Harry Potter: My Magic Overturns Hogwarts

Chapter 118: Vampire bees are watching outside, but we are baking eggs\r

"It's a blood-sucking bee!"

Hermione looked at the overwhelmed bees, each of which was the size of a fist, red and black, with stings about four centimeters in length, extremely terrified.

Hermione paid special attention to the existence of this killer bee after learning about the magical animals in this world from the goblin.

Even an existence with a strong defense force like a giant monster would shy away from a blood-sucking bee.

In order to kill the enemy, blood-sucking bees can be said to be everywhere.

Because the nose, ears, and mouth of the giant monster are also the direction of their invasion.

At this moment, seeing them coming all over the sky, how could Hermione not be afraid.

"Run away, or we'll die here!" Hermione urged.

There was no need for Hermione's reminder, Harry and the others had already flown away in fright.

It's just that Harry and the others didn't fly very far, and the blood-sucking bees kept getting closer.

"No, our speed is too slow."

"We haven't returned to Linghu Town, we're all going to be sucked dry."

Cedric glanced back, shouted at the approaching blood-sucking bee.

"Then kill them!" Harry turned around, waving his wand, and shouted, "Hurricane Curse!"

The wind is howling, and the big trees have to bow down for it.

However, there were too many blood-sucking bees, and their speed was so fast that they went against the wind.

In addition, these blood-sucking bees will disperse and surround them from the left and right sides when they are hit by the strong wind.

"They're afraid of fire!" Hermione exclaimed, remembering that Pork had told her that vampire bees were afraid of fire.

"Fireball bombardment!"

"Fireball bombardment!"

"Fireball bombardment!"

Harry, Carly, and Forbes immediately released their magic upon hearing this.

Fireballs are indeed effective against blood-sucking bees, but there are too many blood-sucking bees and the area is too large. The coverage area of ​​their magic is obviously not enough.

"Go to the ground and block it with an enchantment!" Luna suggested.

"Get down!" Malfoy yelled as he fell to the ground first.

Everyone fell to the ground without hesitation.

"Guard everything!"

Ten people shot at the same time, and in the time of two breaths, a barrier protected them all in the middle.

It was also at this time that the vampire bee arrived.

In an instant, the day turned into night, and the blood-sucking bees charged towards the barrier one after another.

The barrier flickered with ripples, which also meant that the power of the barrier would be continuously consumed.

Luna made a shot, and a ball of light floated in the air, illuminating the darkness and giving Harry and the others some information about the situation outside.

"Pay attention to the enchantment, and shoot at any time." Cedric looked at the enchantment and said.

The main attack of killer bees is on the bee needles.

Like a shot dart, it is still very penetrating.

"These blood-sucking bees won't keep pestering us, will they?" Neville said worriedly.

"I don't know, but I hope they will leave quickly after they know they can't break through our defense." Harry said comfortingly.

"Then let's hide." Forbes suggested: "If they find that we are gone, they will not attack us and leave."

"How?" Ronald asked.

"Of course it's up to you. Build a house with an earthen wall curse, and then leave a small hole in front of the enchantment, so that we can breathe. It's fine." Forbes laughed.

"You can try it!" Luna agreed.

"Then give it a try!" Seeing that everyone wanted to try, Harry said.

After a while, Ronald, Cedric and Ronald made moves at the same time, and a simple square house with a side length of four meters was ok.

As discussed, a gap the size of an adult's fist was left on the ground for ventilation, and it was blocked with an enchantment.

"It's finally a little easier." After finishing all this, Neville sat down against the wall and said.

Harry and others are almost the same.

From the appearance of the human-faced spider to the frightening number of blood-sucking bees, there are really endless surprises.


Two eggs rolled from Ronald's feet to the middle.

Everyone looked at the two eggs and couldn't help being stunned, and then they looked at Ronald again.

"What kind of egg is this?" Neville asked a little silly.

"Spider eggs?" Hermione said, staring at Ronald.

Ronald was stared at by everyone, his face was a little embarrassed, but he still nodded and said: "I took it at that time and put it in my pocket."

"No wonder those human-faced spiders chased us, so you took their eggs." Malfoy stared at Ronald angrily, and said, "You don't know, your behavior almost killed us."

"Tch, at that time you were still thinking about grilling spider eggs with human faces." Ronald suddenly stiffened when Malfoy said this, and responded.

Harry and the others were slightly taken aback when they heard this, and then laughed.

"Go ahead and take it. Anyway, we have already dealt with the human-faced spider. Now, we just need to wait for the blood-sucking bee to leave, and then return to Linghu Town immediately." Forbes laughed.

"Or, let's try baking two eggs first." Edward suggested: "There is nothing to do waiting here, but baking eggs is different."

"Good proposal!" Harry released a fireball directly, and laughed.

Like Harry, Forbes and Carly also released fireballs, and both were somewhat interested in baking eggs.

Seeing this, Ronald said, "Let's bake eggs!"

Harry, Forbes, and Carly shot quickly, and three fireballs directly surrounded the two human-faced spider eggs.

After a while, a smell of baked eggs permeated the air.

Hermione and Luna looked at each other with a slight smile on their faces.

The atmosphere in front of him suddenly became a little more relaxed.

If blood-sucking bees have the same intelligence as humans, will they be mad when they know that we bake eggs in them?

boom! boom!

Seeing the delicious food, when everyone was looking forward to it, suddenly, two fist-sized human-faced spider eggs burst in an instant.

Harry and the others were splashed with a lot of baked egg yolk and white eggshell.

Everyone was a little embarrassed, and they were a little stunned by the sudden explosion, and even a little frightened.

"The baked eggs are gone?" Ronald looked at the baked eggs that exploded all over the floor with a desperate expression, and said in frustration.


Forbes looked at one of Cedric's eyes, which was covered with egg yolk. He smiled slightly and couldn't help laughing.

Edward's appearance is not much better, not only the egg white, egg yolk, but also the eggshell, like a poor child covered with freckles.

At the back, Hermione and the others also laughed heartily.

After all, everyone is a bit embarrassed.

From slow anticipation, to sudden surprise, and finally a relieved laugh, what the ten of Harry didn't know was that the bond between them had increased a lot invisibly.

"Hey, we forgot one thing."

At this moment, Luna said seriously.

When Harry and the others heard the words, they also reacted and immediately surrounded the cage.

Bob was in a bad mood at this time, his face was a little dark, and the place where the spider silk was entwined was eroding Bob's body. ..

"Hermione, Luna, can your healing technique help him first!" Harry looked at Bob like that and asked.

Hermione said: "I don't know if it works, and the spider silk on him is still there!"

Harry and the others were a little anxious. If the spider silk was not cleaned, it would keep corroding Bob.

Suddenly, Harry looked at Malfoy and said, "Malfoy, use your Thunder Knife!"

Malfoy frowned upon hearing this, and said, "It will hurt him."

"The wound hurts. Get rid of the spider silk first, and then let Hermione and Luna work together to heal the wound." Harry explained.

"My thunder knife is for hurting people, not for cutting spider silk!" Malfoy said, still frowning.

"Malfoy." Harry stared at Malfoy and said in a deep voice, "Are you really going to die?"

Facing everyone's eyes, Malfoy finally nodded and said, "Then I'll give it a try."

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