No, our science is never an illusion. If it were an illusion, then we would think that what science cannot give us can be obtained elsewhere.

— Sigmund Freud

In 1630, Galileo was summoned by the church to Rome for trial.

As a celebrity, he was not imprisoned like Bruno, but was placed in the Medici manor near the Plaza de España.

At that time, Pope Urban VIII was a Florentine. In 1540, Cardinal Tepulciano bought the land to build a manor.

In the beginning, the manor was far less luxurious than later. After 30 years, the manor was owned by Ferdinand Medici. He brought a large number of craftsmen and artists from Florence to remodel the manor.

It was a beautiful house, set on a flat hill, with St. Peter's Basilica visible from the terrace of the manor to the southwest.

St. Peter's Basilica has been under reconstruction since 1450. It concentrated the wisdom of the masters of the Renaissance era. It took thousands of skilled craftsmen more than a century of hard work to complete it in 1626.

That is to say, the old Galileo could see the brand new St. Peter's Basilica in the Medici Manor.

Although the Pope is Urban VIII, the French Cardinal Richelieu is in power. At that time, the Thirty Years' War was at a decisive stage, but Urban VIII hoped to wipe out the Protestant forces everywhere, and was afraid that the Habsburg Dynasty would control Italy, so he did not support the Habsburg Dynasty and turned to his political opponent Cardinal Richet. Stay allied.

Richelieu regarded the Protestant Huguenots as a thorn in his side. While eliminating the Huguenots, Richelieu was also engaged in the struggle to eradicate the rebellious nobles in the country. In 1626, he uncovered the rebellion conspiracy of Gaston, Duke of Orléans, brother of the French king.

In 1630, Empress Dowager Marie de Medici opposed Richelieu and was exiled in Cambien. The following year the queen mother fled to the Netherlands, and her son, Gaston, Duke of Orleans, led an army back from Lorraine, calling for the overthrow of Richelieu.

When Galileo came to Rome in 1630, the two men in power had no time for him. It was other cardinals who presided over the trial of Galileo. At that time, the cardinals were divided into two factions, one advocated protection of Galileo, and the other advocated severe punishment of Galileo. Urban VIII and Galileo are old friends, or Galileo once published a new book called "The Assayer" under the name "Dedicated to the great leader of our church, Urban VIII", but how can he severely punish the Galileo faction? There is a letter of guarantee signed by Galileo in his hand. The date on the note is 1616. Galileo promised not to talk about Copernicus in the book.

However, Copernicus appeared in his new book "Dialogue". One of the judges, Inkofer, threw the book on the table aggressively, making a loud "bang". Kofer asked loudly again: "Who gave you permission to publish this book?"

Galileo argued that he had submitted the book to the Holy See presiding judge three years ago (1630), and had also shown it to the court presiding judge.

But he didn't realize that this was a trap. An examiner asked him if he had told the presiding judge about the 1616 review. Galileo said that he did not discuss this issue with the presiding judge because he thought it was unnecessary to talk about it.

Galileo didn't talk about Copernicus in his book, he just quoted Copernican's logic.

And the key piece of evidence, Galileo's letter of guarantee did not actually have his signature, it was just a meeting record. But Galileo, who was old and imprisoned for three years, had no energy to defend himself after thinking wildly for three years. At this time, the bishops of Paul Galileo quarreled with their aggressive opponents, but Galileo remained silent, because no matter how much they quarreled he would There is no escape from severe punishment.

The balcony of the hotel where American Archbishop Harvey lives can see the Medici Manor. When Joseph stood on the balcony and looked at the villa surrounded by trees and visually blended with nature, he couldn’t help but think of the secret. Records of the Inquisition trials made available in the Archives.

"You look familiar, where have I seen you?"

Harvey said behind Joseph.

"Even high school students don't care about this way of chatting up, Bishop." Joseph said with a smile, and then turned his head to accept the champagne that Harvey handed over.

"Oh, I remembered, it was at the inauguration ceremony of the high school named after the Pope." Harvey suddenly realized.

"There was also the inauguration of the president. There were only a few of us dressed like this at the reception." Joseph added, "You were busy chatting with the first lady at the time."

"You attended the presidential inauguration?"


"No." The bishop smiled strangely, "It's normal for you to appear there."

"We are all decorations." Joseph touched Harvey's wine glasses with his wine glasses, and they made a crisp and sweet voice, "Cheers."

"About the topic of 'pillow' you just mentioned with the Holy See..."

"That's just an allusion. It was mentioned in Dante's Divine Comedy that the Marquis of Ferrara was smothered to death by his son Arzo with a feather pillow. Michelangelo also borrowed Dante when he painted the Last Judgment. I think that in that There is no better time to quote this." Joseph pointed to the decorative painting on the wall and said, "That painting is Rembrandt's Prodigal Son?"

"Maybe, it's from the hotel."

"Do you think the youngest son is really repentant?" Joseph asked.

"I can't see his face."

"Even if you see it, it may be faked. For some people, having faith means 'declining intelligence', which they absolutely cannot bear."

"Let's eat and talk." Harvey said with a smile, "Who will be full if you dine with the boss?"

The two came to the restaurant together. There was only a small round table with four chairs beside the table. The wallpaper on the wall was dark blue silk. The food on the table was very rich, including roasted tomato and basil soup, Roman-style fried chicken, Pesto bread, baked lobster with cheese, just looking at it makes people feel their index fingers move.

"If I remember correctly, what you said to the Holy Father today, 'The development of technology is to do whatever you want', seems to be what Jung said?"

"You're not mistaken, bishop, I just quoted what Jung said." Joseph said while cutting the lobster, "He not only talked about scientific issues, there was a popular "XZ Book of the Dead" in English-speaking countries in the early 20th century , Jung also read it, do you want to hear his opinion?"

"Please tell me."

"He said that 'Eastern people believe that one's soul is the light of divinity, and God is one's own soul', and he thought that the church would not hesitate to refute this blasphemy, and felt that it was extremely dangerous, Do you think he's right?"

"How dare you say that."

"I am an Italian-American, and the United States believes in freedom of speech. I am not saying these words. The characteristics of Eastern religious literature are to start from the most subtle and peak places. This is the same as we start from the easy-to-understand places. different."

"You think he's right?"

"This is the question I asked you just now, do you think Jung and Lama XZ are right?"

Harvey thought for a while, and started to eat quietly.

"How does Corrado Baducci want to deal with me?" Joseph changed the subject.

"He thinks you are a liar and intends to take advantage of the Pope's illness and confusion."

"I know, what I'm asking is what is he going to do to me?" Joseph said, chewing on the lobster.

"It doesn't matter anymore," Harvey said. "You won."

"Do you think we will become Florentines?" Joseph said in an arrogant and arrogant tone.

"You know what he thinks."

"Then what do you think?"

"That's impossible." Harvey sighed. "He was going to retire. He might regret it if you do."

"Is not it good?"

"He brought us together to discuss his retirement and we are already working on a new pope."

"So what if he's elected, suffocate him with a pillow like Earl Azuo?"

"You should know what it means to be outspoken."

"As I said before, Protestants have no confession, no forgiveness, they are left to face God alone, and there is no religious ceremony, and they have no access to God, all this makes them gradually distanced from God, so Protestants Gradually feel nervous and anxious, and these will sharpen their conscience, especially the conscience of guilt, they don't think about the afterlife, which science can't explain to them, so they go to any place that can explain it to them to find answers , even Eastern Paganism, is this what you want to see, Bishop?"

"You're killing me, Father."

"Europe gave birth to two evil dragons, one named curiosity and the other named possessiveness. These two evil dragons came to America with the ship and became more and more difficult to deal with. Dante once said that the Florentines were ungrateful. We have Thanksgiving, but I think for the vast majority of Americans, Thanksgiving is just a holiday to eat turkey and watch the president pardon the turkey, and communion is just 'turkey', so use it to exorcise the old man Success." Joseph put down his knife and fork and looked at Harvey "Speaking of the Eucharist, have you ever been to Orvieto, Bishop?"

Jung studied Eastern philosophy for a while, then he dreamed of the Holy Grail and turned to study Western philosophy

In the fifth chapter of the Divine Comedy Purgatory, there are words condemning Count Azo. The murder happened in 1293, and Dante published the Divine Comedy in 1321. Count Azo and the child may be alive

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