Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 617 Women's Rivalry

"I like your dressing style very much. It's much better than Molly. It looks very retro." Hermione and Pomona chatted while walking on the street full of red lanterns. "She always wears wizard robes, hibiscus I even had a fight with her about it."

"Thank you, this outfit is in the style of Audrey Hepburn." Pomona looked at the woolen coat on her body, which she bought last time when she was shopping with Narcissa Malfoy, a black double-breasted skirt coat, Hepburn has always had a minimalist style. Like Pomona, she has flat chest and good proportions, but Hepburn is much taller. Only high-end stores can make good-looking clothes that fit Pomona's figure." Someone told me that if you don't know how to dress like a Muggle, you'll be the star on the poster, and always have a black dress in your closet."

"You plan to dance at the Yule Ball with Professor Snape in a black dress?" Hermione opened her mouth in surprise.

"Of course not." Pomona shook her head. "How strange it looks for both of them to wear black."

That would be a new round of nightmares for the students, and it was horrific to think about that scene.

"Who told you to learn how to dress celebrities? Mrs. Malfoy?" Hermione said pointedly, "Her clothes are tasteful even among Muggles."

Pomona was wary.

"On the day of Fleur's wedding, Death Eaters attacked the venue, and I apparated to London with Ron and Harry. At that time, we were all wearing formal dresses. Fortunately, I had a change of clothes in my pocket." Hermione like It was just saying unintentionally just now, "I don't know why, I just have a hunch that I prepared Harry's invisibility cloak and some necessary supplies for the trip in advance, but I didn't expect it to be useful .”

"Tell me about the defensive magic you mentioned just now. Are you sure the werewolf didn't notice you?"

"He was the one who caught people. At that time, he was just a step away from me and he could get it with a hand, and they also had a child." Hermione said as if lost in memory, "At first we didn't know that the Horcrux belt Influenced by it, it was Harry who carried the locket until he couldn't even use the Patronus to protect the three of us. I don't know how long I hid, maybe a few weeks, maybe a few days , every time we don't stay in one place for a long time, I prepare a lot of things but not food, we even steal a farm, Ron is used to the three meals a day prepared by the house elf, hunger makes him temper It was bad, and combined with the Horcrux influence he became very annoying until we got food, at which point we realized how blessed we were to have scrambled eggs and toast."

"It's in the past……"

"You don't understand." Hermione scratched her neck in distraught "We were talking about the same things all the time, which was worse than Ron's bad temper, because we didn't get any new information. When I found out about the capture party, I didn't even know who they were, I just thought they were dangerous, and I didn't dare to move when I stood there, and then Ron came home, and I knew from him that day I met This is what I can't bear the most. During the time I stayed at home with Molly, this was the most painful thing for me. I had no way to access new information. I could only listen to Ron and Arthur. I am not like you, I can be a housewife with peace of mind, and even live in isolation for several years, I dare say you must feel that you were very happy during that time, right?"

Hermione was right, she really thought so, even when she and Severus were not busy kissing, there were endless topics to talk about, and there seemed to be very few repetitions.

"You are very happy, especially when you beat up Professor Snape, it reminds me of the time in school, I used to hit him with a book." Hermione wiped away tears "but not now, I don't know Something went wrong."

"You want to rape Ron?" Pomona asked.

"No!" Hermione screamed "Why would you think that?"

"Then why do you keep trying to beat him?"

Hermione was speechless.

"You were friends before you became a couple and got married. How did you become friends?"

"Urge him and Harry to study."

"No! It was you who took care of each other, he and Harry saved you from the trolls, you helped them with your wisdom, forget about those bloody cartoons, you know how I put up with Severus office Those animal carcasses soaked in solution? Ignore them, Ron is as hard to change as Severus."

It's just that Ron is lazy, and Severus is obsessed with black magic. According to the teaching, laziness is a kind of original sin, which is as difficult to eradicate as black magic.

Of course, Pomona didn't say these words.

"You always feel that Professor Snape is very similar to Ron. When did you realize that you were not just a 'friend' to him?" Hermione asked.

"how about you?"

"I asked Ron when he found out, and he told me that he found out about my feelings because I agreed to Victor's invitation to the ball because he felt jealous." Hermione smiled smugly .

"It's him to you, not you to him."

"Has Professor Snape ever been jealous because of you?" Hermione asked reluctantly.

Pomona thought of Sirius Black and Cedric. He was jealous of many men who were more handsome than him around her, but he was not jealous of Lucius Malfoy, that beautiful man full of classical beauty. What do you think?

"If I hadn't promised Victor, Ron wouldn't feel jealous. I might have continued to maintain this friendship with him, and I might have missed it in this life. In fact, I always wanted to stay in school, even as a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. ok, it was his restlessness that made me restless, and then he left for his parents, leaving me and harry, i know a lot of girls like harry, but i don't really feel that way about him, he's like It's my brother, and he thinks I'm his sister, and nothing happens even when I'm alone with him."

"Oh." Pomona was taken aback, she hadn't thought of this at all.

"I'm afraid that Rita Kistor will take the time to scribble. It will not only destroy my family, but also affect Harry and Ginny. The point is that I can't explain myself. I told you that I My secret, can you tell me some information?"

"What do you want to know?"

"January 9 is the professor's birthday, how did you celebrate it?"

"Why do you want to know so much?"

"Someone checked, that Christine from France who suddenly appeared at Malfoy's house, everything changed after she appeared." Hermione said, "She also went shopping with Mrs. Malfoy, and later you went to the department store to buy clothes. , why did you buy an evening gown, professor? You didn't even wear a gown to your wedding ceremony. You know the information about the night caller. I don't think Hufflepuff will produce that kind of extreme anti-Muggle. It's easier for Slytherin Come on, Principal Snape used to be the Headmaster, can you tell me which of his students joined the Night Caller?"

"Are you still struggling with this problem?"

"I need the truth!" Hermione clasped her hands on her chest, looking inquisitive, "Will Huan Ye sneak attack us today?"

"I don't know!" Pomona spread her hands, "I don't know much."

"Then help us figure it out."

Marcus Flint had gotten into trouble, but Pomona thought Severus would be very upset if he knew she had betrayed his student.

He cherishes his talents, and like Pomona and Albus, he wants to give Marcus a chance. Marcus's lightning magic will be of great use in the Muggle world full of electricity.

"Do you know the story of Cain and Abel, Hermione?" Pomona asked.


"Then do you know what happened after Cain was exiled? According to legend, after being exiled for killing his brother, Abel and Cain met again. They were walking in the desert and recognized each other from afar , because both of them are tall.

The two brothers sat on the ground, built a bonfire, and ate. Like those who are tired at dusk, they are silent. A star that has not yet been named appears in the sky. Under the radiance of the fire, Cain saw the scar on Abel's forehead that had been smashed by the stone, and the bread that he had just brought to his mouth fell, and he asked Abel to forgive his crime.

Abel replied, "Did you kill me, or did I kill you? I can't remember; for now we stay together, the same as before."

"Now I know that you did forgive me," Cain said, "because to forget means to forgive. I will try to forget, too."

Abel said slowly: "Exactly. As long as the guilt persists, the guilt will continue to exist."

"Now I know that you did forgive me," said Cain, "because to forget means to forgive, and I will try to forget.", Will you forgive someone who has made a mistake and wants to repent? "

Hermione couldn't answer the question.

This is much better than making random promises and failing to deliver.

"I won't tell you." Pomona said in a deep voice, "Even if you told me your secret, it would be unfair for an innocent person to be wronged, but finding a guilty person to take the blame for someone else's mistakes is the same It's not fair, it's cheating, Hermione! We Hufflepuffs believe in fairness, and you should go about your business."

"I heard that you lived in St. Mungo's after being tortured by the Unforgivable Curse, right? Who did that to you?" Hermione asked.

"What? You also want to interrogate me with the Cruciatus Curse?"

"After so much, I've changed. I'm no longer the girl in that school." Hermione stared into Pomona's eyes and said, "If the situation is that serious, I will use it."

Pomona felt terrified, but she remained calm.

"If you use it, what's the difference between you and a dark wizard?"

Hermione sneered.

"What's the difference? Just because we won't ruin other people's weddings, you guys wanted to take advantage of your wedding to steal the Time-Turner, right?"

"No, I didn't think so..."

"But Lucius Malfoy doesn't think so, sober up, Pomona, they're using you!"

"Then how do you know that you are not being used?" Pomona immediately countered, "Do you really think you are important, Miss Know-it-All?"

Pomona could almost hear Hermione gritting her teeth.

"We're going to be very busy today, I don't have time to argue with you." Pomona said wearily. It's strange that she obviously drank the potion, and her energy is not as good as that little girl who didn't drink the potion. If there is no news, you can go."

"Don't forget who you are, Pomona Sprout," Hermione reminded before leaving. "You've become so I hardly recognize you."

Immediately afterwards Hermione Apparated, and Pomona was in no mood to think about where she had gone.

The early morning fog was getting thicker, and she walked alone in the thick fog of London, humming softly a nursery rhyme, which many people all over the world can sing, because the lyrics are repeated like this: London Bridge is about to collapse , going to collapse.

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