Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 621 Gray Area

Remus' Muggle mother was named Hope.

Pandora opened the magic box and released many things, but left only hope in the box, but the myth did not say that when "hope" also dies, what is left in the world.

When will our life feel "reborn"?

It must be that we have experienced heavy trauma and our lives have been completely dismembered. We no longer think so, and the things we have troubled are no longer so troublesome.

You become different from the old self, although you are still living in the old shell.

Because it was early in the morning, there was no music playing in the Leaky Cauldron, and there were no customers on the ground floor, except for a shareholder of Pomona drinking.

After drinking the sobriety potion of the mythical beast, not only can't sleep, even drinking can't make people drunk.

If people live too clearly, it is a kind of "sickness". Albus once said: People spend their days in front of the mirror of Erised, because they don't know whether everything in the mirror is real and achievable.

Television is like a mirror of Erised, in which everything that people desire to have is shown, and the world of the rich seems to be within reach.

However, the colorful world is separated by a "glass", which can be seen but cannot be touched. After returning to reality, the "real world" is still dim and gray,

Those "illusions" make the poor believe that the rich and the poor live in the same world, and they can integrate into it as long as they work hard.

Albus Dumbledore is the headmaster of Hogwarts. He didn't even know the secret of the Room of Requirement, but he discovered it by accident.

Pure-blood nobles know many secrets, such as the disappearing cabinet stored in the Room of Requirement, and the fifth floor where forbidden books are stored out of thin air.

In the early days of Hogwarts, the main building only had 7 floors, but now it has 8 floors. Things that are usually taken for granted hide hidden secrets.

The dream machine draws the ignorant people's attention to the past, becoming detached from reality, obsessed with the illusory scene seen in the mirror, unable or unwilling to accept that it is just a fantasy, and some people are even driven crazy because of it.

They just don't know that the scene they see is only stored in the frame, but they can't realize it.

Dreams that cannot be realized are like the god of love in the sky, or Plato's utopia, which only exist in fantasy and can give people psychological comfort just like heaven.

If she was a responsible godmother, she should check on Draco now, or if she was a good teacher, she should check on Justin.

But she doesn't want to do anything now.

Every woman has to experience the pain from the lower abdomen once a month, but what she is experiencing at the moment is not just physical.

There was once a life conceived there, but it was lost because of the Cruciatus Curse.

Alcohol couldn't anesthetize her, so she lit a cigarette.

A good decent girl shouldn't smoke, and she doesn't like the choking, air-burning smell of smoke, but when she smells the Love Potion, it smells of chocolate, ash, and mint.

She watched the red sparks burn the smoke to ashes little by little, thinking of nothing, which made her feel relaxed.

Sometimes people just want to do things that are meaningless to others and that they find interesting. Only in this way can they prevent themselves from being confused with the world.

Double Agent used to say she was a bad girl, very, very bad.

At that time, she never thought of marrying him. Being a teacher requires lofty ideals and a sense of accomplishment. Otherwise, the huge gap between rich and poor would make many people give up being teachers.

Potions and herbal medicines are quite profitable, compared to Divination, Muggle Studies, Flying and Defense Against the Dark Arts, which can only rely on school salaries.

What a mess Sybil looked when Umbridge kicked her out of Hogwarts.

Money is the only power a woman has. If she doesn't have money, she can't survive in this world. In the end, she died quietly in poverty just like Merope and Fantine.

She understands men's desire to have romantic and poetic love, but women also need money to survive after divorce.

Vows are not so easy to keep. There will always be people who can't hold on and violate their own oaths. If women don't plan ahead, how will a housewife live in this highly competitive society in the future?

People who are intoxicated in fantasy are happy, and people who are awake are miserable. Humans need sleep, and her sleep quality has always been good, so I can't understand why people with insomnia have so many mental problems.

Now, she understood, she wouldn't work until 150 like Albus and retire at 60.

"Smoking is not allowed here!" Hannah got into behind the bar, took out an empty glass and poured herself wine, her face looked very bad.

When Harry first met Lupine on the Hogwarts Express, the looking glass Ron had given him had been flickering.

There was one around Hannah's neck too, it wasn't as big as Harry's, it looked like a necklace.

"I don't smoke." She put the cigarette butt on the table. "Did you know I once stopped Tonks from marrying Remus?"

"You really like to meddle in your own business." Hannah said with no aristocratic air.

Whether it is Sirius, Draco or Hannah, they are all the real twenty-eight holy families, but they don't abide by noble etiquette at all, on the contrary, Severus from the bottom is especially particular about it.

She just likes his pretentious appearance, it seems that the poison in her is really unclear.

"The good thing about being a teacher is that I can ask you to pay attention to your behavior, but I don't have to be so disciplined. I married a Death Eater." Pomona stared at Hannah's looking glass, "That doesn't seem like a comparison. How wise werewolves' decisions."

Hannah didn't answer.

In addition to the wine, a bar needs a good bartender. There will always be one or two people who are unhappy in their lives and will complain to them. Maybe this is the reason why Gene Sici and the female owner of the Green Dragon bar came together.

"Someone told me today that the cypress wand would choose a hero as its master, and look for a soul mate among those who are brave enough to sacrifice themselves. I don't think Tonks is the kind of person who has the spirit of sacrifice. She and others Greetings are all done with fluorescent flashes, I think she should be the kind of person who is not afraid of the shadows in herself and others."

"Neville told me that you once planned to teach him Animagus, he is so forgetful, aren't you worried that he won't change back?" Hannah frowned and said, "I didn't even know you knew Animagus. "

"I thought you would notice that Cedric's sex change technique is good." Pomona smiled weirdly, took a sip of her glass of flame whiskey, "Minerva and I were classmates for two years, It was Albus who taught us Animagus, but I didn't succeed in transforming like her."


"I'm afraid I won't be able to change back." She stared into Hannah's eyes. "The body responds to the madness inside. Do you know how crazy werewolves are?"

"Who else have you taught besides Neville?" Hannah asked.

It seemed to Pomona that Hannah knew something.

"Animagus is a very advanced art of transgendering. Even Aurors can't be mastered by everyone, and Neville's father can't either. I don't think Sirius Black and Harry's fathers will be able to teach themselves successfully."

"So you doubt me?"

"Otherwise who else?"

"Can't it be Minerva?"

Hannah smiled and shook her head.

"Professor McGonagall will not do such illegal things, she is a legally registered Animagus."

"So you think it's legal for a werewolf to go to a school full of kids?"

"Don't change the subject, is that you?" Hannah asked aggressively.

Pomona felt guilty because she did take advantage of the boys.

"You don't know what it's like to have to fight werewolves every month." Pomona said sullenly.

"So, did you find a few helpers? The four of them happen to share a dormitory."

"I don't need you to criticize me."

"They're all dead! Even Professor Snape. Professor Graplan has been lukewarm to you. She knows you're a Veela, right?"

"Yes, she knew." Pomona stood up. "Do you know what it was like when I took over the greenhouse? A good potions master needs a good gardening partner. I am a member of the werewolf rehabilitation program. They Need my racial gifts."

"Gardening and charm, Dumbledore chose your gardening, and then let you drink the potion, making you what we usually see, right?" Hannah said calmly, "How many lies have you told us?"

"It's more than you can imagine." Pomona drank all the whiskey in the glass in one gulp.

"Professor Snape chose another side of you, he doesn't love Lily anymore?"

"No, he still loves her." She said annoyedly, "They just chose different paths."

"How can you bear that there are other women in his heart?" Hannah held her tears and looked like she was about to cry. "I wouldn't be able to do it."

Pomona understood what was going on.

"Luna's father is missing, and she's going to find him." Pomona put on the air of a teacher again and said, "Neville will stay at Hogwarts to teach, and take care of the greenhouse, his grandma and Lavender... ..."

"I'm talking about you, what do you say I'm doing?" Hannah interrupted her angrily.

"Like I said before, Lily chose her way, and Severus chose the other one. It's too tiring to walk alone. I just want to walk with him." Pomona sighed "Can I have another drink?"

Hannah poured her another glass silently, the orange liquid was floating with faint blue flames, which is the origin of the name of the flame whiskey.

Ordinary whiskey is filled with ice cubes and water, but this whiskey is ignited, but the fire will be extinguished soon. At that time, it will be warm in the mouth, as mellow as butter beer, but the flame whiskey is a drink for adults .

"You are luckier than me. Neville and Luna broke up naturally, and they are both alive. My experience was life and death. When did the living win over the dead?"

"Why is Luna's father missing?" Hannah said sourly, as if she had drunk too much lemon juice.

"I don't know, but he seems to be very interested in the Deathly Hallows." Pomona put the whiskey under her nose and smelled its rich barley aroma, which made her feel much better.

"I heard her mother died." Hannah stared at a point in the void, seemingly in a daze, or perhaps thinking of her own mother.

"Pandora, she had an accident when she was experimenting with the spell. The second child of the three Peverell brothers used the resurrection stone to revive her lover. Perhaps Xenofrius wanted to revive her..."

"That sounds crazy." Hannah shrugged nonchalantly. "I can't believe anyone would take fairy tales seriously."

Just when Hannah drank the wine in the glass and put it down, the person who was in front of her just now disappeared, leaving only an unburned cigarette on the table, and the gray ash fell to the ground. As silent as falling snow.

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