Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 892 Dust in Fireworks

Popular with American retirees, Costa Rica offers expansive beaches on two oceans, lush scenery in between, and a tropical climate. The cost of living is reasonable, the crime rate is low, and there is political stability.

Health care is good and cheap in big cities, and the state encourages foreign retirees with minimum pensions or Social Security income. One of the great benefits of immigrating to Costa Rica is high-quality, low-cost healthcare.

The fact that Costa Rica has socialized medical care, entitles all citizens to medical care, places the country among the top in the world in terms of health care standards.

The United States and Costa Rica do not have a tax treaty to avoid double taxation, but Costa Rica does not tax retirees' foreign income. Therefore, Costa Rica has become an immigration resort for many American retirees.

Immigration to the United States is becoming more and more strict now, but if you really want to be a "free American" you can use Costa Rica as a springboard, immigrating to Costa Rica has no language, education, or any residence requirements, and you can directly obtain permanent residency.

Costa Rica is very close to the mainland of the United States. It is more than one hour away from Miami, and more than two hours away from New York. Because many Americans retire there, it is very convenient to apply for a visa. Those who hold a permanent residence permit can obtain it if they meet the requirements. The United States has multiple round-trip visas for one year. If there is no bad record, you will get a 5-10-year round-trip visa to the United States.

More than 70% of Costa Rican citizens go to the United States and Canada to study in universities. No investment is required from applicants. It is the country with the highest life happiness index in the world. It has rich natural environment, suitable climate, stable society, suitable for living, moderate housing prices, and high social welfare. The medical facilities are sound.

That is the "back garden" of the United States. There are many preferential policies for overseas tax avoidance. Holders of Costa Rican passports are exempt from visas to more than 100 countries around the world. If they live in Spain for more than 2 years, they can apply for Spanish citizenship according to the regulations of the Spanish authorities. Spanish nationality.

However, such a paradise-like place still has an ugly side, and death can make all good things ugly. There was a woman in Costa Rica who suffered from severe brain disease. Modern medical technology has developed to this day and there is still no way to cure her disease. So she prayed to John Paul II, and she recovered without medicine.

Is there any other word to describe it besides miracle?

The relationship between the United States and the Holy See is good. In 2002, a high school named after him was established.

As we all know, the American dream is as illusory as the heaven mentioned by the Catholic Church, but one pursues happiness after death, and the other pursues happiness in life.

The most common way to immigrate to the United States is to marry and live. The real estate in the United States is already very bubble, which often requires high mortgages. **** Home Financial Services will provide you with many legal and other related services.

A new immigrant, her credit has always been good, and her monthly payment has not been broken. Americans call people who do not pay their monthly payments "Lao Lai". How can a "decent person" who has received modern higher education be an immoral "Lao Lai"? "Lai", what kind of person would owe money and not pay it back?

"Taxpayers who pay on time shouldn't be paying those who fail."

"This is America, how many of you will pay for your neighbor who has multiple bathrooms, lives in a big house, but can't pay the loan!"

But life is not as good as it is. She lost her job, or someone in the family was sick and needed money urgently, so she called **** Home Financial Services, hoping to delay the repayment, and the operator with a sweet voice advised her to do so. Promised that she would continue to lend to her in the future, but before she had time to change her mind, the court withdrew her right of redemption. Overdue fees and fines were incurred, all of which were packaged and fed back to the national credit agency. The damage to her credit prevented her from The mortgage company gave the loan a deferment, and even if she could sell her house to pay off the loan, the damage would still be years away, followed by an eviction order.

In the U.S. immigration law, there are no relevant clauses to apply for residence status by purchasing real estate. Only Greece and other European countries and some island countries have house purchase immigration laws.

But in reality, people can still hear the advertisement of "buy a house and get a green card" in many places, so some people have come to their liking, bundled some American real estate and regular immigration projects, and entered the market with the model of buying a house and getting immigrants , so that the immigration steps conform to the formal process, and the applicant has indeed invested funds in exchange for a set of real estate and US immigration services. This is the service provided by **** Family Finance Company.

American EB-5 investment immigration is essentially a risk investment immigration. All funds need to be invested in business activities that can create employment. There must be a risk of loss and the possibility of profit at the same time. If you just buy an apartment, villa or land If you don't meet the requirements, you won't be able to get the status.

But there is a way that is feasible: by investing in commercial real estate in the United States, such as investing in hotels, hotels, restaurants, etc., as a shareholder of the project, you can own part of the commercial real estate ownership. Afterwards, the business operation will be normal and a sufficient number of jobs will be generated. , you can get the identity. After obtaining the identity, you may receive some remaining real estate when you withdraw from investment or liquidation, such as hotel apartments and suites. At this time, you can sell them if you are lucky and earn money.

At present, in most parts of the United States, the supply of hotels and apartments is far greater than the demand, and the occupancy rate of many hotels is less than half. If you invest in this kind of business, you will probably lose money.

But if you directly tell investors that the money invested may lose money, many people will definitely quit. Therefore, in order to attract investors, some developers will promise to refund the investment in full and provide you with some collateral. It is the house.

With the real estate of equivalent value as mortgage, domestic investors will feel more at ease. After all, the house will not run away, and the house price is relatively stable. However, this mortgage agreement is a shady drawer agreement. If you submit your immigration application , and the official disclosure of this mortgage agreement, then the EB-5 investment immigration application will be yellow, because it does not match the risk investment in the EB-5 immigration policy.

If the official agreement is bypassed and the agreement is signed privately, then there is nothing the developer can do if they do not recognize the agreement, and the victim cannot appeal, because once the appeal is made, it is equivalent to admitting that the immigration application was fraudulent, and the green card will have to be withdrawn. Sometimes, most of the applicants will be dumb and eat coptis, unable to tell their hardships.

The one who sued the Costa Rican woman was the Steen National Bank, which had survived the Great Depression without bankruptcy, but she never had any dealings with the bank, who was it? Why do you want to get involved with her? Why take her house away?

She signed the agreement with **** Home Financial Corporation, there is no **** in it, and there is no Steen National Bank, and she has been paying back the monthly payment to **** Home Financial Corporation, in Steen National The bank has no record of her repayment.

The only thing she could find was **** Bond Acceptance Company, they had an agreement with Steen National Bank, **** Bond Acceptance Company was the depositary, and Steen National Bank was the trustee, for * ***Bond acceptance companies provide mortgage securities issuance services.

She is a nurse, maybe she knows how much cyanide a person drinks can kill, but she can't understand the results of this investigation, in short, she is facing a situation where she will be deported if she can't pay the money, and her only way is to find a way to Her house was foreclosed, but the lender canceled her right to foreclose, unless she found another institution like **** Family Finance Company to "buy a house and immigrate".

This is still the case that the real estate market has not collapsed, and she can repay the loan after selling the house. If the house is sold and the loan is not repaid, it is another situation.

During the Great Depression, thousands of people lost their families every day. Faced with this cruel reality, Roosevelt passed a plan. Homeowner loan companies can buy overdue mortgage loans from financial institutions at a discounted price. They give borrowers For a 20-year installment payment, the borrower only pays the interest every month and repays the principal at maturity. This approach can only alleviate the contradiction, because many families still cannot afford the principal after 20 years.

Ordinary homeowner loan companies will no longer sign an agreement to lend money, but will directly take away the house. People become homeless in middle age, which is worse than being homeless when they were young, and these families still have children. Roosevelt again Through the Federal Housing Administration, it provides insurance specifically for homeowner loan companies. Borrowers only need to buy insurance, the government will come forward to guarantee, and the loan company will lend money to the borrower.

This is not a national debt, but it is also guaranteed by the national reputation, and bears full responsibility for losses caused by the borrower's inability to repay or the depreciation of the house. FHA-insured mortgages are therefore essentially free from bad debt risk to the mortgagee.

Although Federal National Mortgage Association is managed by veterans, it is a private enterprise. It also has a name called Fannie Mae.

U.S. real estate companies expand, and immigrants live in them, but immigrants have to enjoy American benefits. No matter how much money Americans can earn, military expenditures, public security and environmental sanitation, and other social benefits all cost money.

The United States needs immigrants, but what it needs is high-quality "talent" to meet its needs, bringing wealth, knowledge, and employment opportunities.

Those mathematicians who have just graduated—quantitative analysts are busy packaging subprime loans into AAA-level bond products every day. Their income can reach 400,000 US dollars a month. They are called alchemists in the financial world. Turning unwanted defective products into "safe" products is like turning base metals into gold through the touchstone.

However, just as alchemy cheats money, these alchemists in the financial world are also liars, and their methods are equally superb. Ordinary borrowers can easily become the prey of this highly predatory routine.

Houses are for living in, not for speculation. Unless you are crazy, most people will not borrow money to speculate in stocks, but some people borrow money to speculate in real estate. If they use leverage and borrow hundreds of millions of dollars, no one will want them Dead, they become bad debts when they die.

The rock'n'roll stopped abruptly, and homeowners who used to be able to refinance were having difficulty financing. In fact, the red flags had already appeared when the initial delinquency rate of borrowers began to skyrocket.

The initial overdue rate is that the borrower is unable to repay the monthly payment as soon as the money is released. At this time, like a female nurse in Costa Rica, she has always had good credit and repaid the monthly payment on schedule, but suddenly foreclosures began to occur in large numbers.

Lucius Malfoy’s American friends warned him in this way, but few people are aware of it now, and the confidence index is relatively high. When the atmosphere changes, everyone will start to sell according to the herd effect, and it will be too late to run at that time .

At this time, a dramatic scene will occur.

The American who said, "Here's America, how many of you will pay for your neighbor who has multiple bathrooms, lives in a big house, but can't pay the mortgage!" The toilet, the neighbor who lives in a big house but has no money to repay the loan” repays the loan. The US government is going to use taxpayer money to save those vampires. As long as the government wants to subsidize housing for people with bad credit, taxpayers will be forced to bear the loss. As long as the federal tax code favors debt over equity, and real estate investment over business investment, the economy cannot grow rapidly.

These people earn short-term hot money, which is different from the older generation of capitalists.

The capitalists in the Roosevelt era hoped that low- and middle-income families would live in their own homes, and earn more money by paying back the money slowly than selling it at a discount. The current "new generation" has no patience and just drives the poor out. As for those people who live on the streets, they don't care about how they live. Don't they feel ashamed to find a job by themselves and receive relief benefits when they are unemployed?

Then, they posted photos on social networks, and he bought a luxury car, a yacht, and a party with beautiful women. They were so "successful".

The sugar company bribed the scientists of Harvard University and came up with a calorie calculation method. There are six calories of fat and four calories of sugar. If the calorie intake is lower than the consumption, they will lose weight. Countless men and women who believe in the diet consume a lot of sugar. All of them are obese and have underlying diseases. Every time there is influenza, so many people die in the United States.

If a severe infectious disease like the Spanish flu really occurs, the only way for the United States is to order body bags, and there are many body bags. In the 21st century, human beings will collectively watch another tragedy.

Although Catholic monks have nothing to do when facing the Black Death, they are still with the believers.

However, those rich people hid in villas in deep mountains and valleys like in the Decameron, waiting for the plague to pass.

"Okay, this house will be yours from now on." The real estate agent handed over the key to the house on Santa Elena Island to Pomona. full amount.

Strangely, she didn't feel much excitement.

In her "painting box" there are furniture from the Salter family, and capitalists like him help workers get rid of the bad habit of drinking, develop hard work, and change their destiny by reading.

But she would never let Draco Malfoy turn into the kind of rascal he is now in the upper class.

Such a smart head, why not think about other issues, such as how to stop Venice from sinking.

If the Moses plan doesn't work, not only the house bought by Venice will sink to the bottom of the sea, but other coastal cities will also be unlucky, and all the investment money will be wasted.

Why make a simple problem so complicated?

This is the consequence of whoever has the most money has the ability. As long as he can make money, he will do things without considering the consequences.

If learning chemistry is to prevent being cheated, it is the same to study finance now.

If the nurse mortgaged her house in Costa Rica to buy a house in the United States, she would lose a lot.

The American dream has not come true, and her house in heaven has been taken away. What else can she do if she is not in the United States to hold on and laugh?

There is a book written by an American called House Slave, author David Dane, in which it is written that if this is a machine, the judge is not used to remove the sand from the machine, because he is the sand itself, Inverted justice represents wrong decisions, unfair treatment, unprincipled, lack of ideals, disorientated, unreasonable, biased, obstinate, too indifferent, there is no such human touch

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