In August 1989, on a hot summer day, David Mills received a dispatch notification on the radio, and drove a police car to Beverly Hills with his partner O'Sullivan.

The police situation this time was different from the previous encounters. There were 5 victims, and one of the victims was still alive when he ran to the next door to ask for help. Mills' patrol car was the closest to the scene.

It is rare for such vicious murders to happen in the wealthy district, and even he thought it was another prank at first, but after they almost hit an oncoming car, he began to believe that it was a hoax. It's a real thing.

He reported the license plate number and model to the headquarters, let other patrol cars and the traffic police take charge of the pursuit, and continued to drive to the address provided by the informant, which was the home of a well-known director and his beautiful actor wife.

From time to time, crazy movie fans would sneak into Beverly Hills to meet the stars they admired. Mills would sometimes help drive away those movie fans and paparazzi secretly filming. Some of them were even old acquaintances. A restraining order to not allow someone to come near you.

A restraining order was just a piece of paper, and it would take a uniformed cop like him to get it into effect, and he knew Beverly Hills to a certain degree.

When he drove to the mansion, the front door was open, and the male neighbor next door ran over barefoot in tank top shorts and a woman's dressing gown, with a revolver in his hand, But even with the gun in hand, his face was still terrified, his family dog ​​kept barking, and his wife hid in the house with tears all over her face and a lot of blood on her body.

"Help!" said the fat middle-aged man.

"You called the police."

"Yes." The middle-aged man tremblingly said, "I am..."

"How many murderers are there?" Mills pulled out.

"I don't know." The middle-aged man covered his head, looking at a loss, "I saw a girl in a car parked outside, and there were at least three people in the house."

"Go back to the house and lock the windows and doors." O'Sullivan yelled at him, and the middle-aged man ran back immediately. He and Mills surrounded him at two ends as usual.

The mansion was brightly lit, everything inside could be seen through the windows, there were two large pools of blood on the floor of the front door, and the word "vampire" was written in blood on the door.

As the director, the male protagonist once directed and acted in a vampire-themed movie. The vampire hunter he played took his apprentice with him. The two went to the Eastern European castle, which was rumored to be the stronghold of vampires, determined to eradicate the entire vampire family. Unexpectedly, there was a mistake Instead, the vampire was brought out of the castle to cause disaster to the world. In the play, "Dracula's Bride" is the director's wife Sharon-there is always a beautiful woman who is responsible for screaming in horror movies.

On the neatly manicured grass of the director's house lay a dead body, a Caucasian man in his 30s, whose head and face were stabbed beyond recognition, other parts of the body were stabbed many times, and his clothes were soaked in blood .

A blue Mustang was heard in the driveway. The dead body in the back seat was a young man soaked in blood. The high temperature in the car made the smell of blood stronger. Even Mills, who was used to seeing murder scenes, could not bear it. I can't help feeling sick.

However, none of these bloody scenes could compare to what happened later. When Mills and O'Sullivan walked into the bedroom, they were really taken aback. The rope hanging from the ceiling beams was tightly wrapped around the woman's neck, and the man lying next to him was also covered in blood. The perpetrators used their blood to draw a bloody cross on the wall.

As Mills told William, it wasn't his first encounter with a spooky murder scene.

Mills slowly opened his eyes, and found himself in the interrogation room, which happened to be the interrogation room where he interrogated the client, and the kid was so frightened that his soul almost flew away.

"Are you listening to me?"

Mills looked at the person speaking in a trance. He was not Mills' new partner William, but the sheriff who wanted to show off. When he learned that the "help me" depicted with fingerprints on the wall of the law firm was a drug dealer , he sent swat out, and made a big battle, but it was empty.

He was ashamed, but what annoyed him even more now was that Mills had killed John Doe, and the police had no definite evidence that the body that Mills had shot six times had indeed committed those murders.

Only the man who killed the whore could prove it, provided he wasn't mad.

Freud mentioned before the First World War that human motivation only includes the "life instinct", that is, the desire to survive. When the killer pointed a gun at the boy's head, because of the "life instinct", he used a weird Leather Goods killed that whore.

She was a prostitute, and she was sick, and she could live by killing her, so he did as the murderer said.

The blaring music in the underground nightclub drowns out all sounds, including the one calling for help, the guy who was driven crazy by John Doe and maybe left behind.

'Don't let him win, David, pick yourself up. '

He heard a voice say, and then, the sullen sheriff disappeared, he saw the cameras in the interrogation room, and the TV picture appeared in his mind, Charlie Mann and his followers did two massacres in Los Angeles, Their trial process was broadcast across the United States. Every time they were tried, the three young and beautiful female suspects were all dressed up and walked to the court singing songs, as if this place was not a court, but a stage for their performance.

Outside the courtroom, a group of members of the "Mann Family" sit at the door every day. The leader of this "cult", Charlie Mann, is a very charming habitual criminal who is good at hypnosis and brainwashing. Gather together night and night, sing anti-war songs, and brainwash some middle-class teenagers with love, peace, freedom, and longing for the future like spiritual mentors.

The four young men who committed the murders that shocked the entire Los Angeles three were girls and one was a boy, and this boy named Charles was a good boy and a top student in the eyes of all teachers and parents. It was hard to believe that the neighbor who looked docile The boy was able to stab a stranger 51 times, and one of the victims was pregnant.

There was also a girl who was a church chorus member in Alabama and got into a Catholic college, only she moved to Los Angeles with her sister, and then she went bad with alarming speed.

Her new community has a disdain for tradition, and this "freedom" is exactly why the sisters want to get rid of their parents.

It was this once good girl who later became the mastermind, and the boy in charge was the one who mainly executed the killing, and the other two girls who dropped out of school were responsible for "arranging" the scene.

When "Psychic Mentor" Mann appeared for interrogation, his young disciples all stood up, as if welcoming him.

'Do you want an interrogation like that too? David? '

Mills heard a voice say.

"No," Mills said.

'Then what do you want? '

Instinct is a drive towards death and destruction, "death instinct" is a drive to end one's own life.

The life instinct is understandable, as long as any animal without self-destructive tendencies will live more successfully than animals with self-destructive tendencies.

However, in the theory of evolution, the "aggressive instinct" is naturally selected. Compared with animals such as antelopes that turn around and run to animals such as antelopes, animals that know how to protect their territories, mates, and resources, such as lions and wolves, tend to live better. .

It is easy to be injured during the attack, and you will die if you are injured. This kind of internal attack drive, like appetite and desire, will accumulate over time, and finally reach the moment of catharsis.

"I want to live and live better than before," Mills said. "I don't want to go to prison."

"Then do as I tell you," Mills heard the man across the way say, which was his lawyer.

Even the greedy lawyer has people who love him, such as his wife, and his "apprentice".

Mills killed John Doe to avenge him, so his "apprentice" came to defend Mills.

"Have you ever heard of bipolar disorder?" said the lawyer.

"what is that?"

"As long as people think that you have a mental illness, you don't have to go to jail. You can even assassinate the president of the United States. What's more, you killed someone who deserved it." The lawyer wiped the sweat off his face with a handkerchief and flipped through the files on the table." Juries don't give sympathy to a man who kills in anger because of the heat or for reasons that are not self-righteous, you now need to play a husband who is suffering from the loss of his wife, bipolar disorder is for you."

"What?" Mills asked, confused.

"You are so angry that you want to kill others, and you are so painful that you want to kill yourself. In psychology, this is called bipolar disorder. Don't worry, this is a common disease. The average age of onset is about 30 years old. Many Hollywood stars have it. .” The lawyer picked up the mineral water and drank wildly, and then said, “Your father is an electric welder?”


"That's right, too much manganese can cause emotional distress, irritability, and aggression. If children and babies are exposed to manganese, it can cause brain damage. When they grow up, they will have poor emotional regulation and act impulsively. Manganese can even pass through the mother's blood. The placenta affects the fetus, especially if the mother is iron deficient."

"My father is a welder, what does it have to do with my mother?"

"My mother doesn't smoke, but she also has lung cancer. Guess what? My father is a smoker." The lawyer slammed the half-empty water bottle on the table with a bang. "Be sober, David, if you don't want to If you go to jail, do as I say!"

A lie repeated a thousand times becomes true.

When Mills opened his eyes again, he found himself lying on a bench in the Los Angeles Police Department, not an interrogation room in New York.

Dr. Anthony is now gone, his coat on Mills.

Mills sat up in confusion. He felt that he had just had a long dream, but he couldn't remember what it was, but one thing was certain, he hadn't slept so well for a long time, and his mind was extremely clear.

With a "ding", the elevator door opened, and the fat O'Sullivan came out with a file in his hand.

"You were sleeping when I was so busy?" O'Sullivan said sarcastically, "Where's your partner?"

"He's not my partner." Mills rubbed his face and stood up. "You are, don't forget what the doctor told us."

"Do you think you can deal with him?" O'Sullivan asked.

"If he was so easy to deal with, you wouldn't make a deal with me as a condition." Mills sneered and said, "Anthony Marcus, that sounds like a fake name."

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