Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 869 Secret Space

If you want to classify the architecture of the Venetian Renaissance, it can be roughly divided into the pre-Palladian era and the post-Palladian era.

Palladio was the last Italian architect in the 16th century. His art had a decisive influence on European, especially American architecture. He and Vignola are considered to be the founders of the principles of classical architecture in the 17th century.

The second-floor facade of the San Marco Library also references Palladian motifs.

His design eased the rigor of Rome and successfully integrated the classics of the past. When I read his design draft, I suddenly realized that the space can be arranged in this way.

The house he designed seems to be a harmonious and elegant country. There are still a large number of exquisite buildings related to him in the city of Vicenza. It is even called "Palladio's City".

The Foscari Villa he visited today was not his most famous, but Severus seemed to like that style very much, and he bought a lot of albums of houses designed by Palladio.

In addition, he also developed photos of Villa Julian, and those ugly graffiti were changed by him with a magic spell.

*** is not a good word, it will greatly affect the mood of the viewer and the buyer, but with the eyesight of a "peacock", he should not be able to tell the difference between *** and Palladio's Roman style.

It's not bad to change the house, just find a good designer, and hold the wedding there to avoid some people who may come to the wedding scene to make trouble.

Italy is warmer than icy England, and a Palladian house does not so tower over nature as Versailles.

It blends with the environment, light and gentle, just like the graceful goddess in the painting.

Since there was no electricity, nor were they going to, the empty room was lit only by ever-burning candles.

In addition to the architectural magazine, Severus also packed food back, including fish risotto, potatoes, lobster sauce, corned beef, lagoon spider crab, squid balls, the Governor's special drink from Gianluca's last time, and Ice cream with a freezing spell, for those who are careful about their waistlines, eating this dinner will definitely make them fat.

But Pomona was enjoying the discussion with Severus.

Leonardo was the man who lived before Palladio, yet the two were connected by an ancient man, a Greek engineer named Vitruvius.

The golden ratio is a concept. Not everyone’s body proportions conform to the golden ratio. This ratio was not obtained by Da Vinci through biological anatomy, but through architecture.

Palladio was a little-known stonemason until he was 30 years old. When a nobleman and amateur architect discovered his talent, he introduced Vitruvius to him and sent him to Rome to observe the ancient works.

A rectangular room feels uncannily satisfying when its short walls are half, two-thirds, or three-quarters the length of the long walls, and Palladio designed the space to fit that ratio.

This represents the harmony of reason.

He pursues the dignified, simple and noble temperament of buildings, advocates centralized layout, and prefers white. He said: "Among all the colors, white is the most suitable for the temple, because the purity of this color, like the purity of life, God loves most."

No wonder Pomona looked at Villa Foscari and thought it looked like a temple. It was indeed a temple in layout and color, although it was a villa in name.

The space of this house is roughly in line with this ratio, but he intends to make some secret rooms and compartments, which can not only make the house more in line with the golden ratio, but also serve other functions.

Pomona heard him continue to make excuses and make up excuses lamely, but she knew it well.

As long as he doesn't set up a secret room to hold hostages like a serial killer, he's a little bit casual.

He used to like to stay in the cellar and study his potions and dark arts when he was at school anyway.

When the physical and mental stress is mounting, it is also a relief to have a place to be alone, not necessarily to talk to others about everything.

There are many men who regard the car as their private space. Once the door is closed, no one disturbs them. They light a cigarette and look at the door in the driver's seat but do not go in. They don't have to socialize or think, and they feel relaxed.

As good as Arthur is, he has a big family and the pressures of work, and the Anglia and his workshop are what saved his life.

Severus definitely wouldn't take Muggle transport, so he could find space in the house, and he had designed a secret door behind the bookshelves in the house in Spinner's End.

His character is really gloomy and gloomy, and everything is mysterious. Pomona's silly smile is in line with his opinion, as long as he feels happy.

Some bathrooms in ancient Rome were closed to women, which was a good place for men to get rid of women.

Another one is the public toilet, which is also a strange social occasion, but the bathroom is much cleaner than the public toilet, and the Romans spent more time and energy on bathroom design. They are a little reluctant to part with the luxurious bathroom Pomona of the Spanish merchant. , fortunately, now she can design for herself.

She liked the way warm spring water poured from the water bottle in the hands of the sculpture, which was supposed to be a woman, and she was given to Hercules after Prince Troy took Hebei's job of serving wine.

Heracles already had a wife, Deianira. Because of jealousy of Herbe, she mistook a trick set by Nessus, a centaur who was killed by Hercules, before her death, and tricked her husband into wearing clothes. Clothes smeared with poisonous blood. I thought that I could have the love of my husband forever. Who knew that Hercules suffered severe pain all over his body after putting it on, the clothes were tightly stuck to the flesh, and the poisonous blood seeped into the muscles and penetrated deep into the bone marrow, making him extremely painful and unable to escape, and he had no choice but to decide to end his life.

It is said that the Marquis de Sade had a very serious skin disease, which could only be alleviated by soaking in potions.

Desire can make the carriage fly, but it is also harmful to the body, and indulgence is even worse.

There are countless mistresses for men in the upper class, but it is difficult for men in the lower class to marry wives. This kind of jealousy is usually suppressed into the unconscious, and once it is released, it is very terrifying.

The consequence of not being able to think with your brain is to use violence to solve problems, and no one can stop that destructive force.

When dating, how much did the woman listen to what the man said?

If she thinks that man is arrogant, she doesn't bother to listen to a word; if she thinks that man is stupid, she still doesn't bother to listen; This man's joke was very low-level, but she still didn't bother to listen.

Although a woman falls in love with her ears, she only likes to listen to flattery. Otherwise, she thinks her date has a nice voice, and she doesn't care what he says, and enjoys the comfort brought by the vibration of her eardrum.

Even though Snape was ugly, his deep voice and cockney accent were damn charming, even if there was no music in the room, she still felt like she was listening to Canon in a concert hall.

"Are you listening to me?" the liar Snape asked angrily.

"Of course, dear," Pomona smirked. "Just do as you say."

"Why do I think you are not paying attention at all sometimes?" He asked with a stiff face, "What are you thinking?"

She looked into his eyes and took a sip of white wine.

"I'm just enjoying the date." She smacked her lips and said, "I want to take a shower later, how about you put me in the bathwater?"

"What's your plan?" He pretended not to care, and said in a whimsical way as if trying to cover it up.

"To discuss philosophy with you, of course, about what Plato said about Eros in heaven and Eros on earth."

"What?" he exclaimed in disbelief like he had eaten stale pumpkin juice.

She laughed, but she was thrown down before she could go mad for long, and the laughter was replaced by the sucking sound of a kiss, echoing in the dark empty room like a vampire sucking blood.

I asked my girlfriend what to eat, she said anything, hot pot, too greasy, fried vegetables, too troublesome, what do you want to eat? The answer is, whatever

One sometimes asks consciously, and the other answers unconsciously. What she answers is what she feels. The unconscious contains primitive impulses and instincts and all kinds of desires after that, but this is the opposite of the Pavlov effect, anorexia reaction, what she thinks of is On the bad side, ice cream can also be associated with dysmenorrhea, every time I see this joke, I will be laughed to death

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