Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 40 The Power of Rejection

If you are lucky enough to be a child of a special kind of family, you will never be as careless as a normal child, just like some people like to eat candy and crumpled it up after peeling off the wrapper, while others I will carefully unfold and collect it. This habit has been integrated into my daily life.

Pete's mother works in St. Mungo's and rarely goes home. Every time she comes back, she and Pete's parent-child communication is shopping. She has to buy a lot of clothes, but she doesn't have many clothes at home. Where do those clothes go? up?

Only those who need multiple identities need to pretend. Susan once said that she wanted to drink Polyjuice Potion and become a boy playing Quidditch. If Pete’s mother drank Polyjuice Potion like her, she could play all kinds of body types. women, and these women all need clothes, and the house they live in may be one of the secret strongholds of some organization, but Pomona doesn't know what Mrs. Sprout and Professor McGonagall said about "one of us" An' does not matter.

The population of wizards is small, and they will become familiar faces after a long time. The best way is to steal their faces from Muggles. Maybe those Death Eaters are not torturing Muggles for fun, but because some wizards borrowed their faces, so they eat them. The Dead Apostles tortured them to extract a confession.

It feels unlucky to be involved in a war that has nothing to do with you for no reason. The so-called war will only feel good when it ends. Those who hope to gain fame, status and even power through war will drag everyone to hell. But in some people's eyes, he is a hero.

Albus Dumbledore, the new headmaster of Hogwarts has a phoenix as a pet, a phoenix! A phoenix!!! That animal is rarer than a unicorn! Where the hell did he get a phoenix As a pet, thinking of his twisted long nose, Pomona inexplicably felt relieved, no matter who did it, that punch was really beautiful, and that person should be awarded an Order of Merlin.

Pomona had never wanted to punch an old man more than she did now. Generally speaking, the old man represents the weak, and it is too disrespectful to bully an old man, but unlike Muggles, the older a wizard is, the stronger he is, so the idea of ​​beating Dumbledore is just like her wanting to keep him in captivity. Like many talented and beautiful young heroes, they can only exist in fantasy. If she has the courage to implement it, she will definitely ask for trouble.

The phoenix is ​​also known as the phoenix, the damned bird will be reborn after death, and then it will make reptile-hating calls again and again. It and the basilisk are natural enemies.

Basilisks do not arise naturally, and the first recorded basilisk was bred by "Herpo the Vile," a Greek dark wizard who spoke a Parseltongue. Basilisk is not an ancient language, but a language invented by Haierbo in order to control it. Since the Middle Ages, creating basilisks has been considered illegal, but this behavior is easy to hide. There is such a monster Much more handsome as a pet than a six-inch rune snake.

Lily said that she and Penny once tried to secretly raise a kitten together in the closet, but their mother found out later. Her father was allergic to cat fur, so she didn’t develop it in the end. Many children have the habit of secretly keeping pets. Who knows if Tom Riddle secretly created a basilisk as a pet when he was studying in school.

Unicorns can also shit, and basilisks also eat. Pomona once asked Professor McGonagall why he didn't save money on food, because no matter how adolescent boys can eat, the food prepared by Hogwarts Too much is too rich, almost every long table will have leftovers, but the next meal will be fresh again, she has always wondered how the leftovers are resolved, and now she figured it out, someone is feeding a dog with leftovers Basilisk.

The rooster can lay eggs, what else can't happen, she keeps hearing a snake-like rustling sound, which is not made by any ordinary snake or the magic snake she knows, and she has no Parseltongue. I heard, anyway, she prepared for the worst.

The Hogwarts kitchen was still as lively as ever, but the house-elves didn't look happy, they were worried. After all, one of their kind was attacked, and any one of them would be next.

When Pomona came in they did not treat her as warmly as they had seen the king. They put down their work one after another, opened their watery eyes, as if they were looking at the savior, and Pomona's hair stood on end when they saw them.

"I have a question for you." Pomona, barely keeping her composure, asked loudly. "Who is stepping up?"

The house-elves looked around, but no one stood up.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you." Pomona held back her breath and continued, "You should stay in the castle. I want to know why Robbie left and went to the greenhouse."

"A wizard said to give Robbie a dress if he didn't obey their orders," says a house-elf in "The Crowd."

"How do you know? Have you visited it?"

"I was with it at the time." The elf finally came out, and he looked... just like any other house-elf "The wizard said he would give me a dress if I told anyone, oh , Professor, Spark doesn't know what to do?"

Sparkle cried bitterly, covering her face, and the other elves all looked downcast with their ears down.

"Is he wearing a Hogwarts uniform?"

"Yes, Professor, Madam Rowena Ravenclaw has told us that only Hogwarts can order us."

"Then let me tell you now, if there is another student who threatens you with clothes next time, you can ignore him." Pomona pressed her dizzy forehead "I will tell Principal Dumbledore, except that you have to do If you need to do extra work, you must get the consent of the dean and the headmaster. You belong to Hogwarts, understand?"

The elves whispered to each other in their own language for a while, and finally fell silent.

Pomona didn't expect the elves to start a rebellion like the goblins to seek their own power, they had such a character, she just didn't want to see similar things happen again.

"Your name is Spark, right? Come with me!" Pomona called the elf just now, and the other elves looked at it with strange eyes, as if they were looking at a strange species.

"Okay, tell me, are there any basilisks in Hogwarts?" Pomona said directly to the public, and the elves gasped together.

"Where did you hear that, Professor?" asked an older-looking elf.

"I heard it in the hallway." She tried to choke like Parsel, but the sound was so weird she couldn't make it. "Are you feeding it leftovers?"

"No," said the older elf. "It still has the habit of a snake. It only eats mice. We only give it food when it is not full. It is omnivorous."

"When is it hungry?"

"Before winter, it needs to hibernate like a snake."

Generally speaking, snakes are more active in hot summer, but in order to store fat for hibernation, snakes will come out to look for food in autumn when the weather is warmer. When Pomona thought of the "fresh flesh" she saw in the corridor just now Stomach ache, Merlin's wand, this school needs more security!

"But we gave the leftovers to the mermaids in the lake, who love human food."

Pomona screamed.

This cannot be blamed on her, she just took a small boat and rowed across the surface of the Black Lake two days ago, and she also knew that there were magical creatures living at the bottom of the lake, but she didn't know that it was a mermaid.

The basilisk was classified as five-star by the Ministry of Magic, and the mermaid was classified as four-star. She said why the boat can row itself without oars. The mermaid at the bottom of the lake supported them to slide on the lake.

She said why Hogwarts has a dock, but no dating couple thought of using a boat to go boating on the lake. It turned out to be because of this reason.

If the mermaids are in a bad mood, they will overturn the boat, and then drag that annoying ghost to her house as a guest. They can't beat them without silent spells in the water. The most important thing is that she can't swim. How lucky you are to be alive.

No wonder the seniors applaud so enthusiastically when the freshmen arrive in the hall. Welcome to Hogwarts. This school is full of crazy things, just like a Muggle mental hospital. Herbal medicine professor left this school! She has the right to resign!

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