, Headmaster."

Severus tugged at his robes, pulling Pomona toward the conservatory rather than tenderly.

"Everything will be fine, Neville!" Pomona yelled at him while turning her head, "Come on!"

"Come on!" Neville raised his fist and said resolutely, then turned around and walked towards the Forbidden Forest with firm and brisk steps.

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