"I didn't take part in the Great Revolution, but I did see Napoleon. That little Corsican had an astonishing aura. He only needed to look at people to submit. Sometimes I even thought he was a wizard." Vampire After greeting a passing friend, Giovanni went on to say, "Do you know what he did to his finance minister? That attitude is not as respectful as he is to a manservant, at least he has to behave in front of the manservant." Easy to approach, I heard that the British Ministry of Magic has set up a sculpture of magic is power, and the mysterious man is also a reader of The Monarch?"

"I don't know, what do you think, darling?" Severus asked glibly, his beautiful half-veela wife was too busy eating sashimi to pay him any attention.

"People like heroes. In October 1795, Napoleon was very successful in suppressing the riots with cannons. He killed so many civilians. The civilians still regarded him as a tribune, but he was not the first consul like Caesar. When he and the Republic When the MPs tried to communicate, they strongly opposed it. Later, Napoleon had to let his younger brother Lucien come in with a group of soldiers to arrest them. The rest of the MPs agreed, and Napoleon terminated all ' Liberty', began to rule with iron and blood, and after the pain, those who worshiped him and supported him were the most rebellious Jacobins. He was like an animal trainer in a circus, making those crazy Humans have become tame and obedient again."

"Do you know exactly how the French Revolution broke out?" Severus asked.

"I think it's clearly written in the books. The people of Paris have stormed the Bastille."

"I want to know more details."

"What good is that to me?" asked Giovanni, with a dissolute smile.

"The Dark Lord told us a story before. There was a little boy in the 17th century. He told people that if selling his soul to the devil would allow him to eat every day and have a pony to ride, then he would be willing to do so." Severus smiled grimly and said, "The grown-ups hanged him and burned him to ashes, do you want to try being burned to ashes too?"

The smile on Giovanni's face faded a lot.

"That was a long time ago, you have to give me time to think about it." Giovanni complained, and said after a while, "I remember that the Marquis de Launay was in charge of the Bastille. He is a very good person. The Bastille There are not so many political prisoners in the legend. There are four fake certificate dealers, two mental patients, and a homosexual. When we came in, there were only 7 prisoners and 120 guards, all of whom were old, weak, sick and disabled."

"What?" Severus asked in disbelief.

"The empire has no money, and it is expensive to raise too many prisoners in prisons. It is better to send them to the New World to reclaim wasteland." Giovanni said, "And those nobles who dress like dolls are not so bad, abusing their privileges to stuff people into The prison was tortured, and the fuse of the incident was that Louis XVI fired Jacques Necker, the director of finance. He supported the holding of a three-level meeting to promote the equal number of representatives of the third level and the number of representatives of the privileged level, and also advocated equal taxation at all levels. In short, the Parisians at that time regarded him as the savior of France. On July 12, a large group of people gathered in front of the Royal Palace in Paris to demand Necker's reinstatement. Facing the restless crowd, the officers ordered the guards to use force to maintain order. However, the guards turned their backs. Not only did they refuse to fire on the people, but they also joined the rebellious crowd. As a result, the royal troops who stuck to their duties were beaten to pieces by the people and driven out of the city. A large number of imperial offices were also looted and destroyed. The citizens of Paris looted all the gun shops and small arsenals in the city, even the antique matchlock guns in their private collections. On the morning of July 14, thousands of people began to march in Paris. The Les Invalides, then used as a military hospital... you know, cheese France, a guard at the Les Invalides said there were 250 barrels of gunpowder and buckshot in the Bastille, and later it was said that Jacques Necker, the director of finance, was imprisoned there , they were going to rescue him, and Necker was actually at home, but there was a Marquis named Donatien Alphonse François de Sade, who was of the oldest family in France. His mother also has royal blood of the Bourbon dynasty. He himself was baptized together with Prince Louis V of Condé, and he is a very close family to the royal family, and his title is only a marquis next to a duke."

"What did he do?" Severus asked.

"Remember the homosexual I just said to be under the care of the Marquis de Launay? He did all the absurd things in Italy, and was arrested by his parents, and he was not idle in the Bastille. The imagination was written into a book, and there are many readers. When he found out that someone was demonstrating outside, he had an idea when he tried to escape from prison. He shouted to the Parisian people who were marching, "They are killing criminals inside! There are a lot of ammunition here!" At that time, the Marquis de Launay was hosting a banquet in prison for several representatives..."


"They were negotiating, eating and talking, he shouted, and those outside said that the deputies were being tortured in prison, and a small crowd slipped into the Bastille by a hidden drawbridge. The guards in the fortress Panic began to fight back, and the crowd outside the fort also began to attack, aiming at the Bastille the forts taken from the Invalides, and the Bastille forts had been removed during the negotiations, so thousands of people faced 100 people. Several people fought for more than 3 hours. The Marquis de Launay expressed his surrender. If he resisted any further, he and his soldiers would die. When he was escorted by the crowd to the square in front of the prison, a chef passed by. He just watched At that time, someone proposed to hang the Marquis of Launay, cut off his head, and hang it on the tail of a horse. The Marquis resisted desperately, but he kicked the cook. It's a tailor, and he wouldn't end up like that. After all, not everyone has the guts to kill with a knife. However, the chef has to deal with meat every day. He felt that what he did was right under the anger of the crowd, so He tried to slit the Marquis de Launay's neck with a knife he had received, but it was too blunt, so he slit the Marquis' throat with the knife he carried with him."

"Stop it," Severus said.

"I saw you brought a lot of entourages in, including three beautiful girls. Not everyone on this occasion is upright and trustworthy. Can those two boys keep them safe?"

Severus was silent.

"The Marquis of Sade likes to use drugs, and they can be used by both men and women. Those children are like lambs who have broken into the wolf's den. Even the boys are not safe." Giovanni said, "The children of rich families today are not as noble as before. Well, young people are as sophisticated as middle-aged people, if it were them, they wouldn’t stop me from talking, they want me to explain in more detail, it’s best to tell even the trajectory of the blood splatter.”

"Don't they realize?" Severus asked, frowning.

"I think that's the problem." Giovanni shrugged. "There are quite a few Marquis de Sade here."

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