The Qin Dynasty in China is famous for ruling the country according to law, but the people of Qin are famous all over the world for their brutality, the most famous of which is burning books and burying Confucianism, even foreigners know it.

Like the Nineveh city in Asyria, the Qin State has the same punishment for digging noses. It is indeed cruel, but it is to establish the prestige of the law. .

In the early days of Shang Yang’s reform, the prince’s crime was the same as that of the common people, and Qin Huiwen’s crime was also punished by cutting his nose, but this crime was replaced by the teacher of Qin Huiwen, who was still a prince at that time, that is to say, Shang Yang was in front of the law. Everyone is equal, this kind of idea is very advanced, and it is more than 2000 years old.

Judging from the photos of the terracotta warriors and horses, the Qin people are very similar to the Germans. They are silent and rigorous. Their weapons are very accurate, which is stipulated by strict laws. However, the Qin State thrived on the law and died on the law. The state of Qin enforced the laws of Qin to the whole country. This set of laws made the eastern countries accustomed to privileges and freedom very unaccustomed. OK, who doesn't want to be privileged? As a result, the law loses its justice.

Western laws bend the law for personal gain based on the level of legal knowledge. A good lawyer can acquit criminals. For example, Harry Potter was defended by Dumbledore. Pomona agrees with the Confucian view of harmony but difference, and does not agree with the existence of the privileged class. In order to establish a glorious and upright image, the victors of every country will discredit the enemy as evil and cunning people. History is written by the victors. , Qin's history is most worthy of reference is the issue of torture and labor.

After the eight hundred years of war in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period, reconstruction is needed. At this time, labor is needed. The harsh criminal laws of Qin state cut off hands and feet at every turn. In this way, the labor force is lost, and the overly strict laws also cause prisons to be overcrowded. These prisoners have to be raised Taxpayers' money is needed, which in turn becomes a burden on the people.

In the Han Dynasty, the law was much more relaxed, and the limbs were no longer cut off at every turn. The prisoners in the prison also had to work to offset their crimes. Usually, they were repairing the city wall, the Great Wall, and the mausoleum. Social productivity has been guaranteed, which is the same reason that Britain puts illegal immigrant prisoners on the street and lets them work by themselves.

The treatment of marijuana criminals is also relatively loose. If the law is strictly enforced, the prisons will already be full, which will cause serious economic losses.

Leniency can save financial costs, but it cannot effectively curb crime. Severe torture can curb some crimes, but it will increase expenses and waste manpower and financial resources. Kingsley canceled the original dementor guards in Azkaban and replaced them with Aurors. It will definitely cost a lot more money than before if it is issued by the Ministry of Magic, but this is in line with the humanitarian spirit.

Those who fight monsters should be careful not to become monsters themselves. When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.

Voldemort is really good at creating disputes. In the universal values ​​before the Renaissance, businessmen were discriminated against, whether it was the East or the West.

However, it is precisely because of the presence of businessmen who replaced those feudal lords who marched eastward all day long, and improved the quality of life for urban residents, such as building sewers. Sewers are a manifestation of the conscience of a city. They spend money in the right place and drive While the economy is advancing, technology has also developed, and Western European society has entered the next stage that is more civilized and authentic.

If there is no merchant, there will be no Honeydukes, and there will be no Weasley's trick shop. If life has no fun at all, then it is not life, but survival. People are living machines that can walk by themselves.

Many people don't know how to deal with their time when they are free, so they keep themselves busy. There is a saying in the East called combining work and rest. Before making a decision, you need to think carefully before doing it. Rich people feel that spending money is better than earning money. This is the reason why money is difficult. The wrong way to spend money will not only not make you suffer losses, but may also attract enemies. The vanity of others will only disgust us when it is opposite to our vanity. No one will. You wear good clothes, eat steak and ride in a luxury car, but when you are dressed in rags, you offer your sincere blessings.

People hate wealth just like women envy other women who are more beautiful than themselves, or have amazing wisdom. Don't be so naive as to think that a good education will make people not have this kind of jealousy.

Jealousy can drive people crazy, and then do crazy things. When Alexandria occupied Athens, there was a huge wealth gap between construction merchants and workers. In order to get more unearned wealth, the rich began to borrow money, and the free people borrowed Unable to pay back, they were forced to lose their freedom and become slaves. The result is that the poor carry a knife on their bodies, ready to rob and kill the wealthy people who are alone at any time.

There is a saying in the East, if you don’t worry about scarcity, you will suffer from inequality; if you don’t suffer from poverty, you will suffer from anxiety.

Experience is extracted from pain. The experience extracted from 5,000 years of history is more than a treasure house, it is simply a mountain of gold. However, it is really a pity that people pass through the treasure mountain and return empty-handed.

The state of Qin in the Warring States Period had many things to learn from. They used legalist classics to judge prisoners. In the Han Dynasty, they used Huang Lao's theory and the Spring and Autumn Period to judge prisons. In the West, they used the Bible. There is a Good Samaritan Law in the United States, which is a legal provision that exempts the rescuer from liability when the rescuer causes some damage to the rescued due to his gratuitous rescue in a state of emergency. The name of the law comes from the allusion of the good Samaritan made by Jesus in the Bible. Later, this law spread to Canada and other Western countries. This law advocates that helping others is helping oneself to gain eternal life. Human nature is good. However, many Chinese students studying abroad don’t even know what Spring and Autumn Prison is, let alone the legal basis of other cultures.

Knowing oneself and knowing one's enemy will never end a hundred battles. She really doesn't know what the current Chinese Muggles are thinking, or they don't think about anything. Fortunately, Chinese wizards are still willing to contact them.

It’s just that they also have nationalities. If the residents of Chinatown are attacked by werewolves, the British Ministry of Magic does nothing, and the short honeymoon between the two countries will come to an end. It would be a pity, but if China becomes like Egypt It's a pity that the westernized Chinese Pomona is not interested. She still remembers the girl in the corridor of the British Museum who was dressed in white and hung around her waist. Qin Chao, it's just that the people of Qin country advocate wearing black, just like the wizard who is embracing her and dancing at the moment.

Slytherin is a school of water, do they know what is the character of water?

"Laozi" says: The highest goodness is like water, water is good for all things without fighting, and it is evil for everyone, so it is more than Tao.

Morality often fills the gaps in wisdom, but wisdom can never fill up the gaps in morality.

Nietzsche's thought is a product of Western culture, which is exactly the same as the core spirit of Western culture. It pursues human individual value and creativity, and opposes idolatry. This is an important theme of ancient Greek culture.

What is the cultural core of Eastern thought other than harmony but difference?

She wished it wasn't money.

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