Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 62 I Shouldn't Lie

"Thank you, Narcissa." Snape knew it was working when the white light on the emerald bracelet flashed, and Pomona's hands began to feel warm, and blood came to her face.

"You're welcome, Severus, are you sure it was my sister who cursed her?" Narcissa still didn't believe her, she covered her nose with a handkerchief.

"Where did you get that bracelet?"

"My mother gave it to me when I got married."

"Is it passed down from generation to generation in the Black family?"

After a long time, Narcissa said, "She is already dead, how can she still cast a curse."

"She can be resurrected after death, who knows what the Dark Lord has done to her." Snape's face was full of disgust, as if he had a tooth decay suddenly. "He can make a Horcrux for himself, why can't he teach Bella how to do it."

The ghost persisted endlessly, and Snape angrily undid the first button of his clothes, revealing the hideous and terrifying scar.

"I heard that you were killed by a mysterious person during the Battle of Hogwarts. How are you still alive?" Narcissa looked at the scars and continued to cover her nose with a handkerchief.

"It's complicated." Snape looked at Sleeping Beauty, as if he was afraid that she would turn into fog and disappear.

"I'll go see how the lunch preparations are going." Narcissa made an excuse for herself, leaving space for two people, and closed the door before leaving.

When the sound of high heels faded away, Snape moved from the seat beside the bed to lie down on the bed with his clothes on, side by side with Pomona, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"McGonagall asked me to go back to school and continue to be the principal, do you think I should accept it?"

No one answered him, but Snape seemed to be used to the silence, and continued, "She's a good assistant, but not Headmaster material, but I've had enough of those students, maybe I should be Headmaster with Umbridge Like the later Albus Dumbledore, acting in secret, this kind of show job is not suitable for me." He grabbed the hand of the person next to him, and continued, "Before that half-breed Veela Fleur appeared at Hogwarts, I Thinking that it is immoral to have unreasonable thoughts about you, she opened the door to a new world for me, and now is not our era."

Snape looked at the ceiling and said after a long time, "Umbridge wrote on Harry Potter's hand to punish him for lying."

"I shouldn't lie." He murmured, "The Mirror of Erised made me see my desire clearly. When that impostor appeared in your office, I had a hunch that she was not you. Then I asked Dumbledore, he also said you were gone. Fortunately, Umbridge came later, otherwise Longbottom would have found out. I know that the Dark Lord has put a curse on the Dark Arts class. No teacher can be a teacher for a year. When Dumbledore asked me to accept the position after Umbridge left, I immediately agreed, and I tried my best to show that he would approve of me, even for Tobias, I wasn't that polite."

His two tunnel-like eyes looked at the ornate ceiling of Malfoy's house, as if looking through it to the ceiling of floating candles in the Hogwarts ballroom "He's the only one who knows all the secrets, none of which I know him Do you think he will build a maze room like Slytherin, and keep those secrets for future generations to discover?"

"The Dark Lord discovered Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets through Parseltongue when he was studying, and used the knowledge in it to become Voldemort. When we found it, it was emptied. There was only a basilisk in it. I think the information in it is What Dumbledore really wanted, the Dark Lord gave me a lot of information to keep, but it was mainly related to potions. Do you remember the Fidelity Curse? The Secret Keeper will hide a secret in the body of a living person , the Dark Lord is so good at soul magic, maybe he has hidden some information in someone's soul, as long as he is found, the lost magic can be revived again, but I am worried that magic will be abused again, everything It has to be repeated over and over until the person is smart enough to actually learn the lesson."

"I need your help. I have used such a stupid way to solve a problem that can be solved with a bracelet. Why are there so few really smart people in this world?"

Snape suddenly turned over, like a group of volleyball bats attacking people, lying on the beauty's body, smelling everywhere with his big nose, as if he wanted to absorb nutrients through this method, and explored the restricted area with both hands.

The more it is forbidden, the more you want to try it. Curiosity can kill a cat with nine lives, and it is also the driving force for human beings to move forward. How simple and complicated it is.

To live or to die?

Worshiping the goddess is not sinful at all, but those who are sinful are those who pursue eternal life.

He lifted off the clothes on her stomach, the slightly raised belly proved that a new life was being bred inside, but he only looked at it with disgust.

"I understand why Dumbledore hates me so much." Snape covered the piece of clothing and sat up again. "Damn father-son relationship, no wonder I felt guilty when I killed him."

Patricide is a great crime, and Severus Snape committed it twice. He took out his cigarette again and lit it in the Muggle way. Then he remembered something and stuck the cigarette end on the expensive furniture and extinguished it.

"Maybe it really started to work. I feel much better after coming to Malfoy Manor. This is the style that suits me."

He looked around at the gorgeous everything around him, and smiled triumphantly, "The Malfoy family's taste can be recognized by the Dark Lord, and they also have merits. I want the current Minister of Magic, who was born in the Order of the Phoenix, to be the same as Fudge back then." , living in pain every day, but we stand on the side of 'justice' and use the same methods they used to deal with us to deal with them. Patience is for revenge, hahaha."

The big devil laughed out loud, the Slytherin code of conduct:

stay classy at all times

reject any form of insult

Despite the harsh reality, pain drives us forward

Do not trample on the rules, but are good at using them

Learn to follow in the footsteps of predecessors and use all the resources around you

Malfoy Manor was his new beginning.

"Robby!" He stood up quickly, as agile as a young man.

"Yes, master." The house-elf appeared in front of him with a plop, holding a rag in his hand.

"Clean up this damn place, it looks like a cemetery here." He opened the floor-to-ceiling windows to see the bleak scenery outside, feeling disturbed, that area happened to be where werewolves used to live, they ate raw meat, The stench is still there after such a long time, making people want to vomit.

"Reverting to a garden?" Robbie asked.

"No, build a greenhouse and plant magic plants in it." He straightened his collar, looking as radiant as if he had just woken up, "That's where she belongs."

"Yes, master." Robbie watched as Snape's black cloud-like back disappeared, and saw that Pomona was not covered with a quilt, so he jumped onto the bed carefully and covered her with the quilt.

"Little master, Robbie wishes you a long and healthy life." Robbie said to Pomona's stomach, and then disappeared with a "poof".

After it disappeared, a raven appeared on the balcony outside the floor-to-ceiling window. Its eyes were red, and its two paws were tightly grasping the rattan on the chair, looking extremely powerful.

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