Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 845 The Book of Secrets

If one can understand the Book of Changes, one can understand Hermetic philosophy.

In "Kybalion", the author introduces the seven mysterious principles of Hermeticism. The book says: "There are seven principles of truth. Those who understand these principles will have a magical key to reach All the doors of the temple will automatically swing open."

These seven principles are:

Psychological principle: "Everything is psychological, and the universe is spiritual."

The principle of polarity: "everything is double; everything has two poles; everything has opposite sides, like and dislike are the same. Opposite things are essentially the same, It differs only in degree, and extremes are always connected; all truths are only half truths; all seemingly contradictory statements can be reconciled."

Principle of Rhythm: "Everything flows, goes out and goes in; everything has its tides; everything rises and falls back; the pendulum phenomenon occurs in everything; the amplitude of the pendulum to the right is the amplitude of the pendulum to the left, The rhythms compensate each other."

The principle of cause and effect: "Every cause has an effect, and every effect has a cause; everything happens according to the law; luck is just a name of the law, not recognized by itself. There are many levels of effect. But everything There is no escape from the law."

Gender principle: "Gender exists in everything; everything has its male and female principles, and gender manifests itself on all levels."

Consistency principle: "Whatever is the source, what is the tributary; what is the tributary, what is the source."

Principle of Vibration: "Nothing is at rest; everything is in motion; everything vibrates."

As far as the first psychological principle is concerned, "everything is psychology, and the universe is spiritual", it is different from the current science.

The end of science may not be theology, but the transformation from a material way of understanding the world to a spiritual way of understanding the universe.

It is easy to be convincing in the way of assertion, thereby generating prestige, but saying so blurs the true colors of things. Theology is ambiguous to most people, but it is easily associated with mental illness, especially in this era of lack of faith.

Killing with a machine gun and atomic bomb is essentially no different from killing with a sword.

Alchemy and chemistry are two completely different things. Alchemy is influenced by the philosophy of Hermes and is a way of operating to understand the wisdom of the universe.

It is said in Genesis: There must be light, so there is light, which is opposite to darkness, and it is because of darkness that it can reflect what light is.

There is a contrast between what is needed and what is not. Vacuum means nothing, and the matter that humans can observe is light. Dark matter cannot be seen with the naked eye, accounting for more than 99% of the total mass of the universe.

Freud's iceberg theory, the consciousness that people can see is conscious, and there are still many consciousnesses under the sea surface that are not usually noticed. This is similar to the material world floating in the Dirac Sea. Some of them are human beings. Known matter, more dark matter sinks below the sea surface, waiting to be explored and discovered.

Using the transformation process of alchemy to liberate the spirit from the matter, reshape the matter and the mind at the same time, the small universe of the individual, mind, and soul is comparable to the big universe of ideas, universe, and nature.

Chemistry requires memorizing formulas, memorizing the periodic table of elements, and exploring laws through a large number of experiments.

The world is made up of matter, and there are mainly two forms of change, chemical change and physical change. Those substances are dead in the eyes of the experimenter. If the experiment is done on a living body, who would act as freely and recklessly as a dead thing? Woolen cloth?

The rotation of the galaxy is like a vortex, and the earth is on a spiral arm of the Milky Way. Maybe there are other civilizations outside the earth, who would be friends with a ruthless killer.

The heptagram magic circle may have lost part of its function after losing an item, but the defensive magic of a single item still exists. Put that weird violin in that empty space, and the magic circle will restart. Who knows if it will There are monsters like the basilisk again.

Although she is not a thief, she will not go empty. Dodge and Albus travel alone. One of them stands on the stone pier, and the other is responsible for taking things. People on the stone pier will be trapped in the magic circle.

This is like a substitution reaction in chemistry, using one element and one compound to produce another element and another compound.

"If Haierbo's purpose is to collect souls, six items are six souls, and we replace them with a violin with six souls sealed, then it's not his trick," Pomona said.

"Leprechaun's gold." Severus said, "it will disappear automatically after a while. Did the old liar use this method to trick the magic circle?"

"Don't call him that!"

"What's he called? The sage after Merlin? The greatest wizard of the century?" Severus said bitterly.

"That exit is not a real exit." Pomona said, looking at the sunlit hole. "There is not even a bat in this cave. We have to go back the same way."

"I don't think so," said Voldemort suddenly. "Do you agree, Severus?"

Severus said nothing, as if he hadn't heard what Voldemort said.

"Get out my wand, please," said Voldemort gracefully. "I know you have it with you."

Then, Pomona saw that he actually took out Voldemort's Bone Wand.

"Truth is true, never lie, truth must come, do you know where this phrase comes from?" Voldemort asked.

"The Emerald of Hermes," Severus replied, like he was a good student.

"The bottom is like the top, and the top is like the bottom. In this way, the miracle of the One will be fulfilled." Voldemort closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "The source of all perfection in the world is here."

She wanted to say something, but found that there was no way to speak at all, as if she had lost control of her body.

"What do you think of the remaining five things?" Voldemort asked.

"There should be a book of spells written by Hypor," said Snape. "The rest I don't know."

"She is a smart girl who knows the rules of 'replacement', what kind of movement law do you think it will be?"

While they were talking, the water on the ground began to evaporate, forming a mist that was white as far as the eye could see, and standing in front of her was an old wizard with a crooked nose.

"Should I stop them, Dumbledore?"

"I don't think so." Albus said with some difficulty, "because I'm curious too."

"What if they use me as a sacrifice?"

"They won't," said Albus. "You ever suspected that I was using you as a guinea pig?"

"Isn't it?"

"Human beings still have souls, as long as they have a bit of conscience, they will not treat you as a test subject." Albus said, "The role of role models is endless, and you have done a good job."

"What did I do?"

"The purpose of alchemy is to refine gold. Severus thought of using Leprechaun's gold instead of real gold. He didn't insist on replacing it with living people. He chose life over gold and life. Although he was lost at first, He has found his way again, and it was a pleasure to work with you, Professor Sprout."

When faced with a sinister scheme, cunning isn't a fault, is it?

Just like the Venetian merchant Charlotte who wanted a pound of meat, he was indeed very pitiful, but he was controlled by the devil in court and went to extremes.

Pomona looked up at the hole in the dome, and maybe the frog at the bottom of the well saw what she was seeing now.

For those Roman soldiers, all they wanted was to survive, and as long as it worked, they would choose to believe in pagan gods or not.

Why is it so difficult to live to retirement? Longinus was blind and continued to fight. The Romans have already occupied Jerusalem. Do they still want to rule the world?

The world is so big, not just Rome.

The nobles of Rome are said to be a group of arrogant, cruel, and crazy people. Why are modern Italians so different from those of two thousand years ago in the same city? This is really a question worth thinking about.

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