"But, we must win this battle." He began, "Unless... the one who promised to help us is that one! Ah, I'm dying, why the other one hasn't come here yet!"

——Dante's "Divine Comedy: Inferno"

In the summer of 358 A.D., it is said that there was snow on the top of Mount Esquilino. To commemorate this event, on August 5 every year, the Basilica of Notre Dame, one of the four special basilicas in Rome, will be removed from its panels. white petals sprinkled on the ceiling.

If you go from Central Station to Rome, the first stop is the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore.

When he saw it for the first time, Joseph somehow remembered the Blue Bridge of Despair.

He couldn't remember when he saw it, but there was one scene that kept lingering in his mind.

The beautiful ballerina was standing by the platform, watching one train after another pass her by.

She is both waiting and looking, and there are other women beside the heroine, and they also have the same expression.

Some of these women are looking for husbands, some are looking for sons, and some are looking for fathers.

If Joseph was in that era, as a pastor, he would also go to the battlefield with the army.

Not everyone can return home smoothly, and 400,000 Americans have permanently stayed on land far from home.

Before they die, they will call all kinds of names that allow them to fight against the fear of death. If someone calls God, even if the artillery fires, Joseph will run to their side and send them to heaven.

Dying alone is horrific. On Christmas Day 1914, five months into World War I, when German and British armies entered a stalemate, Pope Benedict XV declared a day of truce "in the name of God." , the German Supreme Command and the British Supreme Staff ignored it.

At the front, however, there was a truce, and the British lit a Christmas tree while the Germans began singing carols.

Eventually during the 48-hour armistice, soldiers from both sides walked out of the trenches and spent Christmas together.

When Joseph was a child, his image of Christmas was manger and presents.

When he grows up, he understands more, and the feeling of being happy to get a gift fades away.

He pictured the snowy front and soldiers kicking empty beef cans as balls.

The battlefield is definitely a purgatory on earth, but even so, there will be light coming in.

On the contrary, there is an abyss-like dark place in man's heart, where God is already dead.

"A wonderful sermon." A cardinal shook hands with Ratzinger, who presided over Mass instead of the Pope.

At this time, they had all taken off their white blouses, and were wearing black slender robes and red hats.

These bishops were already old, but Joseph still felt that they were elementary school students. Bergoglio from Argentina was obviously isolated, and many people gathered around the "popular" Ratzinger.

The primary problem facing the church now is how to become popular again. Conservatives will definitely not be popular with ordinary people, but reformers may not be appreciated.

It is Joseph's consistent purpose and style to leave time and energy to worthy people and things. A large number of people does not necessarily mean a large number of people, and there will be bad things if there are mobs mixed in.

Shocking crimes are often reported in the news, and criminals are either described as "crazy perverted murderers" or "crazy perverts". Similar psychological criminals are becoming more and more common among ordinary people, or appear in movies, games, etc. in entertainment media.

But these murderers weren't actually schizophrenic or, more rarely, split personalities.

Abnormal personality is often not a complete mental disorder, and even their ability to withstand stress is better than normal people, and they can still remain calm and composed under tremendous pressure.

It's not that they are really good psychologically, but that their emotions and emotional responses are flat, they have little need for love and being loved, tenderness, loyalty, and compassion have nothing to do with them, and this kind of person has nothing to do with kindness. Not grateful, only superficial gratitude.

Even this kind of serial killer with an abnormal personality is easy to communicate with in the eyes of some people, and they will occasionally do small favors for others, such as helping neighbors mow the lawn and everything, and behave considerately and thoughtfully, completely ignoring him It's a murderous demon.

This kind of people are often very attractive, because they have superior communication skills and lying skills, it is easy for them to speak sweet words to make people happy, but these people lack normal ethical concepts and emotional feelings. The indifference can be felt when the understanding deepens.

Once this kind of person becomes a manager, he often has a strong desire to control, requiring everyone to live according to his principles, using cold-blooded, violent and threatening means to achieve personal goals.

Robert Hale estimates that this kind of abnormal personality accounts for about 1% of the general population and 11% of prisoners. For these people, no matter how cruel things are, they are just "joking", whether it is Abusing cats and dogs, or shooting people in the head with a gun.

They didn't mean to repent, even if they repented on the surface, it was to get out of prison as soon as possible, and then continue to play the "game" he had played before.

Cindy is a girl with an abnormal personality. No matter how nasty "pranks" she makes, she only laughs and has no ability to empathize. She doesn't take responsibility for her actions, has dated a lot of boys, and she has very little guilt.

Ordinary girls would scream, cry, or call their parents for help when they encountered Cindy.

But Cindy didn't do that.

She was so calm to face it alone, as if her parents were dead.

The formation of a good personality is inseparable from family education. Cindy was brought up by a nanny when she was a child. Her mother returned to the workplace early. Only when she got into trouble, she came forward to settle everything for her.

In that luxurious villa, Joseph did not feel any warm atmosphere, and Cindy's friends did not treat her as true friendship. She was like a ghost wandering in the real world, and her relationship with everyone was very indifferent. Warm greetings, lack of emotional interaction, like an empty tin can with a picture of delicious beef on the outside, but nothing inside, disappointing those who were looking forward to it.

Such people are naturally low in sensitivity to emotion and self-blame, and are insensitive to both positive and negative emotions.

And people have emotions. When others are affected by emotions, they still maintain the ability to think calmly, so they can control people who are in agitated emotions.

Joseph felt that he was a normal person and that anger was a self-destructive emotion, so he left Cindy.

In criminology, the crime rate of abnormal personality is very high, and female abnormal personality is more concealed than male, and they will use more skillful means when attacking people.

As long as she can blackmail him, even if the heroine in those photos is Cindy herself, she will use it without hesitation.

There is no cure for this kind of people. It is more dangerous for the church to introduce this kind of "lost lamb" than a wolf. They are born monsters, and even normal people will become monsters.

The sea has a broad and tolerant heart, but it is also a place where dirt is hidden.

Joseph wanted to stay in the church, and if he wanted to stay in the church, he couldn't do "immoral" things, so he kicked the "empty can" away.

Snakes used to wear nothing, but now they learn to wear suits. Many business managers think that this kind of "don't panic" people has great management potential, so these people with abnormal personality become executives.

Cindy's mom might be one of them, he's heard that personality disorders can be hereditary.

Physiologically, the skin conductivity of people with abnormal personality is lower than that of ordinary people, and the skin is the largest receptor in people.

A person with an abnormal personality is like a born bad conductor. Unfortunately, society is not a factory and cannot be scrapped. At least before he breaks the law, normal people have no way to deal with a person with an abnormal personality.

Either be assimilated by them and become a person who lacks empathy like them, or be eliminated by the "rules of the game" set by the abnormal personality and become a "loser". Joseph is doing the same now.

Voldemort has a strong tendency to abnormal personality, but he is also afraid, which is better than the general personality abnormal "bold"

Abnormal personality is a terminal illness in psychology. Even schizophrenia can be alleviated. Abnormal personality rarely sees a psychiatrist and does not accept any role models. So far, the cure rate of personality disorder tends to be zero.

By the way, the book is called "Snake in suit" by Robert Hale

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