Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 836 “Follower VI”

"Have you ever thought about betraying your master?" The secretary-general asked while looking at the plate of "lobster tail".

"What do you mean?" Snape asked slickly.

"In addition to the demon effect, Zimbardo also discovered the Lucifer effect. At first I thought it was another self-righteous 'scientist'. He described how good people become bad people. In the era of witch hunting, we persecuted 'heretics'. Now 'Heretics' critiques how we have fallen. Kepler's mother, Katharina Kepler, was framed as a witch, and while she immediately took the men to court for defamation, her accusers were too More, even the chief of Leonberg, Duchy of Württemberg also participated. At that time, Kepler was the royal mathematician of Roman Emperor Rudolph II, and his reputation was in full swing. The Witch Case' is irrelevant, and this will inevitably affect his reputation, but for the safety of his mother, Kepler still set off home. When the lie is confirmed, there will always be people who agree, and some people think that we designed the arrest He, after all, was deeply influenced by the Copernican theory that was spread secretly in college. In fact, people always have a kind of aversion to old women, especially some unpopular old women who are always inexplicably accused , katerina was accused because she was obnoxious, you said bad things about young people and boarding schools many times, so, you are a boarding school teacher right? Young people are mostly not opinionated, accuse kata first Lina's is a young woman named Ursula, a primary school teacher, ten years ago, Katharina invited him to her home to read a letter, in the process of reading the letter, she had a drink and Katharina handed him The next day she felt unbearable pain in her thigh. A brick craftsman heard Ursula's words and claimed that a few days ago, Katharina slapped her daughter's arm when passing by her door. The next day, her daughter lost feeling in her arm. A woman named Kelebull said that the tailor hired by her family saw Katharina suddenly get up from the bed at midnight and told her that she was a wizard. Then More than 20 witnesses emerged at once, all claiming to prove that Katarina is a witch. It is my duty and a matter full of 'justice', including the local pastor." The secretary-general turned the ring on his hand and said, "After Kepler returned home and investigated, it was found that the man named Ursula Accusing Katharina of being a witch, so she was cursed to contract the disease. In fact, the real cause of her disease was that she took the wrong medicine, and Ursula's disease needed mercury to cure, and the overdose of mercury would be serious. Injury to the brain, Ursula's infertility was caused by miscarriage, and had nothing to do with the witch. The brick craftsman was usually extravagant, and started stealing after ruining the family's property, and then secretly hooked up with Ursula Now, you understand what happened to the priest refusing to give Communion to Katharina, and instead bringing it to Ursula's house?"

"Who impregnated Ursula?" asked Gianluca.

"Who gave that woman syphilis?" Snape asked.

"Look, people with a clear mind can always find the crux. Many evil women, who belong to Satan, are seduced by the illusion of the devil, not only turning black and white, but also using their powerful social connections to spread rumors. Kepler's defense makes Kata Lina was acquitted, but unfortunately, Katharina died of illness before she got out of the cell, even though she repeatedly claimed that she was innocent, and countered those who slandered her for defamation, those who claimed to defend women Scholars, they did not exactly investigate the situation at that time, and thought that witch hunting was directly related to the Black Death, but they only needed to read ancient books to know that people at that time believed that wizards used weather magic, not black witchcraft. Card Tarina was framed for using black witchcraft, but the people in the court had no evidence to prove her innocence. There are so many testimonies of witnesses. The court actually protected her by keeping her in a cell, preventing her from Wounded by the mob at home or out of the courthouse, a woman writer once wrote: Women are both virgins and witches, the elegant eroticists of the Renaissance worshiped women as gods, and the inquisitors of the Inquisition deified them Burned at the stake. I think she didn't understand that it was not the judges of the religious court who burned them at the stake, but the secular world wanted to burn them at the stake. The villagers regarded the stake as entertainment. The good neighbors in their eyes, even her children, will slander and slander them for their own reasons. Heinrich suffered from epilepsy when he was a child. Rejection, so it is difficult for young Heinrich to find any serious job. The only two serious jobs Heinrich got were introduced by Kepler. Blame his mother for starving him. Compared with his genius brother, he is "crippled" and does not make Katharina proud. Kepler originally wanted to be sensible enough to ask everyone to drop the charges, but no one listened to him. He was forced to expose the conspiracy of those villains in public in court, everyone was disgraced, Katarina did not leave the prison alive, I think only the devil watched a ridiculous comedy. In Zimbardo's book Wrote: Personal temperament is not as important as we imagined, good and evil are not insurmountable, the pressure of the environment will make good people do terrible things, people are easily influenced by the environment and do evil, the more than 20 Witnesses are not all colluding like priests, bricklayers, Ursulas, but they come from their own purpose to kill Katharina, I see you have scars on your neck, that looks horrible, you You should be close to death, have you ever been in the same situation as Katarina, being misunderstood, hated, betrayed by your closest relatives, and waiting for someone who came back from other places to uphold justice for you?"

"Are you talking about me, or yourself, Priest?" Snape asked. "Because you know it's useless to argue, so you keep silent?"

"When a good person becomes a bad person, those "bad people" don't think that they have become bad people. They either think that the victim deserves what they deserve, or they think that they just used evil means to achieve their legitimate goals, and use the rationality of the goal to serve themselves. The means of defense adopted, the contradiction between ghosts, theology, witchcraft and science is no longer a simple conflict between good and evil, but a conflict of beliefs. We are competing whose beliefs are stronger, and they can fight for the 'truth' they firmly believe in. And by being burned at the stake, we can also spread the gospel to tribes ruled by cannibals. Back to our previous question, no one can be a slave to two masters. Who is your master? Have you ever been unable to do so because of some pressure? No betrayal? Just like Lucifer betrayed and fell into Satan."

"This is the biggest difference between us, priest, you are always looking for a 'master', obedient, obedient, loyal, set up all kinds of taboos, dare not break through." Snape sneered and said, "Tell him, Pardo What is Wa's school motto?"

"Freedom for Padua, the universe, and all of humanity," Gianluca said. "What made you change your mind about Zimbardo? Pastor."

"He said that he invented the 'ten-step method' to resist the Lucifer effect. Even though he did evil experiments, his purpose was to fight against Satan. The first step is to face up to his own mistakes. I admit that you just proposed to share' The temptation of food' lured me, but I am not a fish that is lured by bait, so I would take the bait so easily, what on earth are you trying to do?" the pastor asked.

"I told you, save Venice," Gianluca said.

"Don't talk about such high-sounding reasons, you need sincerity to communicate."

"We want to find evidence that the Republic of Venice once helped the Christian Union defeat the invasion of the Ottoman Empire. They did not send troops, but embezzled their own naval military expenditures to fund the Holy See to solve the financial crisis and support the Polish hussars. The person in charge may be Pardo The University of Va, and the father of the first female doctor in Europe, Battista Cornaro-Piscopia, who once served as the treasurer of St. Mark's Church, is the second most powerful person in Venice , in order to cover up their misappropriation of military expenditures, they blew up the arsenal of Sant'Angelo Island on August 24, 1689, but the Contarini family thought it was the British who did it, because you were planning to form a Catholic church at that time The coalition army besieged the Protestants, right?" Snape smiled maliciously, "Curiosity is the thrust of human progress. In order to satisfy curiosity, we have broken one taboo after another, surpassing theological rule in just a few hundred years. With the development of the next millennium, do you think there are more people who support us, or more people from you?"

"Who is us?" Gianluca said coldly.

"Newton is both a scientist and the last alchemist. Can you guarantee that Galileo has no interest in astrology?" Snape asked Gianluca coldly.

"Who will protect your safety, scientist?" the pastor said, "Do you think the secular law can really protect your personal safety?"

"You can't either." Gianluca said coldly, "I don't know what Batista thinks. He betrayed Venice and served his master. When Napoleon attacked, who will help us?"

"You've met quite a few fools like this, who dissipated all their wealth and dedicate their territories to you, and became monks themselves." Snape lit a cigarette, and smoked it slowly, "Saint Anthony, I think Who else? Francis, too, why not canonize Waldo?"

"Is it necessary to be so honest?" asked the Secretary-General.

"In Venice, whores are honest," Gianluca said. "We want to save our city, but we can't save ourselves. Can you help us?"

"There's no need to be so honest, silly boy." Snape smiled triumphantly. "The devil is also a subject of God. God's rule means that God can use the devil as he pleases. How about we use the devil together?"

"I'm afraid you'll be used by the devil, wizard," said the priest. "You like women, don't you?"

"That's right." Snape said calmly, "I have a friend who betrayed his family for a woman and joined the Demon King..."

"Again, 'friend'," Gianluca interrupted sarcastically. "What 'friend' do you have?"

"The son of that 'friend' is my godson." Snape said, "He is just a rich businessman, not worthy of a noble lady. The Dark Lord helped him get married. Sometimes people are like this, without any loyalty. Interests can also be condensed."

"You can also betray for the benefit of the relationship." The pastor said, "Just for a woman?"

"That's right, just for a woman." Snape said triumphantly. "A lot of people don't think I'm very smart, what do you think?"

Gianluca and the priest looked at him strangely.

Snape was so "devil" that he laughed out loud, no matter how you look at him, he looked like a bad guy, and he was the most evil kind.

Speaking of the most annoying old woman, Doris Umbridge and "Sirius" are both mothers. Old women are also transformed from little girls. They are not Benjamin Button. They are old when they are born. Many people are unlucky to see her Everyone applauds, the mood is the same

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