Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 627 Intermediary of Power

Steam and gas were the driving force behind London's initial rise. In 1824, a British bricklayer invented cement, and then London used this new building material to build a huge urban sewer network. In the early 19th century, London became the first city to adopt gas lighting.

The various achievements of the industrial revolution directly changed the urban appearance of London on a large scale. The asphalt road replaced the gravel road in the past, so that the heavy carriages pulling goods could reach the surrounding seaports from London faster. The rise of factories also led to the rapid concentration of the rural population to big cities such as London, Edinburgh, and Manchester, and the concentration of people also changed the appearance of cities.

However, after more than 100 years, the underground pipe network made of cement began to have problems. "There are frequent leakage accidents."

At the beginning, people were afraid of the light of gas lamps. Ladies hated it because the condition of their skin would be seen too clearly and their faces would look bad, and there was a danger of explosion if used indoors.

Walls and ceilings are also more prone to staining than oil lamps and are therefore rather unpopular. For these reasons, the first places to start using gas lamps are shops, theaters and street lights. It was not long before they expanded to the public areas of the home such as entrances, living rooms, and restaurants, and finally the bedroom.

Soho District was one of the first areas to popularize gas, but there are not many gas lamps here, and the whole street is covered with red lanterns during the Spring Festival.

Compared with supermarkets, Westerners are more interested in various mysterious oriental commodities sold in grocery stores, especially spices, which are always related to religion and certain mysterious rituals. Some fortune-telling shops also open their stores in Chinatown .

With the opening of the Suez Canal and the advent of airplanes, the once bustling Liverpool has become increasingly deserted.

Even in London's Chinatown, many restaurants don't open at all in the morning and don't open until noon.

The eating habits of the Chinese are very different from those of the British. Chinese breakfast is only eaten by the Chinese living in Chinatown. The shops in Chinatown ultimately make money from the business of mainland tourists who travel to the UK during the holidays. The British police check The gas leak was used as an excuse to surround Chinatown, not to mention that the shops could not do business, and the prepared ingredients would be wasted.

Gangs often have a very close relationship with the judiciary. If lawyers bail out gang members, they will become familiar with each other once they come and go.

Many gang members will also participate in this operation, but at this time, Mr. Wen, who was in charge of the connection, died.

When the atmosphere develops negatively, people's information will also be shaken, people will give up rational cognition, and then produce irrational behaviors.

What makes people powerless is not violent insults, but silent divisions.

In the chaos, there are always people who will take advantage of the chaos. During Stringer's tenure, the dragon's blood was sold at a high price. The form of profit is not limited to money. Now there is no evidence in Pomona that Wen Jingchang is the horse. If they were to be killed, it would cause repulsion among Chinatown residents, and it would be bad if it turned into the same situation as San Francisco's siege.

When everything is good, everything looks good, and when the wind changes, all kinds of problems will surface, just like the colorful foam on the surface of the sea is blown away, revealing the black water below.

Originally, she opened the presidential suite at the W Hotel on a whim, and Hermione suffered a lot. She hoped that Hermione could relax a little bit, and now this room with a meeting room can be used as a temporary headquarters.

Anyway, Severus was very rude to requisition, Aaron Rosier came not long after he left, and when Hermione woke up, she saw a group of Slytherins walking outside the bedroom.

As losers, these formerly clear-cut purebloods were still polite to this famous "Mudblood", but this kind of etiquette showed a distance.

People in the Order of the Phoenix like to hug, and people in the entire Anti-Dark Arts League are warm and friendly. When they meet these pure-blood nobles, they feel like they have hot faces and cold asses, and they simply don't like to talk to them.

Hermione left after a short stay, and Pomona didn't keep her, and even Pomona herself couldn't get along with them.

Money can never be omnipotent. Money is as thin as soap bubbles in front of power. Power can only be obtained by bleeding, and privileges can only be obtained by continuous bleeding.

Marriage is not only for the "continuous bleeding" of children, but also a political transaction in ancient times.

Queen Victoria let the blood curse spread throughout the European royal family, and the tsar's indirect demise because of this curse originated from this "deal".

The royal families of China, Japan, and Thailand have never been married to European royal families. During the Spring and Autumn Period, the Qin State and the Jin State were married. Although there were marriages in the Han Dynasty, Wang Zhaojun was not surnamed Liu at all. She was not qualified to complete the mission of "marriage". Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty During the period, the marriage between Princess Jieyou and King Wusun was a political marriage.

In the second year after Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty came to the throne, the Xiongnu suffered a severe drought, and there was no water and grass on the grassland for grazing, so the Xiongnu went south to plunder. This time they robbed not the Han people, but the Wusun country in the northwest. King Wusun took the opportunity to ask the Han Dynasty for help, so the Han Dynasty got the opportunity to take the initiative.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty once sent Li Guangli to Dawan. Li Guangli was the eldest brother of Mrs. Li, the favorite concubine of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and Li Yannian, the favorite minister. Zhang Sai was sent as an envoy to the Western Regions and communicated the exchanges between Han and the Western Regions. At that time, there were dozens of small countries in the Western Regions, which were exploited by the Huns. After Zhang Qian went to the Western Regions, they knew that there was a Han Empire in the East, which was not only vast in territory and strong in country, but also highly cultured and rich, so they came to the Han Dynasty to worship, pay tribute, respect the Han Dynasty, and voluntarily attached themselves to it. To get rid of the enslavement of the Huns.

In 104 BC, Li Guangli led an expedition of 6,000 cavalry and tens of thousands of infantry to Dawan. After leaving the Yumen Pass and entering the Western Regions, some small countries passing through closed their city gates tightly and refused to give the Han soldiers food when they saw the Han soldiers coming. The Han army was short of food and grass, so they attacked cities along the way. If you conquer, you can get food and grass for your soldiers and horses; if you can't conquer, you can hang around for a few days and move on. Along the way, many died in battle and starved to death. When they reached Yucheng in Dawan, there were only a few thousand soldiers left, and they were all extremely hungry and exhausted.

There was not much food in the northwest desert. Wusun Kingdom and the Han Dynasty formed an alliance to attack the Xiongnu not only provided information, but also contacted those small countries in the Western Regions, asking them to open their city gates to provide food and supplies to the Han Dynasty army.

Princess Jieyou's grandfather, Liu Wu, used to be the overlord King of Chu. In the spring of Emperor Jing's third year, Liu Wu raised troops to participate in the "Seven Kingdoms Rebellion" among the kings of the same surname. He was defeated and died, and his family became sinners. Since then, Princess Jieyou and her family have been suspected and rejected for a long time, and have fallen into irreversible suffering.

When the daughter of Liu Jian, the sinful minister of Jiangdu, died of depression because of marrying the king of Wusun, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, in order to consolidate the alliance with Wusun, made Liu Jieyou, the latter of the criminal minister, a princess and married Wusun Kun in 101 BC. Cen Zou, the grandson of Mo, is Mrs. You.

During the Rebellion of the Seven Kingdoms, the Han Changan nobles came out in full force. The so-called nobles are such a group of people who usually enjoy various privileges. As naive as the Confederate Army. The children who grew up in these aristocratic families, because they had a good growth environment since they were young, could accept horse riding and various paramilitary activities from an early age, and could be admitted to the military academy according to their own consciousness.

After entering France, they thought it would be a war between gentlemen. Later, they found out that they would die on the battlefield, and it was too late to regret. They thought they could ride the horse and whip and crush their opponents like their predecessors. The reality was endless trench warfare and they were caught off guard, not to mention how civilians who had no military training at all would react.

The recruits died quickly. In the second year, the British continued to recruit troops. The civilians went to the battlefield, and the nobles also went to the battlefield. Bullet didn’t know that he was a nobleman. In order to inspire the fighting spirit of the soldiers, these noble officers had to bite the bullet Rush to the forefront.

In the great battles of Verdun and the Somme, the German machine guns gave full play to their enormous power. In these two battles, the British nobles basically died by nearly 20% in World War I, which was more than the casualties of civilian soldiers. The rate is even greater.

A statistic after World War I found that the United Kingdom dispatched a total of 6 million school-age men to join the war, and the death rate reached 12.5%, while the death rate of the nobles at that time was even half. Although many people in modern times want to shape many schools into aristocratic schools, they also hope that their children will become nobles, but the schools attended by real nobles are all paramilitary.

Nobility does not represent money, but people who are brave enough to go to the battlefield when the country is in crisis. Justin’s grandfather is also afraid of death, but as a nobleman, he must go to the front line. He participated in the Dunkirk evacuation. Participated, and then the Germans blew up his leg, and he was finally able to retire.

The European tradition is that nobles generally serve as military officers, and they are rarely soldiers. This tradition was not broken until World War II.

Those who rush to the front will die quickly, and once the nobles are so desperate, then the ordinary people will have no reason not to work hard once they see this situation. Ordinary civilians have nothing. When will they wait until they don't take advantage of this moment to shed blood in exchange for power?

Among the 5,679 "battle students" of Eton College, whose core is the children of nobles, the casualty rate was as high as 45%, far exceeding the war participation rate and casualty rate of any other social group.

Among the 558 noble families with more than 3,000 acres, one tenth of the heirs died in battle.

There is an old saying in Chinese: Soldiers never tire of cheating.

A duel is a gamble of life and death, of course it is different from Quidditch, and you have to abide by the "rules of the game". Draco is a disreputable nobleman who attacked Harry in the duel club, but he is a living nobleman. What gentleman?

The presidential suite is very spacious and has a great view, but it can also feel suffocating when packed.

Under the cover of high-end perfume, there was an unpleasant smell, like some kind of stinking animal.

Involuntarily imitating Narcissa, she covered her nose with a handkerchief.

Malfoy doesn't want to bleed, they should have withdrawn from the privileged class, but for some people, money is as important as life, and the Malfoy family's operation of money is actually another way of bleeding, just that kind of blood and red blood It's different, it's shiny gold, and although the color is different from the silver-white unicorn blood, it's the same if you drink it, and you'll be cursed.

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