Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 908 Sense of Presence

Even though the architect tried his best to let the light in St. Peter's Basilica be sufficient to show the resplendent interior of the church, before the sun rises at dawn, the light in the inner hall is still dark and mysterious.

It was a bit of a scary scene for a teenager, it would have been better when the priests had come in, and it would have been better when the tourists had come in.

There are 99 ever-burning lamps in front of the bronze canopy, which will give people a warm feeling when they are on. Below the canopy are the Holy Altar and the tomb of St. Peter. Only the pope can hold mass on this altar.

On this altar, there are seven candles, one candlestick and one candle, which are also prepared by the deacon shepherd boy.

Boys are more willing to compete for the right to attend Mass than what the ceremony represents.

They are competitors at "work", and they are friends who play football together during the rest time.

There is a garden near the Apostolic Palace, where the deacon shepherd boys play football. Many believers from all over the world think of the Vatican and want to get close to the Pope. They are the luckiest 17.

Not only can they study in the best private schools and seminaries in Rome, but they also have a great opportunity to stay in Rome and get in touch with things that ordinary people can't touch in their lifetime.

Joseph never thought about it before, he was very busy, not only going to ordinary school, but also receiving training as an exorcist.

If there is a real dream, it is to be a miracle investigator, investigating situations like the incident in Fatima.

The Vatican has a special exorcist training institution, and there are many more famous exorcists than him.

He didn't know why he was so radical, speaking to the Pope in an authoritative tone.

How presumptuous it is to determine the degree of devotion of the Pope to his faith.

In this heavily hierarchical city, it is estimated that no one is as rampant as him.

So he met the Pope and borrowed a seven-branched candlestick from the Hall of Tears.

The mass ceremony uses a furnace, from which the smoke of frankincense emerges. The priest first offers incense to the sacrifices, and then the priests offer incense to the priest.

The fragrance diffused from the altar to the surrounding area, expressing people's high respect for God.

Joseph has never presided over this kind of ceremony, and he has no yearning for it. He prefers to study the rituals about exorcism recorded in the Bible and other religions.

Under the guidance of Raphael, Tobia burned the heart of the fish and drove Asmodeus away from Sarah.

He had never thought before that when Moses caused the ten plagues in Egypt, Jehovah asked the Jews to smear blood on the lintel so that they could avoid accidental killing.

In the book of Ezekiel, the marked people should have escaped the catastrophe, when the Jews worshiped the sun in the temple, they betrayed the covenant in the Ten Commandments of Moses.

The Israelites borrowed the power of Yahweh to escape their slavery, and later abandoned it.

When Solomon was young, he was considered wise. He married the princess of a neighboring country, and he slaughtered a thousand cows as a sacrifice on the altar, in exchange for Jehovah to manifest himself.

The Lord promised to grant one of his demands, and Solomon asked the Lord to give him wisdom so that he could discern right from wrong and rule with justice among his people.

However, in his later years, Solomon became insane. Not only did he marry many women, but he also believed in other gods under the slander of the women. Jehovah appeared and rebuked him angrily, telling him not to deviate from the right way, but Solomon remained the same.

So Jehovah took back Solomon's kingdom.

In the demonology "The Key of Solomon", not all 72 demon gods are evil, and some even bring arts and medicine like angels.

Asmodeus wasn't that bad in the Talmud to begin with, and he was involved in the construction of the Temple in Jerusalem.

If the so-called devil is the creator of other beliefs like Horus, because no one worships, those gods who were once glorious and sacrificed by people fell into darkness.

According to Jewish legend, King Solomon of Israel gained the ability to freely summon and manipulate demons and spirits because he obtained the "Book of Rojael" written by an angel. So what Solomon summoned was actually both an angel and a devil.

Those "devil kings" once also represented light, they lost their rationality, became chaotic and violent, and degenerated from "good" to "evil".

During the exorcism process, nails sometimes spit out, and he never knew what happened.

The current Vatican believes in Jesus, who was crucified on the cross, and it was he who was humiliated by the "devil".

They may not have swallowed these nails. There is a woman in Malaysia whose toenails can make diamonds. The basic element of diamonds is carbon. There are many in the human body, just like iron.

The "devil" used the iron in the human body to make iron nails. Although it is very funny, there is a certain possibility.

Food and plants absorb elements in the air and soil to grow. Humans cannot survive like plants by eating air and soil. Agriculture is a great alchemy.

This is a huge difference from what ordinary people think of alchemy as the predecessor of chemistry.

When the wooden box containing the golden candlesticks was placed on the wooden table, the sound of the pipe organ suddenly came from St. Peter's Basilica.

At the same time he heard snare drums and regular footsteps, which reminded him of an army marching to military music, the sound of military boots.

The singing voice of the choir is very sweet, unlike rock music, those passionate melodies arouse the dark, chaotic and primitive rhythm in people's hearts.

With the rise of black street rap music, the incomprehensible and provocative lyrics make American children more and more laugh at the tradition. Those lyrics are not even the most basic decency. Who can imagine a thirteen-year-old boy Doing math homework while listening to sports cars, "bitch" elements.

Mike's dancing has nothing to do with elegance and depth, but at least the lyrics are not so negative.

Wearing headphones to listen to rock rap, you can't hear the "tradition", and wearing headphones for a long time will affect your hearing. After taking off the headphones, you can't hear anything like a deaf person.

When exorcising Annaris in Germany, the entire exorcism process was recorded with a camera and a tape recorder. Joseph will always remember the creepy feeling when he heard the recording for the first time.

It wasn't insulting, it was a meaningless groan, like the high-pitched sound of a radio signal being tuned in.

Her bouts of fits and sobriety forced her to interrupt her university studies.

Joseph didn't care about Cindy's final outcome, but Anne stopped studying after that incident, and she became a nurse in a nursing home.

At least those old people will not pose a threat to her, a part of her soul has stayed in that dark cave forever.

"How is this place? What's missing?" the butler suddenly asked behind Joseph.

"It's not bad so far." Joseph said as he opened the lid of the wooden box.

"This candlestick..."

"Papa is a Pole, and he also experienced that suffering." Joseph interrupted the butler. "He said that the Jews are our elder brothers. We learn something useful, as long as it works."

"If anyone finds out, they'll think we're crazy," said the butler.

"So don't let others know." Joseph said, "You need to find a trustworthy priest."

"what are you doing?"

"I'm young and strong." Joseph raised his hand, showing his arched biceps like David. "You still need to find some trustworthy bodyguards, handcuffs and chains. We'd better hope to use If you don’t see them, now you are just being prepared, maybe the Pope will recover soon.”

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