Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 925 Violent Street

All my life I long to be well collected, properly placed, and carefully preserved. Don't be surprised, don't suffer, don't be torn, don't have branches to depend on.

But that man, I know, I've always known, he'll never come.

—Egyptian Book of the Dead circa 1800 BC

With a bang, the car door was closed. O'Sullivan looked at Mills who was going back and forth. He held several thick books in his hand, and one of them had Floyd written on the cover. Germany.

"Are you the one I know?" O'Sullivan looked at him strangely.

"What?" Mills asked.

"Since when did you start reading?" O'Sullivan said.

"Shut up." Mills ignored him and started flipping through the book he just bought from the bookstore.

O'Sullivan shook his head, stepped on the accelerator and continued on the road.

After a minute or two of silence, O'Sullivan asked, "Who is the psychiatrist you saw?"

"Why are you asking this?"

"A colleague, he also had the experience of shooting to death. The court asked him to see a psychologist." O'Sullivan paused and said, "I think you are recovering well."

"Is this your truth?"

"Of course!" O'Sullivan said firmly, "I don't want him to leave a shadow."

"I didn't see a doctor." Mills closed the book and looked at the passing scenery outside the window.

"So, how do you..."

"I know a priest," Mills said impatiently.

"Pastor, are you a believer now?"

"He didn't succeed." Mills said after a long silence, "Yoda said that pervert thought he was a 'preacher', but in fact he was a murderer, nothing else, and he hoped that someone would imitate him. , if you cry because you lost the sun, you lose the stars too, I don't want to be Darth Vader building a death star, I want to protect the peaceful planet Alderaan, I should have put that bastard on trial, but alas, I am not Spiderman, I can't be as good as him, I'm just a cop, not a superhero."

"OK." O'Sullivan smacked his lips and asked, "Where are you staying in Los Angeles this time?"

"Of course it's a hotel."

"Who said that sentence just now?" O'Sullivan said, "If you cry because you lost the sun, you will also lose the stars. Oh, want to listen to some music? Professor."

"Shut up." Mills cursed with a smile.

"I only have black music." O'Sullivan pressed the play button, and the rapper's vague but bright drumming voice sounded from the car speakers. O'Sullivan shook his head along with it and said, "Or do you want to be more elegant? of?"

Los Angeles can be regarded as the cradle of street culture and a paradise for street culture lovers. As long as you are in Los Angeles, you can find the shadow of street culture in the streets and alleys.

Graffiti doesn't just appear on walls, it can also appear on the ground, or even on traffic signal boxes. In the "City of Angels", angel wings are also one of the most important graffiti elements, and traces of angel wings can be found in many places.

This is different from the sculptures in European churches. Skateboarding is also part of the street culture in Los Angeles. At that time, the economic status of people of color in the United States was not as good as that of white people, but children were born more than white people. In order to prevent these children from being eliminated too quickly Clothes, so often buy T-shirts in a larger size.

Before meeting Trish, Mills had been with these street kids, too.

Street basketball, fancy bikes, inline skating, each street player has his own unique style and skills to win the approval and respect of the audience.

It's not just a sport, but an art, and you can only feel the shock when you are in it.

Now there is a new way to play on the street. Parkour simply moves the wall-walking in Asian movies to reality. It is also a philosophy that explores human potential and stimulates the limits of the body and mind. Mills can't help but look at O'Sullivan's big belly .

"What?" O'Sullivan asked inexplicably.

"Nothing." Mills read the book.

"What's written on it?" O'Sullivan asked self-indulgently.

"Free association is restricted, not a free choice as the predecessors thought. Even in dreams, it is also affected by emotions. When people are awake, they will be influenced by stimulus words, and in terms of dreams, they will be replaced by emotions. Yes, dream associations are determined by special complexes." Mills read from the book.

"What's the meaning?"

"I don't know." Mills threw the book away.

"This is the guy I know," O'Sullivan said. "How about some donuts?"

"Look at your waistline."

"Listen, I've heard enough of women's complaints, I don't want to listen to your nonsense."

"Damn donuts," Mills swears.

Donuts and cops, it doesn't get any more classic.

"I love donuts." O'Sullivan was intoxicated in a serious manner, "especially freshly baked ones."

Mills seemed angry again.

The image of a fat cop eating a donut on the sidewalk has become an icon, ridiculed by both the gang and the media.

But it is as hard to quit as corruption.

Rather than saying that the senses bring pleasure to man, it is better to say that man is the slave of the senses, and all living people are prisoners of the body.

If even the profession of the police, the last profession to maintain order and justice, is in the same boat in a materialistic society, then the world will no longer be just.

For some, it's hard to live without the love of your heart, but there are those who carry on.

This is also a part of "nature", and "justice" is an ability that some people are born with.

Laziness is the core of the dark world. When you see someone robbing, they are too lazy to move; Moral things, some people even do illegal things under the guise of legality.

There are always some boring and inquisitive people in this world who do thankless things.

Since the Boston Tea Party, there have been constant riots in the United States.

Even the reason for the founding of the United States was not for "freedom and justice", but a conflict with the interests of the British. This is not the same as the civilized, open, and inclusive image it promotes to the outside world, but there are no powerful people in front of bullets, and this is also the United States.

Extreme sports is for participants to maximize their physical and mental potential and challenge themselves.

In addition to pursuing the spirit of "higher, faster and stronger" in competitive sports beyond the physical limit of oneself, it also emphasizes participation and bravery, and pursues the sense of accomplishment obtained when crossing psychological barriers.

The modern city is another form of forest. When caught in danger of fire, earthquake, attack, car accident, emergency, etc., his chance of escape will be 20 times higher than that of ordinary people.

They look no different from ordinary people, but the power they possess is "superhuman", and this does not come from genetic mutations or radiation, but is accumulated over time.

Natural forces are not always positive flowers, grasslands, rivers, and valleys, but also negative forces such as mountain torrents. Training yourself to fight against this negative natural energy requires violence.

Those barbarians who have swept the civilized countries all over the world were born in bitter cold places, and their enemy is nature, and civilized people have lost the ability to fight against nature.

Art is at the border of out of control and out of control.

Climb to heights that ordinary people can't climb with bare hands, and look down with open arms like the statue of the savior in Rio de Janeiro. Perhaps there is no other word to describe it except "Amazing".

Strength can indeed make people feel happy, but be careful whether it is an angel or a devil who gives you strength. If you are not careful, it can also destroy you. The higher you stand, the harder you fall. Many people indulge in the joy of climbing to the top I forgot to look at my feet, and it was too late to regret.

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