Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 470 Destruction and Vengeance

The nature of the International Federation of Wizards is roughly equivalent to the United Nations, but unlike the Muggle United Nations, this organization is led by the president of the Federation, and is not led by the five permanent members like the Muggle United Nations.

Albus Dumbledore used to be the president of the International Federation of Wizards. After the Quidditch World Cup riots in the summer of 1994, the International Federation of Wizards was also held in the UK, but most people didn’t care about it. Death Eater The panic caused by the gang riots plunged the society into turmoil.

The kids at school don't feel that, they're just kids, what do they know so much about?

The last time Hufflepuff was directly involved in an international dispute was Newt Scamander, in 1926 when Credence Barryborn's silent murder of Henry Shaw Jr., son of newspaper tycoon.

As Henry Shaw, Jr. hosted a fundraising dinner for supporters at New York City Hall as he prepared to run for re-election, Credence stormed the hall from under the windshield, all the lights went out, and the silence he unleashed was The entire hall was raging, and after the attack, representatives of the International Federation of Wizards held an emergency meeting in the Pentagon office to deal with the exposure crisis.

After Dumbledore's death, the African wizard Babajid Akinbad succeeded Dumbledore as the new president of the International Federation. The top will always have some secrets that ordinary people don't know. Newt was once entrusted by Dumbledore. , Rolf Scamander may be Babajid's commissioner to the United States to protect magical animals.

The godhorn was once captured by a Muggle named Eugene Shepard in the 1890s and advertised in newspapers across the country, but he was eventually forced to admit that the godhorn was a hoax, and so this Living things were once considered non-existent.

What Julian said involves homeland security, and the security of the national living space is the foundation of national security. This not only involves the interests of the oil company, but also the interests of other industries. What's more, he doesn't know when to shut his big mouth. Even the Ark project leaked. It is not surprising that he will be kicked out of the United States .

Everything you have held on to unshakable is easily destroyed in the face of the "scabies" of the mantle.

Human beings who think they are great are so small in front of nature, and they are not yet qualified to challenge God.

Marx once said that instead of adorning yourself with a gorgeous appearance, it is better to arm yourself with knowledge. It is too early to start enjoying comfort. Unfortunately, there are too many people who don’t want to wake up and continue to pretend to be asleep. Even if there is an ark , It should be leaking at this moment, and people can only watch it sink.

"Here you are." Just when Pomona was depressed, Iris handed her a cone.

"Thank you." She didn't refuse, and took the milk ice cream. Although it was winter, it was a bit cold to eat, but the sweetness made her feel much better.

Knowing so many secrets, she began to understand why Dumbledore had such a sweet tooth and ended up suicidal.

"I heard that the last time there was a power outage in London, another collection of cultural relics was stolen from the British Museum, all of which belonged to the Oriental Exhibition Hall."

"I don't care about that," said Pomona listlessly.

"The Ministry of Magic sent people to assist with security. After the Tower Bridge incident, Kingsley has not given up on making friends with Muggles."

"He wants Muggle legislation to protect the rights of wizards." Pomona thought it was a distant dream, almost whimsical. "As long as he doesn't get dizzy, the request from the Muggle Prime Minister in the hall to send troops will be fine."

"I can't make you happy, can I?" Iris said sullenly. "My mother is the same way. No matter what I do, I can't make her happy. She always resents that woman."

"She doesn't hate your father?"

"I don't care about him anymore." Iris took a bite of the ice cream. "I didn't even attend his funeral."

The antonym of love is not hate, because love and hate are both intense emotions, the real antonym is utter disregard and indifference.

Pomona looked at the ice cream in her hand, perhaps Zhang Tao hated the British even more than Ma Youxuan.

His appearance is very young, his voice sounds very vicissitudes, he may be very old, wizards are often older than ordinary people, maybe he is someone who has experienced that period of history.

It is almost impossible for the world's largest country and one of the permanent members to admit that there is an "unremovable brain tumor" in its territory. It will be a day before the paper can't cover the fire, and wait for the volcano to erupt It is time to force other countries in the world to accept refugees in a humanitarian spirit.

Unprepared, this wave of refugees will affect the global situation. The United States can't help but gun, and those people with guns will turn into militias. If they are incited by someone with a heart, they will be a huge threat.

It is impossible for the super volcano to stop the eruption by manpower. It is only a matter of time before it erupts, and the fate of the Pompeii people is at hand.

People, I only want what I want to believe. When the reality exceeds what I can accept, I will choose an easy way and distort the facts. After the Indonesian tsunami, no one will travel to Indonesia in a short time. Indonesia, where industry is the backbone of the economy, is undoubtedly worse.

This time, the Chinese team stopped participating in the Quidditch World Cup to fully support Indonesia's disaster relief.

The world will be a better place if a big country takes responsibility. The China that looks at the world with an open mind is no longer the China it was a hundred years ago.

"Who is your favorite philosopher?" Pomona asked. "I heard that the BBC is choosing the most popular philosophers."

"I don't like philosophy that much." Iris said with a smile, "but I like Hannah Arendt's words very much. Thinking means reaching a certain depth, approaching the root of the problem, and evil is something that has never been thought about. The thoughtless result of my father giving all his property to that woman, he did evil to me and my mother, although he did it in the name of love."

"Do you want revenge?"

Iris smiled more earnestly. "I heard that Blaise Zabini and Draco are very close."

"They were friends from school days."

"But he's dating Draco's ex-girlfriend, and he doesn't think it's a big deal, and I hope he and Pansy Parkinson disappear from Draco's life, or, say, cast out of high society, can you Do it for me, madam."

"What can I get in exchange?"

"I can help you find out any information you want to know, just like what Mister once did, as your spy."

"You hate Blaise?"

"I don't hate him, I just think that torturing him and letting him do nothing all his life will make her suffer more than directly torturing Mrs. Zabini. She used to laugh so wildly and complacently. I want to destroy her vain life. This is me. The reason why there is such a desire to hold power."

"Are you a Slytherin?"

"Which house could I be without Slytherin? We come from the quagmire but long to break out of the quagmire. Power, ambition, strength, calmness, elegance and self-control. I never regret being sorted into Slytherin house.

"It would be great if you could be assigned to Ravenclaw, so that it would be easier for you to mix into the current Ministry of Magic."

"Is it difficult to fake a student status?" Iris winked at her. "I know who I am, and I'm proud of Slytherin's glory."

"I'm not a Slytherin."

"I know that Lucius Malfoy wants to elect Fleet as the new Minister of Magic and continue to exercise power like his ancestors. He is very good at politics, but he is not a smart person."

"So, you have come to me?" Pomona said in surprise.

"That little Muggle-born girl, Hermione Granger, do you really think she has a chance to become the Minister of Magic?"

"She's a lioness, not a little girl." Pomona happily licked the ice cream. "We'll call her Ariel from now on."

"Ariel? God lioness?"

"That's right, the lioness of God." Pomona looked Iris up and down, "Are you gay or straight?"

Iris smiled and didn't answer her question.

Iris means the goddess of the rainbow, and it's hard for Pomona not to think of the rainbow flags held by gays in the parade.

If a gay is allowed to be Hermione's secretary, what expression should Ron, a straight steel man, have?

Pomona is looking forward to the future again.

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