Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 994 Obvious

Compared with Cokeworth, Severus' hometown, the environment of Turin, which is also an industrial city, is obviously much better. Not only is the river water not polluted by industrial wastewater, but also because the air here is much better.

There is no smog in the Alps like in London. There are only fog and clouds. After the clouds pass or the sun rises, they disappear and the vision becomes clear again. You can even see hemp at the foot of the mountain when you look at it from the hillside. Melon town.

There is a Chinese idiom called Near Mo Zhe Hei, which means that if you stay with bad guys for a long time, you will gradually become darker and darker.

Before he heard that Severus had opened the letter that Petunia wrote to Albus privately, and thought he was very immoral, but now she followed him on a tour of hell.

As a child, she had always been alone, except for Mrs. Sprout, who took care of her, so she especially wanted a playmate like Pete.

Lily and Severus were lucky to meet "the same kind", but Petunia was very jealous and always said that Lily was a freak.

Same parents, why is Petunia a Muggle and Lily a wizard?

When Lily first awakened the power of the wizard, strange things often happened at home, and the family was nervous for a long time. Later, "Sev" appeared and explained to them the reason why Lily appeared strange. Became a regular visitor to the Evans family.

How else would a well-bred, middle-class family allow its daughter to play with ghetto boys.

Then they got to the magic school, and the "companions" became more, and they were no longer each other's only friends.

Lily yearned for the light, while Severus went for the dark. Even if they were attached to each other, they still couldn't be the same as when they were children.

Lily is very good, beautiful and smart, so she doesn't have many female friends. The only person she can talk to is her sister, but Petunia doesn't pay much attention to her. Although they are sisters, they live in different worlds because of magic. There is a blood relationship that goes farther and farther.

There are signs on the road leading to the sinkhole, but the road is covered with weeds and rocks, and the new handmade shoes she just bought were scratched terribly, but Severus didn't care at all. Brambles and bushes were cut down and thrown by the roadside.

The sun shines from the gaps between the leaves, making people not feel gloomy, and there are even hares, pheasants, and foxes in the grass.

It would be too disappointing if the entrance to hell looked like this.

"How about we pitch our tent here?" she said as they passed a clearing.

"Isn't it too early to pitch the tent?"

"We'll stay here for a few days, it's not an option to turn around blindly." Pomona stood there motionless.

"You don't want to go after only walking so far?"

"It has nothing to do with this. I just don't think I should go so directly. It's too reckless to do so."

Severus didn't answer, he looked around, and then said, "You pitch a tent, and I cast a defensive spell."

After the division of labor was clarified, they each completed their own work as they had cooperated many times before.

Pomona reached the open space she was looking for first, took the tent out of her pocket, and floated it in mid-air.

However, she encountered obstacles when laying out the ground nails. The ground was more solid than she thought.

She lowered her head and took a closer look, and found that there were traces of brick seams on the ground, as if there had been artificial buildings here.

She looked around again, and found more bricks, and even a rotting door frame, which might have been burned as firewood if she wasn't careful.

"Looks like this used to be a house!" she said to Severus, standing up.

"Probably built by the villagers." Severus stopped casting the spell and looked back at her.

"No, I think it might be a fortification, with a wide view, maybe even a castle." She looked around and began to look for the edge of the wall bricks to see how big the ruins used to be.

Although most of the ruins have been destroyed by plants, it can be vaguely seen that it is very large, at least as big as the Hogwarts auditorium. This is definitely not an ordinary house.

"Look, I said it's good to stop," she said with some smugness, and cleared the area of ​​weeds with her wand.

Severus took the potion out of his pocket, and his speed was much faster than her whirlwind, and soon the area showed its true colors.

Pomona used the Restoration Charm to restore the collapsed ruins to their original positions. Most of the bricks did not respond. Only one wall was restored, and a line of words was engraved on it: Le diable est mort.

"You know these words?" Severus asked, looking at the line of notches made by some sharp object.

"That's French," said Pomona, somewhat uneasily.

"What's the meaning?"

"The demon is dead."

Severus froze for a moment.

"Why did the French leave this line in Italy?"

"Northern Italy used to be the territory of France, and what is written in French is not necessarily French, and French used to be a language." Pomona looked at the obvious burnt marks left on the wall. "They destroyed this place, Set fire to this place before you leave."

"So it's good news that the demon is dead?" Severus asked.

"I don't know!" she screamed, turning to put the tent away.

"What are you doing here?"

"I don't intend to continue camping here!"

"My defensive spells are ready!"

"Can't you counter-curse?"

Severus cursed a few words with the slang learned in the slums, and revoked the spell he just cast. Pomona found a big rock and sat down, and then took out the travel kettle to boil water to make tea.

Until the War of Spanish Succession, Turin belonged to France, and it was only after the Battle of Turin that it got rid of French rule, but the main battlefield at that time was not in the Alps.

In that era of backward technology, building a castle on a mountain was no small project. Who and for what purpose built a castle in this place with no special products and a small population?

The demon is dead, is this demon a real demon, or someone who did something like a demon?

She took out the pork she bought at the foot of the mountain from her pocket, lit a fire, and started to process it.

Today she wants to eat pulled pork. It needs to be roasted for at least three hours. Now it is ready to be eaten at noon.

In addition, the seafood she didn't have time to eat last night was going to be made into a seafood salad. After crushing all the fruits and vegetables, she froze them so that she could have Hawaiian juice for lunch.

"Are you in such a hurry to set up the tent because you want to use the kitchen?"

Just as she was casting her gourmet magic, the old bat asked disappointedly.

"I can't trouble myself without a kitchen." She raised her head confidently.

"It's tea and juice, what do you want to drink?"

"Juice is for noon, we will drink tea later."

"You don't want coffee anymore?"

"Coffee is too heavy for me, I still prefer tea." She muttered nervously, "There are still too few clues."

Severus didn't bother to pay her any attention.

He has long known her habit of cooking when she is under pressure. He drew a chair out of the painting box with the flying spell, and then began to read newspapers while basking in the sun leisurely.

Although most of his body is in the dark, part of it is still shrouded in sunlight. With such an uneven sun exposure, he is not afraid of causing chromatic aberration, making it even uglier than it is now.

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