"Pomona, do you have time?"

When demolishing the Christmas decorations at Black's house, Sirius suddenly said to her.

"Okay." Putting the treetop ornament back into the box, Pomona followed Sirius out of the living room under Kreacher's resentful gaze.

"Can you give me back that double-sided mirror, I want to use it to keep in touch with Harry after school starts."

"It's not with me now."

"Do you have both mirrors here?"

Pomona met Sirius' eyes, not knowing how to answer.

"Don't worry, you just need to give it to me before Harry starts school." Sirius said with a good-natured smile, "You don't need to use it to contact anyone anyway."

Sirius' words were obviously malicious, and she sounded extremely uncomfortable, but the mirror belonged to the Black family, and she really didn't have the right to occupy it.

"I love your new ring, Pomona. It looks very Slytherin. Where did it come from, may I ask?"

While drinking tea in the garden, Narcissa Malfoy looked at the snake pattern ring on Pomona's right middle finger, with an ambiguous smile on her lips, obviously already had the answer in her heart.

"Severus," she whispered back.

"Is that your engagement ring?"

"That's not important." Pomona looked at the wedding ring on Narcissa's hand. "I just want his loyalty."

The smile on Narcissa's face hardened.

"Narcisa, do you still love Lucius?"

"You can call me Sissy, just like Severus." She put a handkerchief to her nose and said after a moment of deliberation. "I don't know, Pomona, I've been through too much with him."

"How long has it been since you were hugged by someone? Sissy." Pomona asked softly. This is a common problem of all women. If emotions are not satisfied, they will be filled with material things. Narcissa Malfoy's entire wall The clothes are actually a kind of sad trophy. "You deserve better, and you can meet more people at this party, and don't wait for yourself to be picked away."

"I think that's my common problem with Lucius, always waiting." Narcissa smiled very Malfoy. "Every day since you and Severus came here is changing."

"Do you like the changes?"

"I'm adapting. Sometimes I can't believe that I'm already a grandmother." Narcissa paused. "If there are more changes, I'm worried that I will lose control."

Not everyone adapts to changes, especially after more than 20 years of marriage, Pomona is too nosy.

"Pomona, have you ever been invited to a ball?"


"I'm talking about how you are now." Narcissa looked at her and smiled weirdly. "I can't believe that you and the dean of Hufflepuff College are actually the same person."

It was also Dumbledore who made Pomona drink Polyjuice Potion. The Muggle woman whose face she borrowed was short and fat, making many men shy away. As Hufflepuff's dean, it's no big deal to be invited by students to a banquet. Hufflepuff has always been neutral, but every time she goes to a ball, she can always hear people talking behind her back, especially women, who seem to regard her as someone kind of talk.

There are too many secrets buried in the mud. In fact, she also hopes that she can be like Hermione, suddenly one day shed the disguise on her body, become the focus of everyone's attention, and dance with her beloved on the gorgeous dance floor.

"I heard Draco was beaten up by a girl in third year, a mudblood girl."

To make matters worse, he also complained to Snape, and Draco was not only beaten, but also scolded harshly by his own dean once, and since then he never dared to trouble Hermione again.

"I've heard of her, the girl from the Savior Trio." Narcissa's face was cold, and it seemed that the discrimination against Muggle-born girls was difficult to change all at once.

"What's Lucius' plan?"

"It's still the same." Narcissa exaggeratedly rolled her eyes.

"Sissy, have you ever seen the nests of eight-eyed spiders? Their webs are intertwined, one next to the other, as long as there is a slight disturbance, the spiders on the entire web will move. If there is no food, they will take that Those who only cause a commotion will be eaten by the same kind." Pomona took a sip of tea, "Maybe Lucius is afraid that he will be eaten by the same kind after causing a commotion."

Narcissa's eyes flickered, and she drank tea with Pomona.

"Do you remember the big fight between Hufflepuff and Slytherin in 1971?"

"Oh, I'll never forget it for the rest of my life." Narcissa put down her teacup. "I haven't eaten any lobster since then."

"Because of Nancy Poitiers' incident, the Hufflepuff boy planned to fight the Slytherin boy in the Quidditch match. In order to avoid the escalation of the situation, the female prefect let the girl do it. How to replace the magic The minister is still a matter for the men. What you have to change is that Slytherin is completely passive and beaten by public opinion. At least let the prejudice that Slytherin is the bad guy be removed from people's minds. If you need it, I will let the short Fat Professor Sprout appeared."

"Well, I'd like to see you dancing with Severus." Narcissa said proudly. "You borrowed that face from a Muggle?"


"No wonder it looks so disgusting." Narcissa made no secret of her disgust. "I bet people that Sprout must be a Mudblood."

"What about me now?"

"I've got a room full of dresses I want for you, my dear, and shoes of all kinds and headbands, what else do you want?"

"You're going to spoil me, Sissy, do you know how much it took Severus to correct Draco's bad habits?"

"Of course I know, that's why I asked Lucius to let Severus be Draco's godfather." Narcissa smiled happily, "I can pet him as I want, and then teach him to be an adult." Leaving it to haters, Draco will end up in Slytherin sooner or later, and who better to protect him than the head of Slytherin."

Draco was weak, spoiled, with many followers but few friends, a spoiled young master like him would not have only been punched by Hermione if he hadn't been protected by the old bat.

"You're a wicked witch, Sissy." Pomona looked at the housewife who was rocking a smile in disbelief "Do you know how many times Severus cursed you and Lucius in front of me for being irresponsible? "

"Do you like Draco, Pomona?" Narcissa stared at her like a calculating snake. "If you married Severus, you would be Draco's godmother."

"What do you want to do?"

"I have always liked the atmosphere of Hufflepuff. Your little badgers are very lively. Every time Lucius and I visit as school managers, I think you are a very good teacher." Narcissa grabbed Her hand "I think you helped Draco become a gentle and humble man, he chose to go to St. Choose someone to inherit the family business."

"Don't you want him to be famous?"

"No, honey, I don't think so." Narcissa shook her head immediately, "Especially after leaving the Forbidden Forest, I just want him to live his life in peace and happiness, and don't make any more waves. My heart can't be broken again."

"Pomona, you swear to me that you will keep Harry alive, or I will never forgive you."

After learning that Pomona had erased the memory of her parents, the smile on Lily's face disappeared. "I can't believe you did it without my consent."

But at least they can live Lily.

She didn't confess that she had done it on Dumbledore's orders, because he already had a lot of people who hated him.

It wasn't until then that she realized that her relationship with Dumbledore was not so much a teacher and a student as a father and daughter. He had been protecting her, just like Arianna.

He hoped that she could make better choices, and not always make wrong choices like Tom, and in his eyes, Severus Snape was far inferior to Sirius Black, who belonged to the Lion House and was good at transfiguration black.

He really was, as Snape cursed, an eccentric old bastard.

"I will do my best, but I will not give up other students for him." She promised Narcissa. "That Norton boy needs help more."

"I think Severus will do."

"No, you don't understand. Men are idiots, and they are always unreliable at critical moments. Didn't Lucius prove it?"

Narcissa was stunned for a moment, and picked up the teacup expressionlessly, but didn't drink it.

"You're right, men are idiots." Narcissa shook her head and smiled wryly, "That's why I hope Draco will always be a boy, so that he won't be with them."

Boys can be satisfied with candy, men crave power, and Pomona also hopes that the old Slytherin boy who was happy to reward him with cookies is still there.

"Why do people have to grow up?" Pomona talked for a while, and took another sip of the black tea that was beginning to taste bitter.

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