Harry Potter: My Magic Overturns Hogwarts

Chapter 111 Go to Linghu Town to support the dwarves\r

On top of the eagle was a young and strong dwarf.

Nost led the people and had a brief exchange with the dwarves on the giant eagle.

After a while, Nost returned to the goblin town with his people. The giant eagle and the dwarves landed on the ground and did not leave.

"Professor Kate, Master Nost asked me to come and see you."

A goblin quickly came to Kate Lyle and said very respectfully.

Kate Lyle nodded slightly upon hearing this, and left with the goblin. ..

"Hagrid, is something wrong?" Harry and the others gathered together and asked.

Hagrid looked at Kate Lyle's leaving back, thought for a while, and said, "It's nothing special, it's just that we need a new trip."

"Where are we going?" Malfoy asked.

"I don't know." Hagrid looked at the giant eagle outside and said, "Maybe it has something to do with them."

Harry and the others also looked at the giant eagle outside, with some anticipation in their eyes.

Yesterday's battle filled them with expectations and gave them confidence.

"Harry, we need to make some magic potions quickly," Hermione reminded.

When Harry heard this, he looked at Luna, and Cedric and the others said, "Everyone help, we are going to prepare for the battle."

"I'd love to, Harry." Luna looked at Harry and smiled.

"I'm also good at Potions, maybe I can help." Carianna smiled.

"Then let's do it." Ronald laughed excitedly.

Ten people including Harry had a clear division of labor to refine and make magic potions, and Kate Lyle also came to the place where Nost and the others discussed.

"Professor Kate! This is the warrior Bob from the dwarves." Nost looked at Kate Lyle who came in, and immediately introduced the young dwarf standing beside him to Kate Lyle.

Kate Lyle bent down, shook hands with the other party, and said with a smile: "Kate Lyle, Nost's friend."

"Hello, Professor Kate, I just heard about you from Nost. You are a powerful magician. He said that you can help us through the crisis." Bob looked at Kate Lyle and said a little excitedly.

Kate Lyle looked at Nost after hearing the words.

Nost quickly explained: "The dwarves got the news that the half-orc army is heading towards them. With the current strength of the dwarves, they cannot defeat the half-orc army. They have no way to retreat, so he asked for our support. "

Kate Lyle nodded, understood, and said, "I am very honored to be able to help you."

Bob smiled excitedly, put his arms on his chest quickly, and tried to make himself look like a gentleman and said: "Thank you very much, Professor Kate Lyle for your help, you will gain our friendship and become our distinguished guest."

Nost laughed, looked at Bob, and said, "Bob, Grace is going to meet the High Elf King. I need to stay and protect my people. In addition, I can only send five hundred excellent wizards." Here it is, I hope it can help you and understand us, half-orcs may attack us at any time."

"In fact, last night we were attacked by thousands of orcs, and our crisis is still there."

Bob stepped forward and hugged Nost, and said with tears in his eyes: "Thank you very much for the help of the goblins. We will defeat the enemy as soon as possible, and let the outstanding wizards come back as soon as possible."

Kate Lyle looked at their sad parting and said with a smile: "Don't be so nervous, things won't go in a bad direction."

"Nost, here are these two things for you. The smaller crystal ball will allow you to contact me in time. And the larger black crystal ball, you have to keep it carefully. At critical moments, you can throw it away to the half-orc army Among them, to help you resolve the crisis."

Kate Lyle handed the two crystal balls to Nost, then looked at Bob, and said, "Let your partner and the giant eagle rest and replenish food. We will set off in an hour."

Bob nodded happily and said, "No problem, Professor Kate."

Kate Lyle bid farewell to Nost and Bob, quickly found Hagrid, and said: "Let those little guys get ready, in an hour, we will go to the gathering place of the dwarves - Spirit Lake Town."

"They've been working hard to prepare." Hagrid said with a chuckle when he heard that, "They're preparing enough magic potions for themselves. It looks like they're ready to show their talents."

"Professor Kate, can you believe it? The herbs here are very rich, with many types and quantities."

"Our harvest in one morning is more than what you harvested in a month in the Forbidden Forest."

“This is literally a paradise!”

Kate Lyle looked at the excited Hagrid, smiled, and found a seat to sit down.

The goblin side also got busy, and Polk personally led five hundred excellent elf wizards, ready to follow them into battle.

Harry and the others also prepared the magic potions and healing potions they needed during this time.

In a relatively open place, Harry and the others climbed onto the back of the giant eagle, and followed the eagle soaring towards the direction of Linghu Town.

And behind the giant eagle, there are two arks controlled and built by the goblins themselves.

Each ark can accommodate three hundred smaller elves.

These arks are very light and delicate. After releasing all the protective barriers, they can block many sudden attacks of magic.

"I feel like I'm riding a Norwegian Ridgeback." Ronald said excitedly, "I'm a real flying knight now."

"We are Eagle Riders, and we ride giant eagles." Harry corrected Ronald and said.

"Same." Ronald laughed.

Giant eagles are fast and huge, and they fly very high.

This condescending feeling made Draco Malfoy very excited.

He stood up, opened his hands, raised his chin, wanting to feel it.

He felt that he was now a great king, looking down on the world.

Suddenly, the giant eagle flapped its wings and flew upwards.

Draco Malfoy lost his balance in an instant, and he tumbled in panic and uncontrollably.

Kariana stared at Draco Malfoy who was about to fall from the back of the giant eagle, her eyes widened, she quickly stretched out her hand, and shouted, "Draco!"

"Help me!" Malfoy was caught by Kariana's clothes, but he was still not out of danger. He was suspended in the air and might fall at any time.

"Draco, don't stand up easily, you will be thrown down by the giant eagle." Kate Lyle waved her wand, causing Draco to return to the giant eagle's back, warning.

Malfoy's face was a little pale, panting while sitting on the back of the giant eagle.

Seeing this, Harry, Ronald and others burst out laughing.

It's rare to see Malfoy deflated, but not many.

Especially when seeing the pretending Malfoy and being slapped in the face by reality.

It's better to make them happy.

"Look over there, there are many half-orcs, and they are gathering towards Linghu Town over there." Cedric stood up from the giant eagle, pointed at the advancing half-orc army in the distance, and shouted.

"What is that? A troll?" Edward looked at the gigantic troll walking behind the orc, and shouted, "Hagrid, he's ten times your size."

"I know, but trust me, I'll fuck him." Hagrid exclaimed excitedly when he heard that.

"Then you have to work hard, there are a lot of them." Malfoy looked at Hagrid, trying to find a little sense of presence.

"Draco, you are also a magic warrior, I would be happy to invite you to act together." Hagrid joked with a smile.

Looking at the huge monster, Malfoy's expression changed again, and he muttered: "I will never fight them."

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