Many people tend to confuse mental illness with neurosis. Spirit is spirit, and neurosis is caused by organic disease in the nervous system. Sometimes neurosis leads to psychosis, but not all psychosis is neurosis.

President Roosevelt had polio, which severely affected the neurons of the patient, and it was a contagious neurological disease.

Hitler, on the other hand, was able to stand normally. He had a severe paranoid personality disorder. He dreamed of establishing the Third Reich, conquering the world, and becoming a world hegemon.

Hitler once said: "The strong must rule the weak, and only the born weak will think it is cruel." Hitler always believed that only the initiative will not be beaten, and only progress will not be bullied, even if bullied and unfair. Rise up and resist.

Where is his logic wrong?

The Germans believed him. The gratifying results of the Blitzkrieg at the beginning made everyone forget how aggressive this was.

The Americans dropped biological and chemical weapons on the Korean battlefield also for "victory", and dropped bombs on the Vietnam battlefield also for "victory", but that violated the Geneva Convention. The United States lost and asked others to implement the Geneva Convention to treat prisoners well. In order to win, he Just set the Geneva Conventions as nothing.

It's like some people want a woman to be single-minded to themselves, while spending their time outside by themselves, ah, what a romantic person I am.

It's not selfishness, it's paranoia. Jealousy is a tool to measure the depth of love. The wives and concubines in the family are not jealous at all, and there is only one reason why they can sit together and play mahjong-they don't love that man at all, and they are with him for partnering Live your life and meet your most basic material needs.

A woman who really loves a man will watch him closely, not to mention women, mosquitoes are not allowed to approach even females, private "property" is sacred and inviolable, toothbrushes and boyfriends cannot be shared!

The former founding father of Singapore was a staunch Chinese, and he opposed Malays enjoying special and high treatment in the Federation. The Malays have always regarded the Chinese as a piggy bank, and they refused to open the market after receiving 60% of the tax revenue. Coupled with racial riots, Singapore simply withdrew from the Federation of Malaysia and became independent.

Too far away will not only create a sense of distance, but also the news is not circulated. Malaysia has a strong voodoo culture. In 2004, the Indonesian tsunami hit Malaysia hard, but the UK did not cause much impact. After all, the UK went to Asia for Christmas holidays There were not many people, and many people forgot after the news was broadcast. News spread slower in the colonial era, and she didn't know what happened on that island in the 19th century.

This time the Chinese wizards withdrew from the Quidditch World Cup qualifiers, probably because they went back to protect those overseas Chinese. In troubled times, there are always people who take advantage of the chaos.

But if it weren't for the Chinese, Malaysia wouldn't be as good as it is today.

After World War II, Britain was seriously injured and had no energy to continue to maintain this colony. The new government accepted the rational philosophy of the West and excluded all mysterious forces that cannot be explained by science. Singapore is going to be a garden city. We can no longer build an oil refinery on Sentosa Island. After all, the oil refinery is seriously polluted, and it is hard to see such a blue sea.

Since it is a sea paradise, this kind of death element must be undesirable, and must be relaxing, pleasant, beautiful and other elements.

There are not only resorts on Sentosa Island, but also a military museum. The site of the museum was originally the Siloso Fort built by the British. These forts not only record Singapore's British colonial era, but also record the history of being occupied by the Japanese army.

So those super elites were lying on the beach chairs basking in the sun of the South Sea island, while feeling in their hearts the "happy mood" of the prisoners of war digging meaningless fortifications on the island under the scorching sun at the gunpoint of the Japanese army?

In this case, it is better to go to the farmland to plant the land with the loess back to the sky, at least some grain can be grown, so that more people can have enough food.

The former founding father of Singapore suffered from a very rare neurosis and was a typical pragmatist. While remembering history, he actively sought investment from the Japanese. Back then, Singapore, including Sentosa Island, had a lot of investment from Japan. This kind of pragmatism that seems to have a split personality is beneficial to the development of Singapore. I just don’t know how the owners who buy a house on Sentosa Island know the story behind the island.

When the typewriter is running, it will make a "kick, kick" sound, which sounds the same as the sound of the firing pin when the machine gun is fired, so the Thomson submachine gun is called the Chicago typewriter.

The Chicago typewriter was not only commonly used by gangsters during Prohibition, but also the main light weapon of the US Army during World War II.

It's a pity that the Thompson submachine gun was too advanced when it was first designed, and it had not been tested in actual combat. The conservative US military ordered expensive and bulky Lewis-type light machine guns instead.

The Thompson submachine gun is favored by gangsters because of its short size and powerful firepower, and it has become the standard equipment of gangsters. The firepower of the gang has been greatly improved, which has put a lot of pressure on the local police and the FBI, and they have to rush to order Thompson submachine guns. Therefore, in the underworld firefights and police and gangster shootouts in the 1920s and 1930s, the Thompson submachine gun often led the leading role.

The success of the Thompson submachine gun among the people has gradually attracted the attention of the US government.

At the end of 1941, after Japan captured Malaya, it began to prepare to invade Singapore.

Facing the impending Japanese invasion, the Chinese in Singapore were actively preparing for it. After the establishment of the "Overseas Chinese Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army" organized by some Chinese, the number of official members reached thousands, including people from all over Singapore including party members, workers, and students. On December 30, various factions of overseas Chinese in Singapore established the "Singapore Overseas Chinese Anti-Enemy Support Association" to provide funding for the anti-Japanese actions of the "Overseas Chinese Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army".

The Nanyang mechanics in Singapore had received military training in China, and then were sent to serve on the Burma Road to fight against Japan with Chinese mechanics.

The Japanese army carried out many reprisals and purges against the Chinese who resisted the Japanese in Singapore, especially killing many members of the Volunteer Army. The defense of the people of Singapore finally failed under the fierce Japanese attack and lasted for a total of eight days. But then some members of the Volunteer Army started guerrilla warfare and continued the anti-Japanese movement. Perhaps the Chinese typewriter in front of her had printed relevant promotional materials.

During the Anti-Japanese War, many musicians emerged in China, and the typewriter who operated this machine, like the pianist, played the national hymn with silent music.

Perhaps it was because the emotion was so intense that she felt it, neither Severus nor the female boss felt it.

Although the number of victims was less than one percent of those killed in the mainland, one-seventh of the total population of overseas Chinese in Singapore and Malaysia was massacred, far exceeding the proportion of deaths in the mainland.

Singaporeans have raised as much as 5.4 billion national currency for China in the form of charitable donations, subscription of national government war bonds, sending overseas remittances to relatives and friends in China, donating medicines, and collecting clothes, accounting for more than 2/3 of the Chinese donations in the world. At that time, a military aircraft could be purchased for 45,000 national currency, and these huge sums of money filled nearly half of the domestic war expenditure.

The Anti-Japanese War was not only a victory for the martyrs in mainland China, but also a victory for Chinese people all over the world.

These people also consider themselves descendants of the Yellow Emperor.

"Well, figured out the problem?" Severus asked.

She gave a contemptuous smile.

"Let's go."

"You don't handle this machine?"

"No need, bad luck will still happen." She took the parrot tea knife made by Longquan sword factory she just bought, and left the store with her new husband on her arm.

Ishikawa Miyuki killed the baby in the hospital because she was jealous of others being able to have children but not herself. The hospital turned a deaf ear to her behavior.

Then she took killing for granted, and even asked the parents who abandoned the baby to give her money.

Seeing that it was profitable, a male doctor also joined in to make money together, but no one said a word.

This kind of madness made many nurses in the hospital feel disgusted and chilled. They submitted their resignations one after another, resigned and left, although this did not have any impact on Ishikawa Miyuki's killing.

It wasn’t until two police officers from the Waseda Police Station accidentally found the remains of the five deceased that it was exposed. The police proved through autopsies that they did not die of natural causes. After the media exposed the incident, people outside the hospital knew about the hospital How crazy are the people here.

In Ishikawa Miyuki's view, these poor children are not qualified to live in this world at all, and she just pulls them out of future tragedies.

Crazy people don't know they are crazy, normal people are gone, leaving behind are doctors and nurses controlled by Miyuki Ishikawa. After all, resignation means unemployment. At that time, it was very difficult to find a job in Japan, unless you went to the front line.

If you are sick and see a doctor, who should you turn to if you are possessed by evil spirits?

Not long after they left, the typewriter "kicked" and typed a bloody word on the dusty paper, but it disappeared quickly, as if the word had never appeared.

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