Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 400 Ron's Worst Day (Part 2)

"Take it, take it all! You robbers!"

Slughorn, head of Slytherin and potions master, yelled at the house-elves rolling oak barrels.

If there's anything more disgusting than a slug, it's a slowly wriggling slug covered in pustules with a glistening liquid inside that oozes out with a sizzle when squeezed. Oh, the teachers at Hogwarts love to punish students by squeezing the pus out of Babo's tuber.

Simon Finnigan hated the thing, and Hagrid's schreck, so even though he could blow it up to his heart's content now, he didn't look a little festive.

"Why balbo tubers and snails and not something else?"

Simon, 24, asked the same question as Ron, 12.

"Damn spider." Ron complained with Simon as if he had met the same kind.

"Give me a drink." Simon asked Ron for whiskey.

"No." Ron snatched the bottle from his hand.

"What? Can't bear a little wine?" Simon sarcastically.

"I'm having a bad day." Ron pouted.

"Oh yeah, how bad can you be?"

"Go away Simon," said Ron in disgust, but Simon didn't hear Ron tell him to go away.

"Want to have fun together? Fry something to make you feel better."

"Count me in," Ron said immediately.

"Take your broomstick." Simon patted Ron on the back. "We'll meet here in ten minutes."

Ron glanced up at his wizard watch, which was a birthday present from his parents on his seventeenth birthday.

He wanted to go to Hogsmeade, but he drank poisonous mead, and thanks to Harry remembering to use bezoars, he would have died otherwise.

The old slug was there too, too old and unresponsive to think of using it as a detox.

That's what Harry learned from the book of the Half-Blood Prince, the old, ugly, greasy-haired Snape who actually thought he was a prince.

"What the hell." Ron cursed, and turned to get his broomstick. It was still the same sweeping eleven, and it wasn't the latest model after all these years.

Ron missed the Quidditch match because of the poisoned mead, and Cormac McLaggen played. My mother once mentioned to me by accident that there was a crisis when the three broomsticks were still called a broomstick. At that time, the female students at Hogwarts went crazy and poisoned each other's food. Someone even poisoned mead bought on a broomstick.

There are many ways of poisoning, and it is not necessary to put magic potion or poison in the wine. What is the source of flowers in the process of bees collecting honey is beyond the control of humans who collect honey.

There is an oriental herb called Tripterygium twig, also known as Broken Intestine Grass. In ancient times, a god named "Shen Nong" died after eating it.

The whole body of this plant is poisonous, even its flowers and pollen. Someone mixed the honey brewed with Tripterygium wisteria pollen into mead, and almost poisoned a girl to death. Since then, the poisoning has been like a joke. The game was called off, and anyone who poisoned someone else's food would be expelled.

The poisoned mead was sold, and the business of a broom plummeted. At this time, Lucius Malfoy "helped" Ms. Rosmerta, and the poisoning incident ended in an "accident". After all, no one knew that the bee What kind of flowers will be picked to make honey.

There are differences from species to species, what is non-toxic to bees is not necessarily non-toxic to humans, werewolves only bite wizards, Muggles are always eaten, and according to Bill wizards and Muggles "smell different".

"Damn it." Ron cursed, and went back to the headquarters tent to get his broom. He peeked in through the gap between the tent tarpaulins, and Draco Malfoy was actually inside.

"Is this how you treat guests? You don't even have drinks?" Draco Malfoy, dressed in expensive furs, said proudly while looking at the simple furnishings in the headquarters in distaste, as if he had arrived Coming here is like condescension.

"You said to find a warm place to talk, I believe it's warm enough here." Harry sneered.

"Where's Hermione Granger?" Draco asked.

"I asked her to go back to the camp halfway. You people over there are not friendly to Muggleborns." Harry said.

"Now that we're in your camp, why don't you let her come out and meet people?" Draco said in a Welsh singing voice. "You feel ashamed to be with her, Potter?"

"I'm talking to you about working together, Malfoy!" Harry said angrily.

"Hermione Granger is not here, so I have nothing to talk to you about." Draco sat on the only sofa in the headquarters, crossed his legs and said lazily, "My godfather said you are as stupid as a troll, Potter , no matter how much he loves your mother, he can't change this."

Ron was about to lift the tent and go in to beat him up when he was held by one hand.

He turned around and saw that it was his father, Arthur Weasley.

"Come with me, boy." Arthur Weasley said in a low voice, and the two sneaked behind a row of wooden boxes. Arthur used a closed earplug to listen to the surroundings, and then said to Ron .

"You have to protect Harry, son, we have received information that someone is plotting against him."

"What?" Ron exclaimed, even though he had passed the spell, Arthur was still taken aback by his yelling, turned his head and looked around, and whispered until he was sure no one was paying attention.

"Another leader of Slytherin has appeared. No one knows his name. We only know that they call him 'Sir'. He has a close relationship with the Malfoy family and usually gathers at his house." Arthur brought a sailboat "This is a special contact method within the family. Even Hermione, you can't tell her that it is used in the same way as the fake Gallon."

"Why can't Hermione tell?"

"Aren't you wondering where she's been living all this time? I asked a friend to follow her, and she's living in an apartment that used to be a safe house for the Order of the Phoenix, but you shouldn't know it exists."


"It belonged to Sirius Black, and when he was 17, he left the James Potter house, and Remus lived with him for a while, and then he lived in that house by himself, and if he It was also the time to defect..."

"Siris Black didn't defect, it was Pete Pedilu who pretended to be dead, and he was the real traitor." Ron complained.

"At that time, no one saw it that way. Since James separated from him, he acted alone. No one knew what he was doing. When people asked him, he said that he was performing Dumbledore's secret mission, and then he came back , Remus living with him was also monitoring him, and we didn't let him join the meeting until we were sure he was 'clean'."

Ron was utterly confused.

"We live in Black's house because there is not only the Fidelity Curse in that house, but also all known protection and defense magic. If anything happens to me, son, your mother will take care of you." Arthur squeezed Holding Ron's shoulder, his strength was so great that it almost hurt Ron. "Protect our family. No matter what reason Hermione tells you to leave the house, don't leave the Burrow."

"Is it because of your work in the Law Enforcement Division?" Ron said with a look of horror on his face. "Can you not do it?"

"It's hard for me to explain to you. If I resign at this time, everyone will think I'm a coward. I think you know that my whole life has been dedicated to dispelling the misunderstanding between Muggles and wizards. Charlie, Bill, George , Passy, ​​they all have their own careers, only you are still confused now, I think you need guidance, if you don't mind, I hope you can inherit my career, what do you think, son?"

"I... I don't know," Ron stammered.

"I don't need you to be a brave soldier. Fred's death made your mother sad. It's all my fault." Arthur said with a hunched back, "I'm not a good father. I can't even protect me." My own children didn't do it, I'm such a useless person."

Ron pursed his lips, looking like he wanted to laugh but held back a laugh, and finally opened his arms and hugged his father.

"We only have ten minutes." Ron looked at his watch. "No, it's only three minutes, Dad."

"What are you going to do?" Arthur asked warily.

"It's nothing, I made an appointment with my friend to ride a broom." Ron lied casually. "By the way, can you tell me what George is most afraid of?"

From a distance, he saw Hermione and Hannah Albert entered the tent together, but he didn't care what they were talking about anymore.

Ron is a Weasley, and Weasley puts his family first, and if Hermione wants to be free, he will let her be free, just as she has said many times, she should have been assigned to Ravenclaw, she If she wants to fly freely like an eagle, then she can fly there, and he will see how high and far she flies.

That's what a man of integrity should do, right?

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