Harry Potter: My Magic Overturns Hogwarts

Chapter 127 The Tough Hagrid\r

Magic power emerged, constantly lingering on the soil gun, hard and sharp.

Hagrid exploded with all his power, plus the power of the free fall, the effect was a bit explosive.


The spear fell with Hagrid's huge tonnage, directly piercing the sand crocodile's mouth, nailing the sand crocodile to the ground.

There was a dull sound and shaking on the ground, especially within a five-meter radius centered on Hagrid, a depression appeared directly, and the gravel turned up.

The sand crocodile tossed and turned, trying to throw off the earth gun and Hagrid, but it was of no avail, and was finally killed by Hagrid.

Looking at the scene before them, Harry and the others were shocked.

Especially Harry and Malfoy were even more shocked and envious.

As magic warriors, they know very well what kind of power explosion this is.

"Nice job, Hagrid!" Harry stepped forward to praise.

"Hagrid, you are so strong, you are a real magic warrior now." Hermione praised.

Hearing the praise from Harry and the others, Hagrid had a very smug smile on his face, and said, "This kind of battle is really enjoyable."

Having said that, Hagrid looked at Harry and Malfoy, and said smugly: "Of course, it's just so simple."

Upon hearing this, Malfoy saw Hagrid staring at him again, curled his lips, and said, "Then you are also my defeat!"

Harry stretched out his hand, and the energy of the wind element formed a small whirlwind in his hand, and said maliciously: "Hagrid, it's very simple for us to defeat you."

Hagrid looked at the little whirlwind, smiled triumphantly, and disappeared in an instant.

The wind elemental magic warrior, if you want to play it, the earth element magic warrior, has a great advantage. First of all, he can't catch up with Harry.

In terms of attack methods, Harry's wind magic is more destructive.

Looking at Hagrid's smelly face, Hermione and the others smiled undisguised.

"Hagrid, you are too powerful. You even killed the sand crocodile by yourself."

"You are braver than our strongest warrior."

Nossa came over with the dwarf warrior, looked at Hagrid and said with great admiration.

Nossa's praise made Hagrid smile immediately. He stretched out his hand, hugged Nossa, and said happily: "Nossa, thank you!"

Nossa was held high by Hagrid, and smiled a little happily. Harry and others looked a little funny at the scene in front of them.

The dwarf warrior cheered and let out a hearty laugh.

As night fell, Harry and the others moved forward quickly, looking for a good place for thousands of them to rest.

After a simple meal, Harry and the others lay on the ground around the campfire and looked up at the starry sky.

The starry sky in this world is very beautiful, and the visible stars are shining, embellishing the entire starry sky.

"You say, what is our mission?" Edward said suddenly, staring at the starry sky.

It has been a few days since I came to this elf world.

At first, they thought the mission was to help Grice rescue its people.

Now, they have experienced half-orcs attacking the goblin town, and then went to Linghu town with the goblin to support the dwarves.

Now, they follow the goblin and dwarf warriors to the Twin Mountains to rescue the goblin besieged by orcs.

But what happened in front of them made them feel that it was not that simple.

"There are Death Eaters in this world." Malfoy glanced at Edward and said, "Perhaps, what Professor Kate wants us to do is to expel the Death Eaters from this world."

Harry and Ronald looked at each other, and Ronald said immediately: "Do we need to spend our whole vacation to complete this task?"

"That is to say, do we need to fight all the time?" Cedric said aside: "This is an exciting and somewhat dangerous trip. I can be sure that in our time, there are not many people who are as exciting as us."

"At least we learned a lot here and got stronger," Forbes laughed.

"Do you think Professor Kate will follow us secretly?" Neville asked a little naively.

Harry and the others glanced at each other, then looked around, trying to find Kate Lyle.

"It doesn't seem to have appeared." Karianna said with some uncertainty.

"Professor Kate's strength is something we can't guess." Hermione thought for a while and said, "Perhaps, he is standing in a corner right now, looking at us."

"Whether Professor Kate is here or not, the task before us was given to us by Professor Kate, and we must work hard to complete it perfectly." Harry said firmly.

"I am very much looking forward to the glorious moment when we will show off our skills, rescue the goblins and trample the half-orcs under our feet when we arrive at Twin Mountains tomorrow."

Harry and Malfoy looked at each other, their eyes full of fighting intent.

Not far away, Hagrid looked at Harry and the others around the campfire, and smiled naively.

the next day.

Harry and the others continued to move forward, crossing mountains and ridges, and finally came to Twin Mountains.

There are many half-orcs guarding the Twin Mountains, and there are too many Harry and others, so it seems that the goal is too big.

Therefore, they had to find a place, hide temporarily, and then sent people to check the surrounding situation before making plans.

"The half-orcs kept humpbacks in captivity. If we get too close, they will ask them for their smell."

"In addition, there are sentry towers in these places, and we will be found at any time."

"If you want to catch the half-orcs by surprise, you must find a way to kill the half-orcs on these sentry towers without being discovered by the opponent."

"This is the only way to enter the Twin Mountains. There is a half-orc squad of a hundred people standing guard there."


Nossa sorted out and marked the collected information in detail, pointed to the simply drawn map, and said to Hagrid, Polk, Harry and others.

Magic is very important to deal with orcs, but at the same time, goblins and others will also face attacks from Death Eaters.

Members of the Death Eaters can basically release magic, and they are the only magic force among the half-orcs.

"Our warriors need to go in from a canyon. On the canyon, there are a lot of stones from the half-orcs, and it will be very dangerous if they fall down." Nuoza pointed to a road and said: "The half-orcs above the canyon Orcs, we need you to help us deal with them so that we can rush in as soon as possible."

"This is not a problem, you can leave it to us." Polk said confidently after hearing the words.

With the Elven Ark, they fly in the air, and they can deal with the orcs on the cliff very well, but they will also be exposed in this way.

"This is where the goblins are imprisoned. I hope you can move in and rescue the goblins when we attract the attention of the orcs and Death Eaters." Nossa looked at Hagrid and Harry behind him. said the man.

Hearing this, Hagrid laughed and said, "It's not a problem." ..

Nossa nodded, but still said with a serious expression: "This is war, I hope you can return to your world safely."

"We'll make it back safely." Harry and Malfoy said in unison.

Harry and Malfoy looked at each other, and then they both smiled.

Their eyes were full of confidence and expectation.

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