Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 985 Manor in the Jungle

In the notes Baducci lent to Joseph, it was written: Agriculture is an alchemy.

This is completely different from what Joseph knew, alchemy is the predecessor of chemistry.

At the end of the 19th century, the Restoration Movement of Israel began to rise, but it was almost impossible to realize, because Israel's land is mainly located in arid desert, and it is impossible to accommodate a large population due to lack of water.

By the 1920s, British economists predicted that Jewish immigration to the Middle East would be unsustainable, and that the rapidly growing population would soon deplete water for agriculture and other uses.

Limited water resources and fragile ecology make Israel's dream of restoring the country a dream. At the same time, because the Jews will occupy their own territory, the Arabs are very unfriendly to them. The British still want to occupy that area. The British military and police would protect the Jews, so they suffered along with them. So then Prime Minister Chamberlain issued a white paper limiting the number of European immigrants to Pakistan to no more than 75,000 in five years.

At that time, the riots swept across Europe, and many persecuted Jews were eager to flee Europe and seek asylum in Israel, and British economists predicted that Israel could only accommodate 2 million people, and the number of places was limited.

From the release of the white paper to the end of the war, the Restorationists have been working on solving a problem—to tap the potential of water resources. To tap these potentials requires new thinking to change the existing water use patterns, and drip irrigation came into being.

Since the beginning of civilization, the way humans have irrigated crops is flood irrigation, which will cause a lot of waste of water resources, and many crop-producing areas rely on rain to solve irrigation problems.

If it doesn't rain, people will pray for rain. At that time, various ceremonies will be held, and there will even be sacrifices by living people.

If water resources are properly designed and managed, crops that require a lot of water, such as tomatoes, peppers, and watermelons, can be grown in deserts that do not rain all year round. Now Israel has a population of more than 12 million and is also a major food and vegetable exporter. The prediction of the British was broken.

The new construction of water conservancy has saved many people, not only the refugees who fled to Israel from Europe, but also the food that the refugees need for life.

Science is not only used to invent and create more powerful weapons, it can also be used to change the original natural order. After desalination, it can also irrigate salt-resistant plants or crop seeds. The founding of Israel is through imagination, Science and a pioneering spirit turn dreams into reality.

However, the Israelites tried to build the third temple. The Bible predicted the restoration of Israel and the third temple when Christ returned. It is hard to say whether they still believe in God or not.

When they left Egypt for the first time, Moses parted the Red Sea. Now they build their own country without the power of God.

Joseph remembered the Medici manor where Galileo once lived. Galileo did not prefer to die in defense of "truth" like Bruno.

He chose to plead guilty, but people in later generations still list him as the pioneer of the scientific revolution that broke the shackles of the church's thinking.

A French writer once said that whether it is a hero or a Buddha, they cannot withstand discussion, but those who stand on a high ground cannot avoid being discussed.

Now there are two paths before Joseph, whether to become an unknown "miracle investigator" like Father Gordon, or become a well-known person like the Archbishop and the Pope.

Today, when science rules the world, discussing the real existence of demons and ghosts will be regarded as a laughing stock.

Razlan transferred Pavlov's experimental results and developed a theory called luncheon technique. Even college students now know that the best way to get someone to like them is to associate themselves with good news, which, like food and approval, brings joy.

In other words, if you follow others and pick what others like to hear, others will like you, and no one wants to meet a spoiler.

If it is too against the trend of the times, even a genius will be regarded as a lunatic by the world.

"Holy Father."

Joseph suddenly heard someone greet him, looked up and saw that it was the Pope.

It is not surprising to see the Pope in the Apostolic Palace. The problem is that the place where Joseph is now is where the security guards are on duty. This is not where the "master" should come.

He wanted to close the book at first, but with an idea, he just let it open and stood up by himself, and the Pope's eyes fell on the book.

"What are you looking at?" the pope asked knowingly.

"Mr. Baducci's notes," Joseph replied.

"what do you think?"

"Very profound."

"How about going for a walk with me?" the pope asked without question.

"Of course." Joseph walked over.

"Take that book," the pope ordered again.

So Joseph turned his head again, put the book under his arm, and "walked" with the Pope and his steward in the Apostolic Palace.

"Have you ever been to Jerusalem?" the Pope asked after a long time.


"Five years ago, almost in this month, I visited once." The Pope said, "From A.D. 70 until 1917, the spring rain and the autumn rain did not come to Jerusalem for more than 1,800 years. Some people say that all this It has something to do with the restoration of Israel, what do you think?"

"Everything is arranged by God." Joseph said tactfully.

"It was an interesting trip, which broadened my horizons. I have also been to a mosque." The Pope did not hesitate, but said with great interest.

"I know that, you are the first pope to visit a mosque."

"The Arabs regard the East as the land of light and the West as the home of darkness, and they associate knowledge and wisdom with light, and at the same time ignorance and ignorance with darkness, and this wisdom of light is not deduced , but intuitive and irrational, there is a "noble light" in the human soul, ruled by angels of all classes, the purpose of people's understanding of the world is not to participate in secular life and transform the world, but to get rid of the shackles of the material , this idea was born during the Crusades, we are the prisoners of the body in our lifetime, and only through the constant illumination of the light can the soul find its true destination."

Joseph didn't speak.

"The modern wars in the Middle East are secular wars, and the church should avoid getting involved. Do you think 'Peter the Hermit' is really a 'Hermit'?"

"What are you trying to tell me, Papa?" Joseph asked tremblingly.

"When the Reformation began, the Church wanted to reestablish authority through a 'Second Renaissance', through a mass of mud and stones, but unlike the Renaissance, the Counter-Reformation was a period of intolerance, and the last The ending is as you can see, the Renaissance ended, and the Reformation did not end as the church thought at the beginning, the belief accumulated by bricks does not have power, we are in a different dark age , the original old thinking cannot change the status quo, and I am too old to reform and innovate. Even if I am willing to continue to serve, the role I can play is limited for this era and the church. Like a man with power, he does not let go of his power until death comes."

"Take a break, Your Majesty." said the butler pushing the wheelchair.

"You are young and very aggressive, but you are an American after all, although you always say you are Latin." The pope ignored the butler and continued, "Did you have a nice lunch with Harvey?"

Joseph dared not speak.

"Go to Montenegro tomorrow." The Pope coughed twice, and then said, "There was a murder case in a monastery there, you go and investigate."

Joseph didn't ask why he didn't ask the police to investigate this silly question, so he obediently agreed.

"You don't ask me why?"

"You look sober now, you probably don't need me." Joseph said, "Precious resources must be used rationally to avoid waste."

The Pope laughed, and then he said, "The east of this area will one day be changed. Wherever this river goes, all the animals that breed will live, and because of this flowing water, there will be a lot of fish. It has also become sweet, and wherever the waters of this river go, all things will live."

"This fable will come true." The steward said immediately.

The Pope ignored it, as if he was tired, he hardly said a word during the next walk, just opened his eyes, admiring the masterpieces left by the masters of the Renaissance.

The last passage of Ezekiel

"Genesis" chapter 13 says: "Lot lifted up his eyes, and saw the plain of the Jordan River, along the way to Zoar, with plenty of water everywhere, before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, like The garden of the Lord is like the land of Egypt."

It shows that the Dead Sea was very rich in resources in the past, and it was a very rich place.

Amway's book of creating water, I personally like the story of the champagne pipe (dog head)

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