Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 949 Walking the Long Road Alone

After the heavy rain, the air became exceptionally fresh. Standing at the door of the monastery, Veronica couldn't help stretching.

The sleep of the elderly is already shallow, and today is a public visit day, which makes them even more excited. There is a long table in the event room, on which are the cookies made yesterday, the monastery's homemade jam, and various candies.

This place isn't so much a nursing home as it is a kid's paradise—who hasn't fantasized about visiting the Candy Kingdom as a kid?

Children will be very excited after eating too much sugar. Every Halloween, after getting candy, Raura always eats it right away, and then can't sleep with excitement, pulling Monica and Veronica into a pillow fight.

Sometimes mum Alicia is forced to join in, though her goal at first is to stop the girls from making too much noise and affecting the neighbors next door.

Veronica is naturally more gloomy than her two sisters, perhaps because her father is from England, which is always shrouded in leaden gray clouds, while her two sisters grew up in the blue sky and sea of ​​the Mediterranean of.

Whether it's sunrise or sunset, morning glow or sunset glow, the sky is like God's palette. Humans don't have such rich imagination to call out so many incredible color combinations, so she believes that there is a creator in this world.

It created the world and understands all the rules. When strange celestial phenomena appear, people can only speculate. People in ancient times thought about what omen it brought to fate, while modern people are thinking about what principle caused this phenomenon. an optical phenomenon.

Both science and astrology are the products of human beings observing the world and thinking through it.

Her grandmother, Rosa, believed that wizards and magic existed in this world. When she was young, her grandmother would show them a picture book. Do those magical animals really exist? Or is that just kidding again?

As of last week, she was dubious about what her grandmother said. Later, her sister met two "wizards". They are not as scary as the legends, but they are more taciturn than the talkative Italians. Being with them, Veronica has an inexplicable sense of intimacy - she likes this kind of tranquility, but the adults say that she lacks the vitality that a girl should have, so how can there be so much to say? Wouldn't it be nice to be alone in peace like this?

Father Constantine also advised her to try to fall in love, so as not to become that kind of serious dean in the future.

She is not interested in those glib Italian boys who strike up a conversation everywhere. Although tourists will be flattered by them at first, they find it very fresh, but the three sisters grew up in such an environment.

They know exactly what kind of person Alessandro is. The way he courts the girls only makes them feel funny. No matter how beautifully the seagull sings, it can't change its thief nature. Uncle Fabio has his own home after all. , he cannot take the place of the girls' father.

Veronica once thought that Monica and Raula's father was eaten by Voldebats, and that's why they didn't see people alive or dead.

If he hadn't disappeared, Alicia would never have met Veronica's father, and she would never have been born.

Or Monica's father disappeared out of thin air due to time disorder, and he became an "unborn person". It's just that Monica and Raula should disappear, and Veronica hopes that it is herself who disappears.

"Have you ever felt like this? These hands don't look like your own, the world doesn't seem real, like a dream?"

She suddenly heard someone talking beside her. At first she thought it was a hallucination, but later she found that there was an old man in a wheelchair in the corner under the stairs, and he turned out to be her grandfather. He was also looking at the Adriatic Sea at the moment. sunrise.

"Are you talking to me?" Veronica asked.

"Who else is here besides you?" Diego said angrily.

Veronica ignored him.

"I have traveled around the world almost like many people dream, do you want to hear those stories?" Diego continued.

"You spent all the money, and then you can only live in a nursing home run by the church?" Veronica said with a straight face.

"You little girl, hasn't anyone taught you manners?" Diego yelled like a cat whose tail has been stepped on.

"Where's your family?" Veronica asked. "Are you waiting for them?"

Diego was silent.

After a long time he said, "Gambling is taking a risk on something of value, hoping to get something more valuable, but I think it's only after you lose it that you realize that you've got the most valuable thing."

"You lost your family?"

"They had a car accident," Diego said.

Veronica turned around angrily.

"I wish I was the one who died." Just before Veronica left, Diego said, "This way I don't have to feel the feeling of my family being torn apart in an instant."

"You just said gambling..."

"I know, it's a vice, but in other nursing homes there aren't people playing cards to pass the time."

"This is a church nursing home."

"That's why this place is so boring. A few outsiders come here like a festival."

Veronica didn't intend to pay any more attention to this man, he was really hopeless.

She didn't want to go to the activity room, and she didn't want to go to the chapel. Father Constantine had nuns to help prepare the liturgy, and wandering around with nothing to do made her feel that time passed very slowly.

If the rest of my life is like this, it would be really terrible.

She thought anxiously, looking at this monastery as quiet as a tomb.

The pillow fight caused the feathers stuffed in the pillow to fly out, looking like they fell from the wings of angels.

In fact, the secular family is not as bad as she thought, but Monica and Raura will get married sooner or later, they never lack men to pursue, and then she will be alone again.

Is this kind of problem a concern for her alone, or does everyone have to go through it?

If in school, no one would easily talk about death-related topics, if anyone said something, someone would definitely talk to that person.

But in nursing homes, death seems to be a common thing. Yesterday they came here on the boat of the funeral home.

Should "Heaven" be a place for the dead or the living?

If it exists at all.

Veronica clenched the cross around her neck, then quickly made a cross on her body, and walked quickly to her room.

She likes children's laughter. Although she felt very tired at the time, the carefree tiredness after a big laugh is different from the heavy burdened tiredness.

She is not St. Christopher, and cannot carry the whole world on her back. Such a complicated issue is really not something a 16-year-old girl should think about.


"Well, this world is not real, maybe for you this world is full of unknowns, you don't know what will happen tomorrow, or even what will happen in the next minute, but I can answer your questions, as long as you follow my advice do it."

Mills chews nicotine gum to quit smoking while listening to Angela Warren tapes with Anthony Marcus, which has been processed by the technology team, and the indistinct sounding part at that time has been restored, just a noise They are still figuring out a solution for the part, which cannot be solved in a day or two.

Los Angeles also has a Mediterranean climate, although it is an ocean away from the Mediterranean Sea.

Generally speaking, Los Angeles is dry and rainless all year round, except that there is a little more rainfall in winter, and it is raining outside the window at this moment.

"I saw a movie where a murderer split into eight personalities." Mills lay on the sofa, throwing a Rubik's cube to play. "Psychiatrists and judges also interrogated him at this time."

"Split personality is not the same as schizophrenia, Mills. Multiple personality disorder is actually a very rare mental disorder. They appear in the bridge break of thrillers. On the contrary, schizophrenia is a more common serious mental illness. , About one in every hundred people suffers from this disease. Disintegrating schizophrenia is mostly in late adolescence and early adulthood, mainly manifested as thinking, behavior, and emotional disorders. Thinking disorders manifest as disorganized speech, bizarre content, and incomprehensible .”

"So Angela is schizophrenic?"

"In the 14th century, a wave of public opinion associated supernatural phenomena with mental disorders. People believed in the existence and power of demons and witches. In this chaotic era, people believed that mental disorders were possessed by demons and witches. Bad luck for anyone. Luck can be associated with devils and witches. Even after the founding of the United States, there is still this kind of cognition. Later, people carried out exorcism to drive away the possessed devils. You can understand that people in that period had mass hysteria... "

"Witch hunt?" Mills asked.

"That's right." Anthony unbuttoned his jacket and the first button of his shirt, as if to let himself breathe. To that sentiment, John Bell and his family in the Bell Witch case claimed to have heard anomalous sounds, but only John Bell himself heard the old woman singing, and when the sentiment escalated to panic, the entire community would be affected, At the end of the 15th century, a Swiss doctor believed that psychological disorders were not possessed by demons, but the influence of the moon and other stars on human body fluids. He named this phenomenon 'lunatic'. Today, many people still believe that their psychology is affected by the moon. Influence."

"How else can it be affected? Become a werewolf?" Mills spit the nicotine gum in his mouth into the ashtray.

"All in all, whether Angela Warren is really schizophrenic needs to be identified. This cannot be judged by a tape. In view of the current special situation, I suggest you use another method."

"any solution?"

"Spirituality, if Angela Warren's soul didn't go to hell, or was controlled by the devil." Anthony sneered and said, "Split personality will cause many physical and psychological changes. After a woman enters a split male personality, she will Make a voice that is exactly the same as a man, and a man can also make a female voice, just like living in several souls in one body."

"Are you kidding me?" Mills asked strangely.

"What do you think?" Anthony smiled meaningfully, the light cast a gloomy shadow on his face, which looked horrific, like a demon.

That movie is called Deadly ID, so why does the more it is written, the more it looks like infinite horror?

This is a romance novel T T

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