Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 975 Follow the rabbit

It was a sunny early autumn afternoon, but when Joseph found Mills, the sun wasn't shining into his room.

He moved back to the room he lived in as an adult, made the room dark like John Doe, and there was a strong smell of alcohol in the air. Joseph couldn't tell whether it was Mills' room that smelled better or Richard's. The room smells better.

"How long has he been like this?" Joseph asked.

"It's been almost two years." Mills' mother held a handkerchief and pinched her nose discreetly with it. "Since he came back from the nursing home."

First, her husband passed away, and her son became like this again. For a woman, she has experienced too much.

She was very old and thin, but her expression was very calm, and there was stubbornness between her brows.

"Why don't you take him to the doctor?"

She immediately became alert like a cat stepping on its tail.

"My son's not sick!" she said with unshakable determination, as if declaring the truth. "He's just mourning his dead wife, that's all!"

"Don't you think he's been mourning for too long?"

"I miss my husband until now." The old woman said forcefully, "Besides, the hospital sent him back. My son had to leave well, and it became like this when he came back. I don't think there is any need to see a doctor anymore. Quacks."

"If he's been like this all his life, aren't you worried?"

"Are you here to help or to ask me?"

"of course……"

"If you hadn't figured out the seven deadly sins, there wouldn't be such a thing at all!" Before Joseph finished speaking, Mrs. Mills said aggressively. If she hadn't witnessed it with her own eyes, it would be hard to imagine that such a small woman would Make such a loud voice.

"Original sin is not created by us, it is inherent in human beings."

"Oh, so you think it's my fault? I didn't give birth to him?"

"That was not what I meant……"

"Look at what you said in court. I was exposed to manganese, which made him naturally grumpy and caused him to suffer from bipolar disorder. Don't you just blame the woman?"

"So David doesn't have bipolar disorder?"

"Of course there is. It's just that he was not born. He was healthy when he was young. Since he became a policeman, his temper has become more and more eccentric. If I had known, I would not have let him do this." Mrs. Mills said cautiously .

"I guess I don't have any lemonade to drink, do I?" Joseph asked.

Mrs. Mills did not answer.

"I didn't ask the church for help." After a long time, she asked in a hoarse voice, "I haven't been to church for a long time, how did you find me?"

"We're not like him," Joseph said. "We don't preach by spreading fear."

"Are you here to preach?" asked Mrs. Mills alertly.

"No, I'm here to meet an old friend." Joseph looked at Mills in the shadows and said, "We haven't seen each other for a long time."


People are fond of keeping the relics of famous people, and when the faith prevails, the remains of saints are preserved.

Einstein asked to be cremated, but those who buried him quietly kept his brain. Galileo was buried carelessly, and his remains were not moved to the cathedral in his hometown until the next century.

When Galileo's remains were exhumed from his grave, bones from his fingers were stolen. Now "Galileo's finger" has been exhibited in the Museum of Science and History in Florence, Italy, and it is placed in a special glass egg for people to visit.

When famed composer and pianist Ludwig van Beethoven died in 1827, doctors removed his ear bones during an autopsy in an attempt to study the strange condition of the partially deaf composer's ear. The bones were supposedly stolen by a medical worker who sold them to a "foreign doctor" and the ear bones were never seen again.

But in California, a man claiming to be Beethoven's family claims to have fragments of Beethoven's skull, which are said to have been passed down from Vienna.

Joseph turned off the TV.

The Pope is taking a nap, everything seems normal, nothing feels wrong.

Although the bloodshed of the Eucharist in Orvieto was covered up by a miracle, it arose from the priest's denial of transubstantiation, and when it was discovered that the bloody Eucharist was offered, that opponent immediately converted to transubstantiation up.

Joseph also heard that there was a monk in the monastery who was good at curing diseases. He could have become the second Saint Anthony, but he often used the Holy Grail to turn into a rabbit, so the diocese secretly executed him as a sorcerer.

The ancient Roman pronunciation of wizard (wizard) is "striga", and sorcerer is "Sorecery".

A wizard believes that power comes from himself, while a magician gains power by signing a contract with the devil.

European rationalism believes that magic is a product of fantasy, the result of insufficient technology in primitive society and lack of insight into the laws of natural development, and people who believe in witchcraft are characteristic of farmers and uneducated people.

The sorcerer can be understood as a human who signed a contract with Yahweh in Exodus as the enemy god. Their purpose is to overthrow the belief formed by the miracles performed by the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and make themselves worshiped by mankind.

Illness makes people feel panic. After the patient prays to the gods to be ineffective, he will turn to the devil. He will believe whoever can bring him health.

At this moment, whether he is a high-level intellectual or a businessman with elementary school culture, they are all the same. The desire to survive can make people completely different from usual.

And often these senior intellectuals are more superstitious than the peasants.

They believe that they are elites, and they will have access to resources that ordinary people cannot access, and they will not suspect that this is a well-designed illusion.

There are alchemists in the West and alchemists in the East. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty should be an educated person, but he was still deceived by Luan Da.

The book said that Luan Da was a tall and handsome man who dared to speak big words without blinking his eyes. When he met him, he first condemned Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. The liar was beyond convincing.

Descartes said: Many times, I sat by the fire with my clothes on, and the fire was warm, so real, so peaceful, so relaxed, and suddenly I woke up and found that I was lying naked on the bed.

Which is real and which is fantasy? Since dreams are illusory, so is this world.

Thousands of years ago, Zhuangzi proposed that Zhuang Zhou dreamed of butterflies, and butterflies dreamed of Zhuang Zhou.

Since life is nothing more than a dream, false, what is the point of my life?

This is the ultimate problem that plagues patients with bipolar disorder and depression-the sense of emptiness. You think the world you live in is real, but you don't know that you are actually a member of the matrix described in "The Matrix".

There is a traitor in the play. He knows that the world of the matrix is ​​not real, but he would rather be controlled by the matrix and enjoy the pleasure of sensory stimulation, such as a delicious steak, than eating mediocre food in the "real world".

He didn't really eat the steak, but his senses told his brain to eat it. Not everyone dared to leave the studio like Truman.

When Joseph "picked up" Mills, he was not far from true bipolar disorder, and Joseph really didn't know what he went through in that nursing home.

‘Do you dare to give the Pope a psychological analysis? '

The thought startled Joseph.

He looked around, but there was no one there, as if he had just hallucinated.

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