In the movie The Day After Tomorrow, the president is the last to leave Washington.

When the Titanic sank, the captain sank to the bottom of the ocean with the ship.

When Justinian was besieged by angry civilians and was about to abandon the city and flee, his queen Theodora said to him the famous saying "the purple robe is the most beautiful shroud".

The Stuart dynasty fled during the plague in London, Tang Minghuang fled when the rebels broke through Tongguan, and Cixi took Emperor Guangxu away when the Eight-Power Allied Forces entered BJ City.

The government that abandons the common people will eventually be abandoned by the common people. Although Emperor Chongzhen was cheated by his own courtiers, he still achieved the death of the king. Although the Tang Dynasty was a powerful period in Chinese history, he missed the Chinese in the Ming Dynasty. More, even far better than the Tang Dynasty.

Zhang Xunshou Suiyang can abandon the city and escape, so that he doesn't have to eat human flesh, and historians don't have to bother to discuss the immorality of his cannibalism guarding the city.

It’s just that Jianghuai will lose its life and lose the taxes and food in the south. The officers and soldiers of the Tang army will not be able to support the counter-insurgency. The Tang Empire ended in the Anshi Rebellion. Random Hua".

Pomona is not interested in the love story of Tang Minghuang and Concubine Yang "willing to be lovebirds in the sky and Lian Lizhi in the earth" sung by literati. , Huaqing Pool is a place that nourishes corruption.

In fact, the quality of the rebel group in Anlushan was very bad, but the quality of Tang Guanjun was even worse.

Born in adversity and dying in peace, the Wuchuan Junzhen Group was able to work hard when it was in the frontier, but it became lazy after arriving in the Central Plains, and the spirit of the Battle of Yinshan was gone. The Youzhou army has been fighting the Turks and the remnants of Goguryeo, and their personal military capabilities are stronger than the Central Plains army. However, they did not have a leader who was good at commanding and organizing, and they finally lost to the officers and soldiers.

Miracles can only be created when a general with commanding skills meets excellent soldiers. Zhang Xun defended Suiyang with 6,000 men, mainly because it was a small town with a small area of ​​battle, and the rebels had hundreds of thousands of troops. But these people can't all be sent up.

Sleep is an inhibitory activity that occurs in the cerebral cortex and even reaches the midbrain. It is an essential way for animals to recover their strength and maintain their health. However, Zhang Xun sent people to harass the rebel camp at night. The long-term harassment not only It makes people feel weak, and it is easy to take it lightly. After more than ten days of feigned attacks, he suddenly launched a real attack. As a result, the rebels suffered huge losses, and at the same time their morale began to shake.

They have always been victorious in all battles. After the morale of pursuing victories disappeared, the war began to fall into a stalemate. When the strength of the enemy and ourselves changed a year later, Zhang Xun's mission had been completed.

There were similar incidents in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties. In the early years of Shunzhi, Li Dingguo, a general of the Southern Ming Dynasty, led an army of 200,000 to besiege Xinhui, Guangdong. Until the city could no longer find food, it began to eat people. Each family in the city contributed one person as "rations".

A scene of "moving heaven and earth" appeared. A pair of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law who lost their husbands depended on each other. "My husband has no son yet. If he dies, their family will be extinct. They should kill me." So the Qing soldiers ate her and returned her bones to her husband; Qing soldiers fell in love with him and were ready to let him "die for the country." His ten-year-old daughter knelt on the ground to intercede for her father. Qing soldiers were moved and released both father and daughter.

It sounds very touching. It promotes the loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness of traditional Chinese culture, but in fact it is misleading the common people and beautifying the Qing government. People in Xinhui City can choose to surrender, and the Manchus shaved their hair and made it easy to obey orders, and they didn't see where the "benevolence" went. Criticize Zhang Xun and beautify the Qing army. Before the invention of paper, the Chinese used bamboo slips to record words. They were not written with soft brushes, but with sharp carving knives. Concepts are twisted and turned upside down.

Literati in the Yuan Dynasty, such as Guan Hanqing, would write Dou E's injustice and criticize the corruption of the Yuan Dynasty, so that the nobles of the Yuan Dynasty who were left after the Yuan Dynasty ended in the Central Plains all fled back to Mongolia.

The literati in the Qing Dynasty were beautifying the Qing Dynasty. Ji Bei Zhenbei, the Japanese envoy to the Tang Dynasty, distinguished the Central Plains accent mixed with the northern "Hu Yin" from the southern "Wu Yin" in the Tang Dynasty, and read the Han Dynasty with the Tang Dynasty accent. His poems no longer conform to the rhyme, let alone the poems recited in "Mandarin".

Neither Socrates nor Plato liked poetry. They both believed that poetry and music disturbed the mind and unleashed unrestrained desires and passions.

Plato also wrote in Utopia that poetry is a form of entertainment. In order to pursue the audience’s love, he resorts to heavy emotions and tries his best to mobilize the audience’s emotions to the maximum. Therefore, poetry is not art. Art can reveal beauty and truth. Poetry It is a form of entertainment that distorts facts at will for the sake of sensationalism.

Parallel prose was popular in the prosperous Tang Dynasty with gorgeous and neat words. The empress of the Southern Chen Dynasty was good at writing parallel prose. His "Yushu Houting Flower" was sung by people, especially the musicians on the Qinhuai River. The country is subjugated and hated, across the river I still sing the poem "Flowers in the Backyard".

If anyone asks Lockhart what is the god of love in the sky and what is the god of love on the ground, he will definitely look at the questioner with cornflower blue eyes in bewilderment, and then change the subject and start talking His new work.

Similarly, if someone asks those girls who focus on dressing up, whether she knows the correct way to use money, and what are the consequences of misusing money, she is still at a loss, her little head is just like Cleopatra Marie, there is nothing Attire, only banquets and nice clothes.

Yang Yuhuan is an ordinary woman. She asked people to make butterflies out of gold leaf for her beauty. As soon as her red pomegranate skirt passed, those golden butterflies flew away.

Of course she was ignorant to do so, but the bigger mistake was to indulge her Tang Minghuang. Since dealing with state affairs is tiring, he should give it to his son, but he is very wary of his heirs, and at the same time he is very cruel. During the party struggle, Tang Suzong's heart was broken by his father. As for An Qingxu's failure to immediately send troops to pursue after he arrived in Yecheng, it gave the rebels a chance to survive.

"Do you think Zhang is worried too much?"

While Severus was reading Zhang Tao's article, Pomona asked, leaning against the closet.

He frowned and didn't speak.

"The Lantern Festival is coming soon, how about the preparations?"

"I got the Chinese to agree to allow Aurors to enter Chinatown, and what to do next is their business." He focused on the words and said without looking up.

He was obviously doing the physical work, but why did she feel tired instead?

She leaned lazily on his shoulder, her whole body was warm, as if soaking in a hot spring, and she didn't even want to move her fingers.

Weather can change history. Whether it is the Germans or the French, they all lost to the cold weather in Russia. Napoleon captured Moscow but got an empty city without a trace of supplies. Coupled with the frequent harassment of the Russians, the French soldiers accustomed to the warm climate had to retreat. Of the 600,000 people who participated in the expedition, only less than 100,000 returned to France with Napoleon.

In the German battle plan, Moscow could be attacked before winter came. However, the resistance of the Russians exceeded expectations. Coupled with the early arrival of winter, the German army did not have winter equipment, and the overly long supply line became a problem.

If they could treat the Jews well and not massacre in the occupied areas, maybe the Russian people would help them. Some Russians thought that the Germans had come to "liberate" them.

It is now in the interglacial period, which is the most suitable period for human survival.

Some articles believe that the culprit of global warming is volcanic eruptions, because volcanic activities will generate a large amount of greenhouse gases. According to historical data and ice core records, each major volcanic eruption will cause cooling, plus volcanic ash that blocks the sky, Plant photosynthesis has stopped, wars due to lack of food and famine will cause population reduction, and those who are not prepared will be "eliminated" in the face of natural disasters.

The asteroid hitting the earth may not be because of the size of the asteroid, but it happened to hit an active volcano, causing the volcano to erupt, and the volcanic ash cooled the world, and the dinosaurs became extinct.

After the volcanic ash floated to the stratosphere, the planes could not take off normally, and human beings had to rely on land and sea to migrate. Fuel would become very scarce, there would be no plants to eat, and animals that provided meat such as cattle and sheep would not be able to survive. Human beings at that time will miss this era of material abundance very much.

What will the children say of their extravagant ancestors when they are starved to the bone?

Building water conservancy will cost a lot of money. During the Warring States Period, the Koreans sent a man named Zheng Guo to build large-scale water conservancy projects in order to bring down the Qin State.

Later people knew that Zheng Guo was a spy of South Korea, and the Qin people wanted to kill Zheng Guo. Zheng Guo said that he was a spy, but the completion of the canal only lasted for several years in Han, but it had a greater effect on Qin.

Whether it is Zhengguo Canal, Ling Canal or Dujiangyan, the water conservancy projects built by Qin State are still in use after two thousand years.

Practical things are worth learning. She is tired of listening to the clichés of "China has a vast land, rich resources, outstanding people, and a splendid civilization of 5,000 years." Tell me something useful, otherwise chatting is just a waste of each other's time.

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