Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 899 Francis playing rock and roll

After the President and Vice President of the United States are sworn in on Capitol Hill, there will be a luncheon.

Luncheons often feature dishes from the homeland of the new president and vice president, but there are some White House hosts with a penchant for extravagance, so guests can feast on them.

After the luncheon, the presidential motorcade drove along Pennsylvania Avenue, accompanied by a guard of honor from the three services, civil groups, military bands and various floats. The president, vice president and guests boarded the viewing stand in front of the White House to watch the parade.

After the parade, the president entered the White House. On the evening of his inauguration, the Presidential Inauguration Committee held many balls to congratulate the new president on his inauguration.

The tradition of holding a ball in Washington began with the inauguration of President James Madison in 1809.

For American high school students, there are three dances that must be attended, the Orientation Party, the Thaddeus Ball and the Graduation Ball, especially the Graduation Ball. In order to leave the best and most unforgettable memories for the last year of school, there will be Electing the so-called "King" and "Queen", becoming the prom queen is the goal of every high school girl.

Joseph once saw a girl who rented a stretch limousine in order to show off at a dance.

She dresses and behaves regally, but is still too young and sharp compared to the first ladies at the White House presidential inauguration party.

In other words, they shouldn't have made the analogy from the very beginning, and they have no similarities except that they are all women.

However, the "gentlemen" are significantly more hospitable to young, attractive, single women than they are to the First Lady.

Due to Mr. President's special preference for White House interns, blue skirts were popular in Washington for a while.

The nuns' attire is not all black. Sister Tobiana, who is dancing with Cardinal St. Robert Berramin in the living room at the moment, is wearing a Boji nun's gown.

In October 1950, Mother Teresa and 12 other nuns established the Missionary Sisters of Charity, and changed the nuns' attire of the church to the traditional Indian women's sari, with white cloth and plain blue borders, becoming Boji. The nun's uniform.

This cardinal from Argentina can not only dance tango, he can also play electric guitar.

Who has seen the Pope of Rome singing with a guitar?

Many teenagers in America will play tricks in their own garages. Some start bands, some start a computer company. Many famous companies in Silicon Valley came out of garages from the beginning.

But the pope plays rock?

The Pope's inauguration ceremony in the Vatican is a mass, which is suitable for such occasions as funerals. Who would watch the priest kneeling and playing the guitar at the funeral?

Not to mention those cardinals in their seventies and eighties, even Joseph's heart couldn't bear it, but the nuns who danced with him were very happy.

The tango of all kinds originated in the slums in the back alleys of Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina. Bishop Bergoglio is the eldest of five children in his family. He worked as a porter in bars to earn money when he was a teenager.

Growing up in a slum, he has a deep understanding of the underprivileged society, and his tango dancing skills have become increasingly sophisticated under the influence of the environment. It is said that he put on a white jacket with his partners every Saturday night, danced tango all night until the next morning, and even fell in love with his dancing partner due to his tall stature.

Unlike other bishops who kept secrets about their private lives, Bergoglio never concealed his love for tango.

He once said that a man who is sad cannot dance, and a man who cannot express joy is always serious.

He is a passionate person, just like the rock music he likes. At the age of 12, he fell in love with Amalia, a girl of the same age. Every time he saw her, he always asked carefully: "How are you? How are you doing?" Finally he mustered up the courage to write to his sweetheart: "If I can't marry you, I will become a priest!" In the letter, the young man who was just in love imagined their happy life after marriage, and also detailed how to arrange their small home after marriage.

However, after Amalia's parents discovered the love letter, they strongly urged the two to break off their relationship. Not only could Amalia fail to respond to the Pope's affection, but she was also slapped by her father for this.

He was very melancholy about that first love, but he didn't feel pain about it. He paid more attention to issues such as poverty, environmental protection, fairness, and disadvantaged groups.

He accused unrestrained consumerism and opposed discarding and waste. He was famous for his frugality and caring for the poor. Some people hated his behavior, while others admired his frankness. No wonder he is the second most popular pope.

Before the cardiac arrest, Joseph left this horrible room, the bishop who danced with the nuns, and the world was crazier than he thought.

Mother Teresa once said:

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered, and even if you are nice, people may still call you selfish and ill-motivated.

When you're successful, you'll have some false friends and some real enemies, and even if you're honest and outspoken, people may still lie to you.

If you find peace and happiness, they may envy you, the good you do today is often forgotten tomorrow.

But even so, friendliness, frankness, and joy cannot be forgotten.

Merciful Jesus said, I have come for sinners, to bring them to repentance.

Joseph is not as great as Jesus, and the exorcism ceremony is only an aid. First of all, the possessed person must let go of those dark thoughts and turn his heart to Jesus again. Learning to love others will free him from the control of the devil.

You don't have to win everything, if you win everything, everyone else will be the loser.

"Prom Queens" are often accompanied by false friends who hang together when they're glamorous and stay away when they're in trouble, and they don't lend a helping hand when the "Queen" is in trouble.

Joseph shook his head, as if he wanted to shake a certain memory out of his mind in this way.

Some people work so hard to make money because of fear. He is afraid of living in poverty.

In order to get rid of this negative emotion, he has been trying to make money to ensure his dominant position. Losing money will make him feel that he is defeated and dominated by others. This feeling of weakness and incompetence makes him feel more painful than living in poverty.

It also happens that the United States is a country where social status is measured by more money and less money. This kind of people tend to do well, but they are more evil than people's hearts. Whether in Europe or Asia, they are not as good as the United States.

Many people have given up their American citizenship and immigrated to other countries.

Some people on this side went to countries like Morocco for tax avoidance, while others wanted to go to better countries like Zurich.

However, it is not so easy to leave, and you have to pay a "abandonment tax". According to US government officials, these tax evaders overseas are "Fat Cats", and all the properties of those who abandon the country will be abandoned The day before the nationality is calculated, it is all the property in the world. The United States has the best financial elite in the world, and it is guaranteed that the rich who want to abandon the country will not miss a penny.

Moreover, some industrial elites involved in national security issues do not want to emigrate. In addition to the FBI in charge of domestic affairs, the CIA is in charge of foreign countries.

Since 2001, the U.S. government has been suppressing overseas assets. Swiss banks are recognized as a good place to launder money. Of course, they will inevitably be targeted. Those American "elites" have accused Swiss banks of helping American taxpayers hide their assets. .

The Americans are mercenary and deny their relatives. Even NATO allies are monitored, and even the Vatican is monitored.

Perhaps only a city like Detroit, which can't even afford to turn on street lights, is immune to the risk of being monitored.

There are no friends in the espionage world, they will do anything to "win".

The bald eagle, the national bird of the United States, represents bravery, strength and victory, but that bird is actually a kind of vulture, but this bird does not eat carrion like the African vulture. Eat carrion.

America is de-Christianizing, and there are fewer and fewer young believers.

Correspondingly, Indian culture is recovering. Many people think it is cool to wear Indian amulets and engage in totem worship.

The bald eagle, representing victory and strength, is an American totem, as is Caesar's eagle in the Roman army.

People who are looking for a sense of reality in the virtual world must have a brain problem, but there are still many people who take the content of TV talk shows as real. The public goes to church during the day for mass, and at night to the magic market, looking for the ancient magic power of the Germans .

The new witchcraft movement is approaching nationalism and communism, why must it go for the black magic of the Germans?

Oh, and voodoo in Africa is worse.

Joseph gritted his teeth and thought, those healthy living stores, vegetarian dinners, sororities, and eco-environmentalists can assemble their favorite rituals after reading a few occult books, most of them are invalid, and occasionally there are one or two If it is effective, it will cause big trouble, and its degree of madness is even more terrifying than the Pope playing rock and roll.

These ceremonies still mainly attract the unconfident and lonely. On the other hand, traditional customs are losing their appeal and cannot meet people's religious needs.

In short, they just love the adrenaline rush.

Isn't it good to live well? Why bother others?

"For God's sake, stop playing with the Ouija board!" he snarled in a bad temper.

Those secular people working in the Apostolic Palace looked at him inexplicably, as if they were looking at a madman.

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