Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 669 Bitter water

Compared with Geneva, the capital of Switzerland, Bern, is much less well-known, even though Bern is the largest city in Switzerland.

This is mainly due to the fact that Geneva is an international city and the birthplace of the International Red Cross Society. The Red Cross Movement originated from battlefield rescue. Mr. Henry Dunant, a Swiss, is the founder of the Red Cross Society.

St. George's and the Red Crescent are the world's largest humanitarian organization whose mission is to alleviate human suffering, protect human life and health, and respect human dignity, especially in situations of armed conflict and other emergencies.

Now, the four Muggles who were lying in the box and urgently needed medical treatment encountered an emergency. Even though the passengers in the second-class car were dissatisfied, they cooperated and transferred to the observation car.

It's only about an hour's drive from Neuchâtel to Bern. The driver promised that they could get off and change trains after arriving at the station. They could take a regular train or wait two days in Bern to take the next special train.

There is no evidence that jinxes spread like infectious diseases, and that it is Muggles, not wizards, who are cursed.

The Black Death swept across Europe during the Middle Ages, and tens of millions of Muggles died, but wizards were fine. Similarly, Muggles would not get the magical disease of dragon pox, but for the sake of caution, it is best to isolate them, not to mention It is contagious, and so is panic. Pomona is very familiar with this kind of situation. It is useless to be afraid with others or explain the situation. She must keep calm by herself, and then find calm people among these panicked people.

When the captain and the flight attendant were surrounded by the crowd to "explain", Pomona found her first assistant, the chef Philip, who said that it should be true that he participated in the Second Wizarding War because his Panicked passengers were served hot chocolate instead of coffee in the galley.

Chocolate can increase the level of a chemical substance called "serotonin" in the brain, which can bring people a sense of tranquility, better eliminate tension, and play a role in relieving stress. The caffeine in coffee can excite the nerves, aggravate the heartbeat, and cause symptoms such as palpitation. At this time of panic, what is most needed is to calm the "pounding" heart again.

Hunger is not just natural or physical hunger caused by lack of food to eat. There is also a kind of hunger called spiritual hunger and cultural hunger. The latter two states of hunger are not noticed by many politicians themselves.

Emotional hunger is when people look for love in the pain and helplessness of loneliness. Maybe a cup of hot chocolate is nothing, but when you give it, a pat on the other person's back, or a gentle comfort can make people feel cared , this pain and loneliness can be alleviated, and those passengers who did not ask the driver to "explain" sat on the sofa, and each was given a cup of hot chocolate.

Everyone has different ways to relieve anxiety. Some people like to do something, or vent their negative emotions on others. Southern France and Italians are so emotionally exposed, while Germans are relatively silent, but Pomona thinks that Several Viennese musicians were not in the mood to play music like the band on the Titanic at this time. They were talking in low voices with extremely serious expressions.

Pomona still had tranquilizers and demulcents in her pocket, which they didn't need yet, but Pomona gave the flight attendant a few bottles in case they needed it, and then went back to the dining car to treat Heinrich's injury.

His broken arm needs to be corrected before drinking raw bone water, otherwise the bone will grow crooked.

Spells are not omnipotent, and it is precisely because of this that potions and medicine are needed to assist in the treatment. Lockhart is from Ravenclaw, and his oblivion spell is good, but he uses spells to heal Harry's fractures. Thoroughly.

"Need help?" Voldemort said softly.

"I can still make simple enhanced raw bone water, Tom." She whispered, she felt that if someone saw her current appearance, she would think she was crazy, talking to herself.

"I asked about something else. If I didn't remind you just now, that Muggle woman would be attacked by a color-changing ghoul."

Pomona sneered, she didn't believe that Voldemort would kindly help Muggles.

"It's not easy to find someone who understands us in the Anti-Dark Arts League. They just think we are evil." Voldemort said to himself, "It's hard to believe that Grindelwald and the White Wizard are lovers." .”

Only then did Pomona realize that if one day Voldemort made a comeback and made this secret public, then Albus would be ruined.

"When I found him, I thought I would find a lunatic. He was indeed crazy, but he was not the kind of delusional person who thought he could make a comeback and continue to be a wizard to rule the world. I had a letter with him, just Curious about him like an admirer, you know that feeling when an idol collapses in front of you? He wanted to die, and told me the whereabouts of the Elder Wand very happily, he actually said he was very happy It's so sad to die."

Pomona remembered the nickname Grindelwald had given to Voldemort. She really couldn't think of how that Grindelwald, who used to play with Voldemort, would do that. He clearly said that whether it was Albus or Nurmengard Nothing can destroy him.

"He said he never had the Elder Wand, and I think what he meant to say was that he never had the love of the White Wizard, who do you think took advantage of whom?"

"What?" Pomona stopped in her tracks.

"The White Wizard's battle of fame is that he defeated the Dark Lord. Every picture of Albus Dumbledore's chocolate frog has the name of Gellert Grindelwald. Confident, right? You're sure he's going to beat me, like he beat Grindelwald, but I'm not letting him go like Grindelwald." He sneered gracefully. "Their 'Toffee' time It’s only a few months, but it’s been a century, it’s really touching.”

"He doesn't need you to give way, Tom, because you're afraid of him." Pomona gritted her teeth and said, "You can't overcome your fear of him, so you lost to an old man!"

"He should avenge his sister. Look what he did? He recognized the situation and gave up his and Grindelwald's dreams. Who is the coward?"

Pomona was going to use brain defense, she was trying to force the sound out of her head.

"The white wizard is as talented as I am in Legilimency. Grindelwald confessed very simply, maybe to save both of us a little trouble, but Gregovich tried to protect the thief. It was a rainy night, Grindelwald. Wo broke into his house through the window and stole the Elder Wand when he was young and pretty..."

"Are you going to go that way too, Tom?" Pomona sarcastically said.

"Gellert Grindelwald is a very attractive person." Voldemort didn't care about her sarcasm at all, and said calmly, "I know that many people secretly compare me with him in their hearts, and many people even think that I am Intellectually less than him, but I wouldn't use his affair with the old guy to attack him, that's not my style, in wizard's fairy tales, even the muggle king wants what I have power, I will gain believers through my power, not words."

"But they all left you, Tom. Remember the duel between you and Harry in Viaduct Court? Your followers all ran away when they saw Harry die and come back to life."

"You are very smart. Although you are as self-righteous as the white wizard, as I said before, I don't mean the potion to help. How about we work together to find the spell that made Harry Potter survive the catastrophe twice?" Voldemort said softly and gracefully, "I don't believe it was love that overcame me. It was Lily Potter's motherly love for her son that made her dare to sacrifice herself and complete the last step of the spell. Ancient priests needed it when they wanted to borrow power from God." Sacrifice, I need to sacrifice a human life for every Horcrux I make, and she needs to sacrifice a human life to complete the protection spell. I also don’t believe the inference that the White Wizard said that Harry Potter was a Horcrux I accidentally created. I think it's Lily Potter that makes us have some kind of magical connection beyond logic and imagination."

"What do you mean?"

"The power of the gods, the domain of the gods, but not the god of death, you know the tree of life, do you know what the topmost chakra is?"

"...the crown of God."

"Five points for Hufflepuff." Voldemort said cheerfully, as if he were a professor at Hogwarts "Together we will surpass their achievements, explore areas that have not been explored before, and approach the source of magic and life force. "

"You're crazy..."

"There is not much difference between a genius and a lunatic. I was already a pioneer on the road to longevity. If you didn't make trouble..."

"What's the point of living forever like you? Tom, I've only experienced three days without sleep and I've reached my limit. How long have you not slept since you were reborn?" Pomona rudely interrupted him, "Have you ever looked in the mirror? ? After rebirth, it looks like a monster!"

"Shut up!" he yelled angrily.

"You never thought about it, right? Why are there so many people, only Wormtail is willing to prepare the rebirth potion for you in the end. If it was Severus, if he prepared it for you, you would not be like that, and magic Stone too, everyone is not to your liking, you want a perfect body, but it just isn't as good as your Squib mom and Muggle dad and yours!"

Pomona felt a piercing pain, the kind of pain that would not kill her, but it reminded her of that terrible memory, Wormtail held Voldemort's wand and was casting the Cruciatus Curse on her.

"I've been looking for him for years," said Voldemort. "I know he's alive. I can feel it. He's my plan. I know he can't be trusted. Oh, Severus, I thought you were a Wise man, what corrupted your brain! Became so stupid!"

"Is it the Dark Mark on his arm?" Pomona said, leaning on the wall, "You came to him through it?"

"Stupid woman." Voldemort continued to curse, "You thought he was a mole, but you didn't think he was actually that swallow, he longed for power, oh, he was really a loyal servant at that time, I taught him How to fly, he was so happy at that time, he was free, but what did he get for betraying me? He hid in a hole in the ground like a mole, he was a prisoner, locked in Hogwarts, maybe he It seems to be better than his companions in Azkaban, but he can't use black magic at will, right? He has improved a lot, but it took him twelve years to get to where he is now. In the past, he It can be achieved in three months. What is the reason? Because Lily saved him, he willingly carried his lover like a swallow and handed her over to his enemies. What a great person he is, then What are you? A passionate toad, or a blind mole! No man will love you at all! You are not a half-breed Veela at all, and your original appearance is an old, fat, ugly woman!"

"I'm not your mother, Tom," said Pomona coldly. "Your father may not have abandoned her just because she was ugly."

"Then what's the reason? Is she poor? He is already rich, so does he still care about her dowry?"

Pomona tried to read the handsome Muggle man's heart, but she really didn't know what he wanted.

He likes to ride horses, has a handsome appearance and wealth, and is liked by girls. He lives in a happy garden like a prince of flowers.

"I think your mother abandoned your father," said Pomona. "He was nothing but rich and handsome, but she didn't think of transferring his property, so he ended up poor. She used him because She wants you to be as handsome as your father, do you remember your mother's last words? She wants you to look like your father, you are her prince, she loves you, and she is willing to die for you , just as Lily could die for Harry."

"How is that possible!" said Tom angrily.

"In today's world, you have everything if you have a beautiful appearance. Maybe your mother is a prophet, and she has already predicted this."

Soon, Pomona felt the dark power disappear.

She subconsciously turned her head to look at the window glass, which reflected a middle-aged woman with fair looks.

She couldn't imagine what it would be like for a woman to sleep with a handsome and rich man she didn't like in order to improve her genes. She felt disgusted just thinking about it.

Even if a mother doesn't like her child, she should at least be responsible for her child, right?

Old Tom Riddle didn't even have this responsibility, and he didn't even want to raise an illegitimate child.

Even if you don't want people to know, is it okay to give her a house and let her have a shelter in a place far away from her hometown?

Loving just one person is a barbaric act because it sacrifices all others.

If the person this person loves is still himself, then all the people in the world can be sacrificed.

Just like Voldemort disregarding the lives of others for his own immortality.

Little Tom was indeed Old Tom's son, which was perfectly inherited.

How can women not be greedy for youth and beauty? Because there is no love without a beautiful face, and no amount of reading to make up the soul is as effective as putting make up on the face.

Merope was actually pretty smart, but she didn't know the rules of the Muggle world, and how tight they were with their pocketbooks.

Isn't the purpose of marriage law to protect property? Merope is not an official wife without a marriage registration, and she cannot transfer her husband's property. Sometimes a page is so important, just like the armistice agreement of a war, it can determine the fate of many people.

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