Roy Sophie did not leave after Kate Lyle left, but waited in the city wall.

Roy Sophie is somewhat blind and confident with Kate Lyle.

At first, Roy Sophie didn't know why she had such an idea.

But then he figured it out.

Yesterday's battle gave him enough strength and confidence.

Therefore, he believes that Kate Lyle will come back with his students soon.

However, Roy Sophie did not dismiss the dwarf warriors immediately, and was ready to enter the Black Forest at any time.

At this moment, a huge light appeared on the battlefield outside the city wall.

Then, Kate Lyle and others came out of the light curtain.

Coming out together, there was also a huge Lockes land dragon that was killed.

Roy Sophie looked at the slain Rocks Earth Dragon in shock, full of horror.

This terrifying existence was in the heyday of Asladu, and it would cost a huge price to destroy such a Lox land dragon.

But now, it is dead.

"Prince Roy Sophie, you don't mind letting us enjoy a delicious meal of grilled ground dragon meat in the afternoon." Kate Lyle looked at Roy Sophie and smiled.

"Of course there is no problem. Esla is the most experienced dwarf chef and is willing to serve you." Roy Sophie laughed.

"It's us who enjoy this delicacy together." Kate Lyle said with a smile: "It is said that the scales of the Rocks dragon are very good forging materials, so I gave them to Esladu, hoping that the skilled dwarf master craftsman can forge Make a strong armor."

"We will cherish every piece of material and give full play to its role." Roy Sophie happily assured: "The master craftsman of Esladu has never disappointed in forging equipment."

"Warriors, act, we have another grand bonfire dinner tonight."

"Let's celebrate to our heart's content!"


The dwarf warriors all cheered excitedly.

Kate Lyle laughed, watching the dwarves who immediately got busy, prepared tools, and began to direct the Lox earth dragon, and then said to Harry and the others: "Elemental magic is magical magic, and there are many ways to use it. Today I will teach you Another way to use elemental magic."

"If you learn it, it will be much easier to deal with the Rocks Earth Dragon."

When Harry and the others heard this, they immediately shouted with great anticipation: "Mr. Kate, is this true?"

"Of course, I never lied to you." Kate Lyle said as she led Harry and the others to the side.

Harry and the others followed Kate Lyle to a relatively open place, where they didn't have to worry about affecting Linghu Town or causing too much damage.

"Everyone is unique. Everyone has a different affinity for the elemental energy between heaven and earth, and the elemental magic they master is also different."

"For example, Malfoy, he has a reaction to Thunder Element, so Thunder Element responded to him!"

"For example, Harry, he has a sense of wind element and fire element, so the wind element and fire element respond to him."

"Most people can only have one kind of element affinity in their lifetime, or even none, and there are very few people who can have two or more."

"The same is true. Some people can only master one kind of elemental magic, while others can master multiple kinds of elemental magic at the same time."

"Elemental magic can not only release magic independently, but also can be used by multiple people in combination."

"The magic that I use in combination with multiple people is called combination magic."

"Combined magic matches combinations according to attributes, resulting in more powerful magic."

"The release of combined magic needs to be done through a magic circle, and the magic circle is divided into a pentagram and a hexagram."

"For magic above the forbidden spell level, you need to use the six-pointed star array."

"For magic below the forbidden spell level, you need to use the pentagram."


"The magic combination of thunder element and water element, the magic combination of wind element and fire element, the magic combination of water element and earth element, or the magic combination of three elements, according to the difference in their own strength, the level of magic released, and produce different powers."


Harry and the others, listening to Kate Lyle teaching them new magic skills, listened very carefully and carefully.

Kate Lyle also spoke carefully, hoping they can absorb it as soon as possible.

For example, how to build a pentagram and a hexagram.

And how to release the combination magic, what should be paid attention to when releasing the combination magic?

After the explanation was almost the same, and after Harry and the others had absorbed them, Kate Lyle also prepared a combined magic for each of them, allowing them to cooperate with each other to try to build a pentagram array and release the combined magic.

There is no easy combination of light magic, because it is very powerful in itself.

Therefore, Luna could only watch Harry and the others try hard to cultivate.

However, Luna is not idle. The more she learns about light magic and the teachings of Kate Lyle, Luna is also very clear that she still has a lot to learn.

In one afternoon, Harry and the others almost exhausted their magic power and mental power, and managed to construct a pentagram array.

It's just that it takes a lot of time to build a pentagram every time.

They also need to practice a lot, because on the battlefield, the enemy will not give you time to prepare.

"Professor Kate, how can we successfully build a pentagram?" Harry asked wearily.

"Whenever you can build a pentagram array in a single thought, it will be considered a success." Kate Lyle said, and in a single thought, everyone was surrounded by a huge pentagram array shrouded.

"Building a pentagram array and releasing combined magic has extremely high requirements on your spiritual power and the control of your own magic power."

"The more powerful something is, the more difficult it is to obtain. You still need to continue to work hard."

"However, your performance this afternoon is already very good."

"After only one afternoon of contact, you can build a pentagram formation, which shows that your talents are still very high. I believe that you in the future will grow to a very high height. I am optimistic about you."

Hagrid laughed and said, "Yes, I am very optimistic about myself. For me, this is something that can be solved after a few days of hard work."

Hagrid's confidence and words made Harry and the others smile.

"Now, we should go back and enjoy our dinner, Rocks Dilong BBQ, I think it must taste very delicious." Kate Lyle said a bit funny, making the atmosphere relaxed again.

At the same time, the light flickered, and everyone disappeared into the magic circle and returned to Linghu Town.

At this time, Linghu Town is still full of vitality and enthusiasm, and it is filled with the smell of barbecue.

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