Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 957 “City of stars”

Balzac once said: It is impossible for us to find the bright flowers in late autumn that we missed in spring and summer.

Hotel Danieli used to be a frequent visitor of Balzac, Wagner and Dickens.

This is the case in luxury hotels with a history. It always feels like the celebrities who have stayed here have passed by themselves.

Imagine this scene, Charles Dickens got up early in the morning, wore shiny leather shoes, walked along the red carpeted steps to the terracotta marble lobby, and then walked out the gate and left the terracotta painted hotel.

In front of the hotel is the pier where the gondolas are parked. They rise and fall slowly with the waves, and the seagulls follow the fishing boats.

The Bell Tower in Venice doesn't ring the bell in the morning, and that thing is simply disturbing sleep. Dickens yawned, rubbed his sleepy eyes, and walked towards Flore Café, intending to drink a cup of refreshing coffee there.

There is not only coffee, but also a variety of delicacies. He may spend a day in that crowded cafe, racking his brains to find inspiration, or thinking about nothing, just observing the customers who come and go.

When the night fell, he returned to the hotel where the lights had just turned on. From the restaurant of the hotel, he could see the best view of Venice, which was only available to the Doge of Venice and the Minister of Finance before, but now, many people can enjoy it.

There are many people who don’t necessarily go to the church for their wedding. Maybe Dickens saw a couple’s wedding in the lobby, which touched his sentimental feelings. He once had a happy marriage, but a good beginning does not mean a perfect ending. Yes, he and Catherine separated.

In contrast to Dickens's childhood, which was permanently scarred by poverty and spent in prison for debts, Catherine came from a wealthy and happy middle-class family.

At the beginning of the marriage, Catherine was socially and financially superior to her husband; but soon, Charles rose from a reporter working for Catherine's father to a famous author, and his readers even included Queen Victoria. Within a few years of their marriage, Charles' views even began to have an impact on national politics.

As the wife of such a rising star, Catherine was gradually neglected. At the same time, she, who was as happy about pregnancy as her husband at first, became more and more burdened by frequent pregnancies. She was pregnant ten times in fifteen years, and she was pregnant again before her body recovered.

All this consumes her health and eats away at their marriage.

After separating from Dickens, Catherine published a book. In an era when women writers were forced to write under a man's pseudonym to be published, Catherine wrote a book under her own name, but the editor of the book may have seen her The identity of Dickens's wife was only willing to publish.

As the wife of an international celebrity, the real Catherine has been living under her husband's reputation, but fortunately she did not express any brilliant opinions in the book, Catherine's book is titled What's for Dinner? ". This isn't just a cookbook, it's a housewife's guide to chores and how to prepare a dinner party for up to 18, as women only have so much knowledge and skill.

The "new life" of ordinary newlyweds begins with the honeymoon. What people want is not just a night in a hotel they have never been to, but what they desire is to make that night a part of experiencing a new life.

"New Life" is full of hope, and it can make the decadent old people feel warm and happy.

Balzac also said: A woman is like a harp, which only reveals the mystery of the beautiful tune to the artist who knows how to play it.

Pomona asked the Half-Blood Prince if you were a poet or a prince.

The greasy hooked nose finally chose "Prince".

He is not an artist. It is reasonable to say that her harp cannot reveal the mysteries of the beautiful tunes to him, but fortunately they are all wizards, and they can make the harp play beautiful music by itself, but this time there is no hell three-headed dog asleep.

The footsteps made by the soles of the shoes on the hard marble were very loud. There were not many people in the lobby now, and the sound of someone's footsteps was very distinctive, and Pomona recognized it immediately.

She turned around slowly and looked at the leprechaun who was hastily summoned by the ring. He was looking up at her standing at the top of the steps, with an unconcealable surprise in his eyes.

The waiter downstairs saw her turn around, and immediately started waving, and the pianist in the restaurant began to play the music agreed in advance, so Pomona walked slowly along the steps to the "Prince" following the music .

Many things happened in the 14th century, such as the Templars who were framed by the French king for having too much money, and the Black Death that spread throughout Europe. Later, wizards became scapegoats for the plague.

In fact, that era is not far away from them, and it may make a comeback at any time, but always worrying about it will sooner or later cause a heart attack.

She wants to create some happy memories, or to make a dream come true, like Hermione Granger, dressed as a beautiful princess, and "prince" to the ball.

But forget that pink dress, she is wearing a dress full of sequins now, it looks like fish scales, but also like stars in the sky, this dress is enough for attending a film festival and walking the red carpet , How many girls don't like the feeling of being all the attention when they dress up beautifully?

The photographer keeps pressing the shutter of the camera, and the flash is shining like a star in the sky.

The film festival gave Venice a new business card. This is a city full of "stars". In the Tarot cards, the stars represent hope, so it can be understood as the city of hope.

"What tricks are you playing?" the professor asked when she walked down the steps like Hepburn in My Fair Lady.

"A date." She said confidently, and then looked at him critically. "Where's your evening dress?"

"They're all black, what's the difference?"

She rubbed her teeth, and finally maintained a friendly smile. After all, everyone knew that Hufflepuff's dean was a kind and optimistic person. Not to mention that he did wear it to the Triwizard Tournament ball.

So dark it's no wonder Hufflepuff's kids say he sucks the light out.

"Take me to the restaurant..."

"Won't you go by yourself?"

Her smirk couldn't hold back.

The old bat laughed, "You finally stopped giggling."

"Why are you such a bastard!" She tried her best not to hit him.

"I knew it was worth fighting for all this." He reached out and adjusted the dahlias in her hair, brushing the back of his hand over her cheek. "Why ask me out during the day? Nox."

"I like the scenery outside the window very much. This kind of blue can only be seen during the day."

"Blue is the color of Ravenclaw."

"You don't like Gryffindor red, so why don't I like Ravenclaw blue?"

"Are you and Ravenclaw hostile?"

"Of course." She said impatiently, reaching out to take his arm.

Obviously, she can't enjoy the treatment of Hermione Granger and Ruth and Jack, and she can only rely on herself.

"Did you hear what you said?"

"Oh, don't you know? Girls' friendship is very simple. They will build up because they hate the same person, and they will fall out because they like the same person. Remember those two girls who dueled for Sirius? Your Majesty!"

As soon as he heard the name of "stupid dog", the old bat's smug smile disappeared.

Pomona couldn't help shaking her head.

These two people are really "dead enemies".

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