Harry Potter: My Magic Overturns Hogwarts

Chapter 116 The Death Eaters' Fear, Ronald's Careful Thoughts\r

The battle to defend the Esladu dwarves in Linghu Town is over.

They defeated orcs who were several times their number, but none of them died.

This is a record they could not have imagined.

The warriors of Esladu cheered passionately and cheerfully.

At the same time, they are also full of admiration for Kate Lyle.

"Master Kate Lyle, please allow me to offer my respect and faith on behalf of the warriors of Esladu." Sophie Roy stepped forward and said sincerely to Kate Lyle: "From now on, Kate Lyle The master is the most honored guest of our Asladu."

When Roy Sophie said this, she meant it sincerely.

If Kate Lyle hadn't shed the holy light to protect them, if it hadn't been for the help of Kate Lyle's students, facing so many half-orcs, the crisis they faced would undoubtedly be stronger, and there would be even greater dangers. loss.

Kate Lyle laughed and said, "Without me, I also believe that the warriors of Esladu would defeat the enemy. You have the courage, wisdom and strength that a strong man should have."

A dwarf warrior came over, holding a sword inlaid with red gems in his hand.

Sophie Roy handed the sword to Kate Lyle with both hands, and said, "Master Kate Lyle, please accept my sincerity!"

"The royal sword of Esladu, the Moras sword, is the best blacksmith in Asladu. The swords made by the joint efforts of the entire Asladu only have ten handles. Except for the princes and kings, only the right Esla can only be obtained by warriors who have made great contributions." Polk stood aside, looked at the sword in Roy Sophie's hand, and said enviously.

Hearing this, Kate Lyle stretched out her hand, took the sword of Moras, and said, "Thank you!"

Kate Lyle was willing to take over the sword of Moras, which made Roy Sophie relieved and very happy at the same time.

Roy Sophie stood on the wall of the city wall, looked down at everyone, and said, "Warriors, clean up the battlefield, let's drink tonight!"


Cheers resounded over the battlefield again.

The warriors of Esladu quickly stripped off all the armor and weapons from the half-orcs, then threw them into the big pit and burned them.

Most of the armor and weapons on these half-orcs were produced by the blacksmiths of Esladu.

Although much has been destroyed by now, they can be brought back and rebuilt, and they are made by dwarves with excellent craftsmanship.

When night fell, the entire Linghu Town also entered into a lively celebration banquet.

Harry and the others once again became the object of warm cheers.

The dwarf warrior of Esladu, optimistic and full of yearning for life.

They are enthusiastic, like to drink, also like to dance in the celebration banquet, and entertain distinguished guests with their own fine wine.

Roy, Sophie and Polk, they accompanied Kate Lyle, and the atmosphere was very lively.


Once the capital of the dwarves, it is now occupied by half-orcs.

The defeat of Linghu Town made the excited army of Death Eaters and orcs feel oppressed and humiliated.

As the victor, Eribas, who controlled tens of thousands of orcs, looked even more embarrassed.

He didn't know what kind of existence Kate Lyle was, but the holy light that fell was the dwarf who sheltered Esladu.

In addition, the magic and dress of Harry and others also let Eribus know that the goblins have invited people from that world to help.

"Eribas, those outsiders may be students from a certain academy." Cos sat opposite to Eribas and said after hearing about the defeat on the battlefield in Linghu Town.

"However, I have never heard of the magic you mentioned."

"What do you think of the man with wings?" Eribas murmured.

"The magic he releases can bless those dwarves. Besides that person, I also found a little girl who has magic similar to him."

Bachton thought about it, and said, "Although I don't know the specific origins of these people, I don't know what kind of magic it is, and I don't even know who that winged person is."

"However, as long as they are still walking around in this world, then, for us, there is still a chance to figure out their situation."

Kos nodded in agreement, and said, "Then let's activate our informant and find out their news."

"I agree!" Buckington said with a smile.

After a slight silence, Eribas realized, "I have no objection."

Linghu Town.

After a night of hangover, the dwarves slept until noon, while Harry and the others got up early and started to get busy around.

"Bob, are you sure there will be enough herbs in these places?" Harry asked, looking at the dwarf Bob who was leading the way.

Hearing this, Bob stopped in his tracks, and said to Harry, "You should believe me, we are only interested in mines and ironware, and we don't like herbs very much, so we seldom pick the herbs that grow here."

"Bob, you must be very interested in the glittering gold coins." Ronald said aside.

"Of course, shiny things are very interesting." Bob smiled happily.

"Then can you tell me where I can get enough gold coins?" Ronald asked immediately.

"Of course I went to the mines. The gold ore was mined and smelted again, and it will be a big gold coin." Bob said with a smile on his face.

"Bob, are we friends?" Ronald asked expectantly.

When Harry and Hermione heard Ronald's words, they immediately knew what Ronald was paying attention to.

"Of course!" Bob looked at Harry and the others and said with a smile, "You are all my friends."

"Bob, if we leave, can you send me enough gold coins as a testimony of our friendship." Ronald said immediately.

"It's not a problem. Prince Roy Sophie is very willing to reward you with enough gold coins." Bob smiled heartily.

"Harry, Neville, over here, we found something good here!" Cedric showed his figure from a small hill beside him, and waved to Harry and the others.

Harry and the others immediately followed after hearing this.

"Cedric, what did you find?" Harry asked curiously.

When they arrived, Luna, Malfoy and the others were also here.

"There are a lot of eggs here." Cedric smiled happily: "We seem to be able to light a fire and eat baked eggs."

"Are you guys kidding me? This is the egg of a human-faced spider!" Bob looked at the egg on the ground, his face suddenly changed, and exclaimed: "There are actually eggs of a human-faced spider here, hurry up, Otherwise we're in trouble."

When Harry and the others heard this, they were all stunned.

"Bob, are human-faced spiders scary? Are there any trolls?" Malfoy asked curiously, "We are geniuses who can defeat even trolls."

Bob quickly explained: "We need to get out of here quickly. If we let them know that we touched their babies, they will go crazy."

"They are more than three meters tall, and when their huge claws are spread apart, they are as big as seven or eight meters."

"They are very dangerous. The silk they spit out is very flexible, toxic and sticky. If we are entangled by them, we will be in big trouble."

"I think we're in trouble." Neville sensed something, looked aside, and said with fear in his eyes.

When Harry and the others heard the words, they looked aside, and their eyes widened.


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