In many parts of the world, there are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter.

America only has three seasons: football, basketball and baseball, which is not entirely true, but not far off.

Americans have fun in every season, and they love water sports when it's hot. Surfing, sailing and diving enthusiasts flock to the sea for swimming and water skiing.

From the first day of snow, skiers take to the slopes, and frozen ponds and skating rinks become venues for ice skating and ice hockey.

Later, technology developed, and even places like Miami have indoor ice hockey rinks.

For many Americans, sports aren't just for fun; The spectator himself is so obese that he can't see his uppers.

Whether it's football, basketball, ice hockey, or baseball, American sports are all propaganda about struggle and confrontation.

Not everyone admires athletes, and not everyone likes a lifestyle full of contradictions and conflicts.

They wanted to find peace of mind, so various "spiritual training" and "spiritual clinics" began to open everywhere.

Cindy's yoga class isn't just about getting in shape, but her ex-boyfriend, like most "straight men", thinks girls practice yoga to lose weight.

Even if a "cheerleader" doesn't like sports, the one who can become a cheerleader is definitely a beautiful girl, and just for this point, girls are fighting.

In American youth movies, a cheerleader represents youth and vitality, with an inexperienced face, white and shiny teeth, a jumping ponytail, an innocent smile, cute and sweet.

The perfect cheerleader is the model of the good girl next door, even more so if she's blonde.

There are always many inspirational articles in various training institutions, newspapers and magazines, but many of these stories are deceptive.

In this world where people are judged by their appearance, appearance and background are important conditions for laying a solid foundation for success. If a man has a handsome face, there will be ladies who like pretty boys leading him into that circle. If you give him money, you will also give him resources and connections.

From the appearance, Cindy is a very standard American sweetheart, but her blonde hair is also fake, just like the hypocritical democratic system in the United States, a few elites can completely ignore the interests of most ordinary people, "the truth is often held by a few people If wisdom is a kind of talent, then the wealth he gains through wisdom is inviolable, and he can use the money he earns to do whatever he wants. The poor, or those who are not smart enough, cannot because If one's own life is not good, smart people must be forced to donate money, and poor people must work hard if they want to earn money.

This is true in theory, but in practice it is not as simple as he said, they skipped key steps.

It doesn't hurt to stand and talk, and it's hard for a person without appearance and background to stand up just because he has ability.

Even those so-called self-made legendary businessmen have family backgrounds.

The family relationship maintained by blood relationship has been passed down for a long time. In primitive society, people formed living groups according to blood relationship. The royal family and nobles distributed state power according to blood relationship. The Habsburg family unified most of Europe through marriage.

In this era, marriage has become a tool for political marriage, and the barriers of class solidification in the United States are very serious. This is not consistent with the American dream that as long as you work hard and unremittingly, you can get a better life.

At the beginning of the new century, the United States has fought many wars, but the enthusiasm for joining the army in the country has continued to decline. Therefore, the policy of encouraging foreigners who intend to immigrate to serve in the military and then issuing green cards is becoming increasingly important to the US military.

People who have been on the battlefield are different from those who have never experienced it. The phenomenon of sniper Matt is not uncommon among American veterans. As for those whose homes were destroyed by the war, the refugees who fled to Europe also left some shadows. These "leaders" who are far from the battlefield are invisible.

"Evil spirits hide in the shadows, do you believe what Matt said?" the butler asked curiously.

"Do you know what it feels like when the devil appears?" Joseph asked with narrowed eyes.

"The temperature drops."

"You're right or wrong, let me tell you this, most evil spirits will walk past someone directly, it will make your hair stand on end, as if something is looking at you, if your body If there is something that interests him, it will stop and follow you like a shadow, and you can’t get rid of it even if you want to.”

"Like a shadow," said the butler.

"That's right, it's like a shadow. When a demon is entangled, it's all negative emotions. Many people will hear whispers, but Matt's situation is different. He is a sniper. He can lurk in one location for days. It is not so easy to shake him, but he is a man with a great sense of honor." Joseph raised his right hand, which seemed to be a military salute, "In the sun, this posture is no different from holding a pistol Somehow, the sniper has a secondary weapon besides the sniper rifle, usually a pistol, and that brings back a lot of bad memories he wants to forget, and that's how it got him."

The butler couldn't help but cross himself.

"The Aztecs worship the sun, which is different from Mithraism's worship of the sun. Mithra's sun has the concept of resurrection, while the Aztec sun god represents war and honor. They believe that the world has been destroyed four times. Every time, the sun will be destroyed together, and every time the world is reshaped, a new sun will be born. In order to let the fifth sun continue to shine on human beings, the custom of offering sacrifices to the sun with human blood and heart came into being on a regular basis. In order to continue To supplement the sacrifices of the living sacrifices, the Aztecs had to fight constantly to obtain captives as offerings in the rituals. Also because of this, there were frequent wars between the cities, and the captives did not end well, you know what I mean .”

"Oh, God."

"There is always darkness in this world where the sun doesn't shine. Matt killed many people, but he didn't lose his humanity in Afghanistan. Instead, he behaved abnormally after returning to the United States. Do you know what questions people like to ask him most? They Ask him how many people he's killed, Americans like to chew gum, and once a guy chewing gum and laughing at him asked him that question, it pissed Matt off and he almost killed the 'American' by mistake."

"Is there no way to help him?"

"I talked to him about my experience, do you know what it's like to have an angel fly overhead?"

"I have no idea."

"You will feel very warm, full of courage and hope, and you will also feel peaceful and serene. Thanks to her, I survived my dark childhood and became an exorcist." Joseph paused, "You won't give me Just let me in after the body search, aren't you afraid that I will be bad for the Pope?"

"As you said, if a demon passes by me, I will have a feeling that I have experienced life and death once." The steward said, "That child, he didn't really want the Pope If he really wanted to kill, he would aim at the heart and head instead of the abdomen, not to mention that there are so many security equipment in the Apostolic Palace, we all know you have a gun, but none of us thought that it was actually a gun Toy water gun."

"That's not a toy because I filled it with holy water," Joseph said.

"Can you tell me how you ended up in the orphanage?"

"As you know, I was taken by Father Constantine, thanks to him I didn't enter the 'adoption system'." Joseph pouted and said, "They designed a good blueprint, but they didn't think about poverty It would send orphans in the adoption system from one adoptive family to another, changing schools all the time, and not learning anything at all."

"How did your parents die?" said the steward, "If the Holy See asks this question, I don't want to answer 'I don't know'."

"My father killed my mother." Joseph said calmly. "A writer who said 'fists don't get you a future, dignity does' may have been true to him, but to most of us on the block Not really, many of them are members of the mafia, a tailor who works honestly can't earn as much as them, they wear suits made by my father to various parties, they look like decent people, my father, how to say , he started to suspect that my mother was having an affair, which she didn't, and then he punched her, and was often drunk, and one day I don't know where he got a gun, and shot her dead, Then I committed suicide myself. My mother didn't die immediately. She fell into a pool of blood and looked at me. The blood on the ground flowed towards me as if it had a will. I thought, I can feel her thoughts, just like the blood She has emotions, she is reluctant to part with me, it may be a bit weird to say that..."

"It's not weird at all," said the butler. "The blood of Christ not only restored Longinus' eyes, it also made us feel what love is."

"Some people say that lunatics are hereditary. I don't want to kill my wife like my father did, so being an unmarried Catholic clergyman is actually quite good for me." Joseph rubbed his nose, fingertips facing each other, Said like a confession, "I can often hear the angel's requiem here, which makes me feel peaceful. Although I don't have parents, I am much better than that Cindy who has parents. I think the so-called mind training is actually It is to let go of the arrogance in my heart, Lucifer's crime is arrogance, which is also Cindy's crime, I shouldn't lose patience with her."

"Are you confessing to me?" asked the butler.

"You are the Pope's guardian angel. If it wasn't because of your command that day, maybe we would live in another world." Joseph said, "The Pope visited the mosque. This is a miracle that happens once in a thousand years. I heard that When Saladin occupied Jerusalem, he released all Christians, including the Crusaders captured in the Battle of Harding, except for a Christian named Reynald..."

"Hush." ​​The housekeeper motioned him to silence, "What you just said was the shadow in your heart?"

"Not all." Joseph said with a smile, "Thank the Lord for saving me, otherwise I might really become a big villain. The light in my heart is as small as a seed. You better not know it."

"Can you tell me why it is necessary to know the name of the devil for exorcism?" the butler asked.

"Is this the question you want to answer the Pope?"

"No, I'm just curious."

"What's the Difference Between Treating Mouth Ulcers and Toothache?"

The butler froze.

"The devil will lie to us, but they have to answer our questions. They have no right to 'keep silent'." Joseph laughed sarcastically. "This is part of the contract between God and the devil."

The butler looked up at the sky, then lowered his head and said, "Wait a minute, you go with the Swiss guard at the door."

"Where is he taking me?"

"Are you afraid that we will take you to prison?" The butler sneered and said, "You will know when you get there."

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