Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 99 The Dragon's Claw

A perfect lady needs to cooperate with her husband, especially in social situations, and she needs to know a little bit about everything that men talk about. This is the education Narcissa received, which is completely different from what Pomona received.

"Last year's Quidditch World Cup final was Egypt vs. Bulgaria. The Bulgarian team lost again. After the match, Victor Klum announced his retirement. I think this is what you want to know, right?" Mona's arm was shopping in Diagon Alley, and now the haze of war was completely gone, and the sun was shining everywhere. "I heard that the boy and Hermione had a past."

"Sissy, why do you think Regulus is not dead?" Pomona asked. Everyone said that he was dead. In order to destroy the Horcrux, he drank the potion in the basin and let old Kreacher go. , and he was pulled into the bottom of the pool by the corpse.

"Intuition." Narcissa stopped when passing by a float, and pulled out a poisonous fang geranium from the flower basket. It was dead, non-aggressive, and had no threat other than beauty.

It can emit hypnotic gas and then prey. Harry's owls exam is to deal with it. Without the hypnotic gas and fangs, it looks no different from ordinary geraniums, just like Lei lying in the pile of infernal corpses. Gulles.

"We had a quarrel that day because of Regulus." Pomona said softly to Narcissa, "I think he must think I'm crazy, and he still hasn't accepted the fact that he's dead."

"The death of a young man is more unacceptable than the death of an old man. If Draco dies, I will use all means to bring him back to life." Narcissa gracefully turned to Pomona with a geranium and said with a smile, "For Him, I can do anything."

The thought that Regulus was still alive couldn't get out of Pomona's mind, if only she knew what potion he had been drinking.

That's why she repeatedly asked Severus to help her, and Tom gave him a lot of information, maybe he could find out what medicine was in the basin from those documents.

Poor Regulus, he has repented, why doesn't God give him a chance to start over.

"Pomona, can you tell me how you two met?" Narcissa lost interest in the fang geranium, and took her hand again and started shopping.

"I told you, I'm a few years older than him, Sissy." When the sun shone brightly on her head, she thought she should buy a hat and put it on. He was so hostile and squeezed out by Slytherin, the pure-blood kids always took him as an opponent in the Dark Arts class, and I taught him how to fight back."

"Ah ho, I really can't believe that the current Ministry of Magic doesn't allow pure-blood families to teach their heirs magic in advance." Narcissa's face was full of disgust, "Draco is still learning the Levitation Curse at the age of eleven like a Muggle child .”

"This is the difference between the Dark Lord's power and others. In fact, I think he did the right thing. Orchids and cacti should not be watered together. They should be taught according to their aptitude, and the elite should not be slowed down just to take care of some people. "

"Dark Lord? Don't you call him by another name?" Narcissa asked with a smile.

"You-Know-Who? Voldemort? Not elegant at all." Pomona shook her head, "Severus used black magic on me, did Lucius use it on you?"

Narcissa opened her mouth wide.

"The charm of darkness is incomparable. I believe it would be even better if it was used by Lucius, who told him to be so handsome." Pomona said with an evil smile, "Imagine a Slytherin silver snake crawling through it." The way your beautiful body looks, Sissy."

"You are an evil witch!" Narcissa stopped Pomona from continuing, "You can't teach Draco this!"

"You can ask Lucius if he knows how to transfigure. Transfiguration is what Gryffindor is best at."

"Severus used this trick on you?" Narcissa asked curiously.

"No, the Dark Lord thought he was a fire salamander, and gave him a ring." Pomona looked again when passing by the entrance of Knockturn Alley, "Shall we still go shopping?"

"Not today, dear." Narcissa took Pomona's hand and continued to walk forward. "Someone is following us."

Pomona didn't look back, Lucius ran out of the "prison", the Aurors estimated that the pure blood would start to change again, it seemed that she was really going to call old Malfoy "uncle".

"Continue with the topic just now, how long did it take him to fight back?"

"One year, during which time I didn't let him touch a single book about potions."


"The Prince family has declined by his generation. Continuing to cling to his past identity will not help him progress. He must learn to dodge and hide." Pomona sighed, and it was too difficult to teach a nerd to be a warrior. "Patience is for Revenge, but it doesn't mean you have to stand and be beaten. When others attack, remember to get out of the way, and then look for opportunities to attack. He is very dull in this respect. At first he imitated Lucius, and later he imitated his own Father, a boxer."

"But he beat Lucius pretty badly." Narcissa smiled. "Even a layman like me can see that he can handle it with ease."

"Let me see!" Pomona was as excited as any Hufflepuff goofy girl watching her boyfriend make a splash at a Quidditch match.

"Don't you think Legilimency is black magic at all?" Narcissa shook her head, "No, honey, I won't allow you to do that."

Pomona was very disappointed, maybe next time she could see how much he improved.

"So what if he's been training for a year?"

"A year later, when he was in the second grade, he used the Disarming Curse to defeat a child from a pure-blood family in the first black arts art class. They didn't understand the basic truth that the spell must hit the target. It works, but their parents paid too much attention to the power of the spell and forgot about it. The Dark Lord broke through the defensive magic in the battle of Hogwarts alone. He is very incomparable. All skills are useless in the face of absolute power. Yes, wizards don't just stand still, do you remember Severus dancing with me? That's what the Dark Lord taught him, he's a very good 'dancer', with great strength and nimble steps, Severus is no match for him, and he has nothing to do but hide himself."

"Dancer?" Narcissa was interested.

"If you're interested, I can teach you, as long as you can find a place where you won't be disturbed." Pomona pouted behind her back, "There is no skill at all except bravery in combat."

"That's because they're Gryffindor lions," Narcissa sneered. "Damn animals."

"In the third year, he thought I had graduated. In fact, I went to teach other people. Do you know that there is a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor named Lupin in the school?"

"Yes, he's a werewolf."

"Severus wanted to develop Wolfbane because of him. His father offended Fenrir when Remus was very young. One night that Wilwolf sneaked into Lupine's room, and then Bite him, he was only four years old at that time." Pomona patted Narcissa's hand, "Werewolves like to bite people very much, although Lucius couldn't prevent Draco from becoming a Death Eater, but he didn't protect him. Bitten by a werewolf, I think you can give him a chance, Sissy, at least you are all safe."

"I remember that Remus Lupine and Sirius lived in the same dormitory, so that's how you met him?" Narcissa asked.

"Yes, a dormitory boy." Pomona laughed. "Man's friendship is really puzzling."

"Wow." A crow flew away from the two of them with a strange cry, and Pomona looked up at it, always feeling familiar.

"You're a naughty girl, Pomona, very naughty." The grown-up Severus whispered behind her, but she didn't turn her head, because she knew he couldn't appear in Diagon Alley where people were coming and going.

As soon as he appeared, the students who had been persecuted by him would collectively start running for their lives, shouting "Damn it" while running.

It was such a chaotic scene, but she thought it must be so funny that she kept turning the ring on her right middle finger, tossing between "naughty" and "not naughty."

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