Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 685 The Lover from a Foreign Country

The Rhine, the largest river in Western Europe, originates in the northern foothills of the Alps in Switzerland, flows northwest through Liechtenstein, Austria, France, Germany and the Netherlands, and finally flows into the North Sea near Rotterdam.

Trains departing from Bern run in the direction of the Rhine Valley.

Although the Middle Rhine Valley in Germany is the most beautiful part of the scenery, the scenery in the upper reaches of the Rhine is already very beautiful. There are medieval towns and many ancient castles on both sides of the river. In the lyrics of the Nibelungen song, it is written, Legend has it that the insidious Hagen who lived in the Hunsrück mountains sank the Nibelung treasure into the Rhine.

In Scotland, there are horse-shaped water monster Kelpie, and in the Rhine there are freshwater mermaids. They sit on the rocks. It's the Blonde on the Rocks of Loelai, and sometimes people refer to them as Loelai.

As the train drove through narrow valleys and flowing rivers, the blonde girl in the dining car was still playing the harp and singing under her breath, as if she were the magical Loelet:

I was invited to a wedding last night as a bridesmaid to a girl who wasn't very nice to me.

That day she suddenly thought of her lover when she was young, and her old love suddenly got into her mind.

Everything went well that night, and when the dinner was over, every young man sang a beautiful song.

Until it was the turn of the exotic lover she loved.

The song he sings to his bride comes from his heart:

How can you sit at another man's table? How can you drink wine that other men give you? How can you lie in the arms of another man, when you lie in my arms, my love, many lovers are reunited after being separated for seven years, but I have only been away for two years, only two years Just came back, why did you marry someone else?

The bride sat at the other end of the table, she knew the song her lover sang, her heart failed until she couldn't stand, and fell at the groom's feet, sobbing and sighing, she ran to her bed, the next day the groom tried Wake her up, only to find that she has passed away, only because of that foreigner...

"Oh my God!" exclaimed Pomona in amazement "is that her song?"

"Do you want to continue listening?" Severus, who was in charge of the translation, said stiffly.

No matter how beautiful the scenery of the Rhine Valley is at the moment, it cannot express Pomona's mood at the moment.

Since the Middle Ages, this kind of news at weddings has happened. When the groom found out that his wife had slept with another man, and that man went to the wedding scene to make a scene, singing their past to everyone. Guests listen, that scene, tsk tsk.

"It's a good thing I wasn't invited by Lily to be a bridesmaid." Pomona said happily, "You didn't make a fuss at her wedding with James."

"Is that what you think?" He said with a smile on his face, but his tone was particularly sinister, as if he was ready to bite her neck off at any time.

"Why did she sing such a vulgar song with such a beautiful voice." Sitting on the sofa in the observation car, she blamed the singing girl.

"Do you know the name of this song?"

She shook her head honestly.

"This song is called A Noble Wedding."


"The wedding should be festive. Do you want to laugh after listening to that song?"

"As long as it's not my own wedding..."

"Exactly, as long as this kind of thing doesn't happen to me, everyone will laugh." He looked at the blue sky, "I hate this song!"

Pomona looked at the ruined castles scattered in the valley, wondering how many times this ballad had been sung in them.

Not many aristocrats in the Middle Ages were literate, and juggling and telling jokes were inevitable at weddings. The song just now really fits the occasion.

"Her name is Anna?" Pomona asked. "I still understand the name."

"That's right." He said angrily.

"Why is her name mentioned so many times?"

"The groom loves her." Severus looked at a point in the void. "Even though he knew she didn't love him, she loved the foreigner, and he wanted to wake her up."

Pomona's mood suddenly became extremely bad.

She held the greasy head and turned the ugly face of the lover to herself.

"You want to resurrect Lily? Like that groom?"

"No!" He wrinkled his facial features as if he had eaten a lemon.

"Why, don't you love Lily very much?" Pomona felt that the tips of her nails were itchy, and she wanted to scratch his face.

"For God's sake..." he said feebly "Can we put her to rest?"

"It's all because of you!" She beat him like a kangaroo boxer. "Lily and I were friends!"

"Do you want to go to Rome?" he asked, parrying her fist. "This car is going to Florence, where we can change cars."

Pomona didn't want to let him go, but she did get a little attention.

In Roman Holiday, Princess Anne, played by Audrey Hepburn, did not say which country the princess was from, but Pomona made up her mind as the princess of Liechtenstein.

The princess will marry the king someday, not with an American reporter.

Members of the royal family more or less have their own responsibilities. Princess Sissi, known as the Bavarian Rose, married the Austrian King Franz Joseph I, Emperor of the Austrian Empire.

This was a political marriage, and both parties were willing. At the beginning, Princess Sophie of Bavaria, thinking that she would rather make her niece a daughter-in-law than accept a stranger, arranged for the emperor to marry Helen, the eldest daughter of her sister Princess Ludvika. The Duchess gets married, and she's as scary as the queen mother in The Princess and the Pea.

Sissi has always grown up in an unrestrained environment. Franz, who was overwhelmed by Princess Sophie, was attracted to her at once. He did not marry Helen, but chose Elizabeth. After marriage, Sissi was unprepared. Akane was forced into the staid Habsburg court life that was extremely inconsistent with her personality. At the beginning, she had a huge dispute with her mother-in-law, Princess Sophie of Bavaria, about the issue of children's upbringing.

It was a very long story, and even a movie would take three episodes to show. The Germans have always been rigorous, and few people associate them with romance and liveliness.

But they also have romanticism. They draw fairy tales and dreams into reality. Among them is a castle, Neuschwanstein Castle, also known as Black Swan Castle, which was built by Bavarian Emperor Ludwig II. He is the nephew of Princess Sissi, known by the world as "Fairy Tale King", "Swan King" and "Mad King Ludwig".

He has always admired the castle style of medieval knights, and built such a palace where Sleeping Beauty lived on the ruins of the former Highland Castle.

In Muggle fairy tales, a long, long time ago, Sleeping Beauty slept in a secluded castle. When she fell asleep, the whole kingdom was no longer alive. Only a kiss from a prince who loved her could wake up the sleeping beauty.

However, in the wizard's bard, it is not the prince who wakes the princess up, but a wizard, who puts the invigorating potion on his lips, and wakes up the sleeping princess who has been poisoned by the potion of living hell.

The king promised him a reward, thanking him for saving the princess. The wizard wanted nothing else but the princess. The angry king told him that she was destined to marry a king, and drove the wizard away.

Later, the wizard summoned an army of undead to attack the king's castle. Many living people died in battle, but they did not rest in peace. They were summoned by the wizard to become a member of the army of undead. Friend, brother, son.

The king knocked on the princess' door in desperation, saying that only she can stop the war.

Ordinary girls don’t need to mate with unknown or unfamiliar strangers like Hitler’s population farms in order to reproduce more people, and give birth to more children.

But the princess must bear such responsibilities.

Princess Sissi bore Franz four children, but her excessive attention to her slender figure and beautiful appearance caused her health to decline sharply. However, it was not the disease that really killed her, but the murder in Geneva, Switzerland. to the assassination of the Italian anarchist Luigi Lucheni.

"What were you thinking?" Severus asked guiltily.

"I'm thinking of Caesar, and his exotic lover Cleopatra." She said blankly, and Caesar was assassinated.

"So...we're going to Rome?" he asked tentatively.

"Let's go to Turin, have you forgotten the village that can make spiritual weapons?" She squeezed his face hard, and then let go of her hand, "Don't forget your godson, he still has serious problems, Ah Storia has a blood curse, and giving birth to a child will kill her, and Lucius will not let the Malfoy family die in his hands."

Now Pomona kind of hopes that Lucius' mistress can give him a baby, so that she can help Draco share a little pressure, but in this way, Narcissa will be disgraced again, and she will definitely be with Lucius divorced.

Lucius didn't want to divorce Narcissa, because Narcissa was the only soft spot in the heart of that Norman masquerading as an Anglo-Saxon.

Pure-blood nobles have developed to the point where cousins ​​get married for the sake of pure blood. Will one day be like Egypt, where brothers and sisters get married?

Moffin Gaunt estimated that no woman would marry him. If Merope didn't marry, then the Slytherin family would be over in their generation.

She wanted little Tom Riddle to look like his father, and Pomona would rather believe that the Squib used that handsome Muggle to improve the increasingly ugly appearance of the Gaunt family, and stop using fascination with old Tom when she was sure she was pregnant It's just that she didn't expect that there are such irresponsible people in the world who don't even care about their own children.

In other words, she didn't realize how disgusting she looked, and even a man would not accept her initiative to throw herself into her arms.

"I won't mess up Lily's wedding, but I will mess up yours." He said softly. "Do you think Sirius Black and I will duel at the wedding?"

"you think too much."

"We're going to hell together," he said with a smile. "What do you think the White Wizard will do if it happens like that?"

"Collective Forgetting Charm," she said, a wizard's way.

"You are a smart girl and didn't make that wrong choice." He said softly "Anna, Anna, I understand that you have never loved me, and I have never been in love with you, because I know your poor heart has always been Broken, just because of that foreigner, so now I must wear mourning clothes, one, two, three, I must wear the wedding dress I prepared for you at the wake, and I will never leave, in Between bark and tree."

"Stop singing." She covered her ears, although Severus' voice was nice, she didn't want to hear it.

She's not Anna, she's Pomona.

He lay on his back directly on the sofa. From that angle, he couldn't see the dream-like beautiful scenery of the Rhine Valley outside the car window. He could only see the cloudless blue sky and the dazzling sun.

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