Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 428 Turning the tide

A blinding light suddenly lit up in the darkness, it was so bright, it was like a ray of light came down from heaven.

Immediately afterwards, a strong wind blew, and the wind blew the branches of the trees trembling constantly, and the dense fog also dispersed a little. Everyone saw the dementors hidden in it.

Among the Death Eaters, Severus is the only one who can call the guardian, neither Lucius Malfoy nor Draco, but he is not the only one in Slytherin who can call the guardian, such as Doris Umm Richie, she's a Slytherin, and her Patronus is a Persian cat.

In ancient times, according to the knowledge left by those ancient woodcut paintings and scrolls, it can be known that the patron saint has always been closely related to those wizards who fight for noble causes, and those wizards who can summon the physical patron saint are usually elected. A senior official of the Wizengamot and the Ministry of Magic.

Most wizards and wizards are unable to summon a Patronus in any form, but even an invisible Patronus is considered a sign of great power.

The vast majority of wizarding Patronuses are ordinary animals, but there are also Patronuses in the form of magical animals, such as Albus's Phoenix Patronus, Thestral Patronus and Dragon Patronus, and even the Mammoth Patronus.

Generally speaking, the size of the Patronus is related to its strength, but there are also examples of small Patronuses being very powerful.

Billy, the former director of Pomona, was fond of the theater, and there was often a play in the theatre. An orphan wizard, Illyus, lived in a wizarding village surrounded by dense forests, while the dark wizard Rashitian Lives in a black castle guarded by dementors. For many years there had been a sort of truce between Rashitian and the name of the village. Rashitian ignored the villagers, and the villagers did not enter the dense forest where his castle was located. Despite the threat posed by dementors, the villagers still teach the Patronus Charm to their children and grandchildren. Not everyone can master the spell, but they can still summon enough Patronuses to command Protect the village while attacking them.

When Ilius turned 17 years old, the elders in the village began to teach the young people how to use the Patronus Charm. Ilius could summon a physical Patronus, but this Patronus was in the form of a rat, and the villagers never I have never seen such a weak and weak Patronus, so everyone laughed at Illyus.

There is a young and beautiful girl Eliana in the village. She is the most beautiful girl in the village. Many young people pursue her. One day she was picking wild fruits in the forest and met the black wizard Rashitian. He thought she was his own. An ideal wife, she made a request to her parents, but they refused, and Rashitian threatened to send dementors to destroy the village unless they handed Eliana over to him.

The elders of the village held a meeting and decided to fight bravely. Elianabe was sent to the hut where Ilyus lived. Since the patron saint of Ilyus was considered weak and useless, he was ordered not to join the war.

At first the villagers were able to use their Patronuses to hold off the dementors' continuous onslaught, but gradually they were unable to do so, the Patronuses weakened, and the casters either collapsed or fled in all directions.

Eliana begged Ilios to do something, so he cast the Patronus Charm, and despite his small size, the rat Patronus shone brightly and stopped the dementors from chasing the fleeing villagers.

Angry Rashitian decided to join the battle himself, and summoned a Patronus to resist the rats of Illyus, but he forgot that only a person with a pure heart can summon a Patronus, so for the first time in history, people saw an ability What happens when a powerful but vile wizard uses this magic, maggots launch from Rashitian's wand and devour his body in no time.

The villagers regarded Ilios as a hero, he married Eliana, and lived a happy life, and from then on, the agile and swift patron saint of rats became the most respected patron saint in the village.

In fact, from Pomona's point of view, that despicable black wizard Rashitian is actually a very decent person. He at least proposed to Eliana's parents, unlike someone who secretly had a tryst with her in the castle. It wasn't until Dumbledore discovered it somehow that he didn't know what the respected wizard with the doe patron saint had done.

On the Christmas Eve of the Triwizard Tournament, that song was sung all the time. Smart people say that only fools are trapped by love, but being a smart person all the time is really tiring.

Many people have seen the scene where Ron Weasley invited Fleur to be his dance partner in the corridor. He was not so much an invitation as a yell. After the yelling, he ran away. The scene was very funny, but Pomona was no joke he.

Participating in the ball at Malfoy's house is a kind of entertainment. Severus asked her to be his female companion through Dumbledore. Although she was very happy, it was because of sympathy. Happy, and avoiding his sight the whole time.

The appearance of Furong disrupted everything and created a lot of chaos. As long as she is beautiful, even a mixed-race Veela can appear in front of people with dignity, and Pomona doesn't need to hide herself anymore.

She'd given Severus three chances to invite her, and each time he'd behaved worse, with excuses that were stupider than not being so wasteful, and he'd finally taken Karkaroff to the ball. And Pomona herself had dinner alone in the office after setting up such a beautiful prom scene, and if he hadn't knocked on her door afterwards, the evening would have passed in a terrible way.

A man who keeps saying he loves Lily, but sleeps with her good friend, what a shameful traitor.

But in the bottom of her heart, she was hoping that it was Lily who released Severus. The lioness of Gryffindor couldn't tolerate the Severus Snape who liked black magic, and the tolerant Huffles Can.

Power is not good or bad, it just depends on the heart of the person who uses it. Umbridge uses the spirit guard to deter the half-blood or Muggle wizards who are tried in court. She is shaking with fear. People's hearts, such use of white magic has also become a kind of black magic.

Fear makes people do a lot of irrational things and make a lot of crazy decisions. When fear controls the mind, as long as you can escape that fear, you can do anything.

This approach is very in the style of dark wizards. Although silent deterrence will not cause harm to the body, it will cause trauma to the soul, because fear often exists in the imagination.

Thinking of some beautiful things at this time and finding a happy memory can help you resist this negative force that disturbs people mentally.

But don't indulge in it, don't forget that there is an old witch in pink sitting on the bench, waiting to send the judged person to hell.

Pomona was about to use her spirit to protect her, when a silver-white pig suddenly rushed out from the darkness. It dashed left and right in the black torrent of dementors, forcing them to disperse.

Bears, wolves, snakes, lizards and the like summoned by Slytherin and Durmstrang began to chase the fleeing dementors, while the crawling spiders were wiped out by all kinds of black magic up.

There was a strong sour smell in the air, much stronger than vinegar. It seemed to be some kind of strong acid smell. When the spider stepped on it, it turned into white smoke, which quickly disappeared.

If it sticks to a person, the bones will be gone. What an evil black magic it is.

"I didn't tell our people that this was protecting the Muggle town." Master Malfoy said with disgust on his face, "Restrain your men and stop talking nonsense."

"How do you know our people are here?"

"That boar, who else's Patronus is like that except Ernie MacMillan, disgusting animal." Master Malfoy got on his broom and flew away after finishing speaking.

"Wild boars are the most dangerous animals in the forest!" Pomona yelled at Draco, but Master Malfoy ignored her and quickly disappeared into the mist.

"Damn it, did I drink the warm-up potion for nothing?" She murmured dissatisfiedly, when a high-pitched, high-pitched chirping sound came from afar.

Pomona rode on a broom and flew over following the sound, only to see a phoenix soaring in the forest with its wings spread, and a redback spider the size of a mammoth spinning its silk on the ground.

"Oh, hello, Mossag." Pomona said coldly, and summoned the rejuvenation potion and rejuvenation potion from her pocket, just about to continue to trap it with the devil's net, but found Harry riding Buckby Gram is here.

If you use the devil's net, it doesn't distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, and it will attack Harry together.

So she rummaged in her pockets again, only to find a Weasley's portable swamp from the Weasleys' trick shop, leftover from the last Halloween party at the Malfoys'.

"Why not?" Pomona shrugged, took out the portable swamp, and threw it on the ground.

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