Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 876 Crows on the Wheat Field

Tobia didn't have a bad habit of drinking, but he still used domestic violence against Irene. He used a rule against Irene that he couldn't use a magic wand. In terms of physical strength, men and women are not equal. In addition, Toby Tobia is the main source of income for the family, and Erin cringes when Tobia speaks up.

The working class is like this, there are more or less alcoholism and violence problems, and Tobia doesn't like everything that much, even if he married the witch Irene because of the freshness at the beginning, he lost the original fun of life because of it.

Severus swore he wouldn't be a man like his father, but he was influenced by Tobias after all.

He is a wild person, but he does not face his violent side to the "family members", but to the "enemies" outside.

Although Van Gogh is a recognized post-impressionist painter, after seeing his works, Pomona "feeled" that he should be a Fauvist painter, although Fauvism was born in Paris after his death.

His paintings are very different from Monet's.

On this rainy Venetian morning, Pomona holds with both hands the 20-by-30-inch painting hidden in the mezzanine of a gothic-style sideboard, depicting two farmers at work in a barn under a blue sky , while van Gogh observed the scene indoors, he painted the window sill in the lower right corner of the painting.

During the last years of Van Gogh's life, he voluntarily entered the asylum of Saint-Protection near Saint-Rémy. Initially allowed to work outside the asylum under supervision, his condition temporarily improved before deteriorating.

Unable to visit his beloved landscapes, he was reduced to painting or depicting his surroundings from memory.

Because his "mania" exploded with energy and creativity, he used bright, thick, and brilliant colors like Fauvism, and created strong picture effects with straightforward and extensive brushwork.

Dogs are red-green colorblind, which means they see the world differently than humans.

In the painting in Pomona's hand, the indoor color is very dim, not as bright and bright as the one outside the window.

A living woman will never win a fight with a dead woman. This is the case. The woman in a man's memory will be beautified by himself.

The Madonna on Raphael's chair does not exist in reality, it is the projection of his Anima. His Madonna is quiet, peaceful, kind, leisurely, and beautiful, and his temperament is also peaceful and elegant in the rumors of.

According to Jung's theory, man is a rational animal, and Raphael found his Anima, which gave birth to works with perfect female characteristics.

Van Gogh was not found, and given his rumored unsuccessful love affairs, perhaps he lost faith in women.

What he draws is stream of consciousness. The content of consciousness is constantly changing and never stays still. Van Gogh’s starry sky should look very different when moving and static. When the vortex moves, it will produce a strong suction force. Different from stability, it is a feeling that is difficult to describe in words.

Many men don't know what the "feeling" in a woman's mouth is, let alone how to create it. That's why I often hear: You are really good, but I don't feel for you.

Women don't throw themselves into a man's arms because of his high morals or his heroism. There are many female characters described by male authors who look "flat". Helen of Troy was robbed just because of her beauty.

Disadvantages are like the shadow of a person, only a three-dimensional life. The women that men describe by writing scripts and novels actually penetrate the female anima in their hearts. The more rational she is, the more rational the male writer himself is. Shakespeare The female characters of .

The Marquis de Sade and Van Gogh both created by feeling like women, and in the end they both ended up in a madhouse.

The Animus in a woman's heart is sometimes an opinion ghost. Every time she goes shopping, she always feels dissatisfied.

The change of female animus from naive to mature is a manifestation of female psychological growth, and a man's self-esteem is very fragile, especially in front of women.

Although scolding him is to spur him to improve, but always saying that he can also create cold violence will hurt his self-confidence.

Especially when comparing him to others.

Severus dumped Lily and he categorized it as her dislike of poverty and love of wealth. After James got rid of his bad habits, he was actually a good person. At least he was willing to change. The old bat refused to give up black magic to death, and Lily was also very tough , Two strong people are reluctant to be together, and no one will let them go. Fighting and quarrels are inevitable.

Somebody has to give in, but Louis XVI refused, he refused to establish a constitutional monarchy, and the French people had to send him to the guillotine.

The advantage of hyping up a dead person is that he can't talk back. The "authority" has made a final decision. Whoever turns over the old account is making himself unhappy. The Vatican rehabilitated himself and held a press conference for the whole world to prove that the Inquisition It is what people think, but there are not many people who really listen to it. Everyone still thinks that the Inquisition is an evil persecutor.

The feeling of not being able to win a quarrel and being splashed with ink is not to mention how wronged.

This kind of negative emotion will not dissipate over time, but will be suppressed into the unconscious, and when it exceeds his psychological endurance one day, it will explode in an all-round way.

Women can't beat men, and angry people will weaken their thinking ability. Passionate killing is an act in which the murderer has no intentional motive to kill, but is stimulated and teased by the victim, loses his mind, loses control and kills others. This kind of scene is often very messy, and it is very troublesome to "clean up".

"How is it? Is it authentic?" the female boss asked eagerly.

"I saw his signature."

"This is definitely his authentic work." The female boss said confidently, "There are many works that were cleaned out when we moved."

"I wouldn't hang a picture of a madman in my house," Severus said tartly. "What do you think of the furniture?"

"It's okay." She said conservatively, the furniture is expensive just by looking at the wood and workmanship.

"I want it all." He said richly.

Pomona endured it, she knew that this question could not be asked, but she still couldn't help asking.

"Can we afford it?"

The cold eyes of the old bat who originally said "I have taken control of the whole situation" floated over.

"What did you say?"

"It's nothing." The female boss said with her tremblingly.

"These are stolen goods." Severus said righteously, pointing at the female boss, "I should be lucky that I didn't report you."

Pomona saw what he was up to.

He wants to be black and eat black.

The proprietress was so frightened that she couldn't breathe.

"The painting is still yours. I won't tell others. Just pretend that you haven't received these furniture."

"Why should I listen to you well?" the female boss said in a tearful tone.

Severus pursed his lips and pulled his wand from his sleeve.

"Don't be a silly girl," Pomona said. "Life is more important than money."

"Are you going to rob?"

"I can call the police, and the painting in your hand will not be yours by then." Severus threatened with confidence, holding up his wand.

"You can't eat all the benefits, eat meat and drink soup, and don't give others any benefits." Pomona persuaded, "Others will not treat you as a fish if they have food in their mouths."

There is a saying that loses a lot if you lose your humanity, and everything if you lose your bestiality. If the boy Pi didn’t choose the Bengal tiger in his heart when he was drifting at sea, this vegetarian would have starved to death long ago.

The female boss hesitated for a moment, and finally reluctantly agreed.

Pomona immediately returned the unreal painting to her.

"We actually helped you. The furniture was stolen from that unlucky castle. If other buyers bought it back and came to you for compensation if they were unlucky, then you don't know how much you will have to pay."

While Pomona was "brainwashing", Severus took out the painting box, floated the furniture with the Levitation Charm, and threw it into it.

The female boss opened her mouth wide.

"Shh." She mouthed silently at the female boss.

A madman has the logic of a madman, and a robber has the logic of a robber. There are many well-dressed gentlemen in England, and there are also many robbers.

You use gangster logic to deal with me, and I will use bandit logic to deal with you. Whoever has a hard fist makes sense.

The female boss can report that they are wizards, but now Napoleon ruined the report of Lion's Mouth, and now she reports to the police, and no one believes her when she is robbed by a wizard, and her personal strength is not the opponent of the two of them, so she only To watch them do whatever they want.

They are still better than Grindelwald, they didn't kill the original owner and lived in by themselves.

This is the case in the chaotic area outside the law. Hongmen is not "legal" to sell marijuana in Europe and America.

In order to reduce domestic violence, the United States issued a ban on alcohol, which almost collapsed the country. Some things cannot be banned. The ban on alcohol was finally lifted after Roosevelt came to power.

Humans are actually the most dangerous animals, and starting a family is equivalent to locking Leviathan and Behemoth together, so that they will be less likely to make trouble outside.

Pomona continued to browse the store, her eyes swept over the exquisite products, and finally picked up a copper knife, which was made into the shape of a parrot, and its tail feathers were its sharp blades, which looked like letter opener.

"What's this for?" She raised the parrot knife at the female boss.

"The tea knife is made in China." The female boss said listlessly.

"The tea needs to be cut?"

"I see it's special, and I don't know how to use it."

Pomona saw another birdcage-like thing, which looked extremely delicate, with birds flying on it.

"What's this?"

"It's also a tea set."

Pomona didn't ask her how to use it, so she probably didn't know either.

The tea ceremony in the East is so strange.

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