Harry Potter: My Magic Overturns Hogwarts

Chapter 131 Fierce battle at Twin Mountains (4)\r

The three of Malfoy followed the goblin's guidance and returned quickly.

On the way, they encountered half-orcs who were coming on the attack. The three of them released their magic and launched a counterattack.

There were too many half-orcs, and the three of Malfoy had to fight with all their strength to resist the attack of the half-orcs.

Malfoy even took the lead, fully expressing his identity as a magic warrior.

"Wind Blade Curse!"

"Fireball bombardment!"

"To stab!"

At this moment, Harry and Ronald came to support, which greatly relieved the pressure on the three of Malfoy.

After a while, no one teamed up to defeat the chasing orcs, and they joined together.

"Have you found the goblin?" Harry asked hastily.

"We found it, but we don't have the key. We need to find the key to open the dungeon door and rescue the goblin." Forbes quickly responded.

"Where can I find the key?" Ronald asked anxiously.

"This way!" Malfoy said, running towards the distance.

Harry and the others followed, and Carianna hurriedly reminded Harry and the others: "The secret room where the keys are kept is watched by Death Eaters, so be careful."

Harry and Ronald nodded upon hearing this.

The road leading to the secret room did not encounter half-orcs or Death Eaters, so it was considered safe for the five of Harry.

Soon, Harry and others came to the door of the secret room.

This is a lifting door, a heavy door, made of iron doors, it looks very bulky.

Harry and Malfoy looked at each other and nodded.

"I'm coming!" Malfoy said to Harry.

Harry took half a step back, looking at Ronald, Forbes and Carly.

Everyone took out their wands and prepared to make a move.

Malfoy knocked on the door of the secret room, but after waiting for a moment, no one opened the door.

"Alahoo!" Malfoy took out his wand and said to the iron door.

The magic didn't make the iron gate have any effect, which made Malfoy and others a little anxious.

"If the door isn't opened, we won't be able to get in to get the key. What should we do?" Ronald said anxiously.

"There must be some kind of trap, this secret room can't be opened only by the people inside." Harry said thoughtfully.

"Then let's look for it quickly." Forbes said hastily.

The five of them began to look around carefully, and patted this and that on the wall.


Ronald hit a wall and sank into it.

Harry and the others stopped when they heard the voice, a little surprised.

The iron door shook slightly, and then began to rise upwards.

Malfoy immediately moved to the door, ready to shoot, and so did Harry.

When the iron gate was halfway down, both Harry and Malfoy rushed into it as magic warriors.

A black-robed man hiding here, before he could react, was approached by Harry and Malfoy.

The two shot at the same time, and the man in black was knocked to the ground. ..

"Dungeon Curse!"

Ronald came in, and immediately released magic spells on the man in black who was knocked down.

Seeing that Malfoy was going to continue to attack, Ronald said hastily: "Don't kill him, he may be helpful to us."

"How can it help? Death Eaters must die." Malfoy said with some dissatisfaction.

"We can't guarantee that all the keys are here. With him, we can just save a little trouble." Ronald explained.

Malfoy didn't say anything after hearing that.

"There are a lot of keys here. Fortunately, there are numbers here, so we can relax a lot." Karianna said happily, looking at the keys hanging on the wall.

"Then take them all away!" Harry grabbed the key and put it in the bag that cast the Untraceable Stretching Charm.

Malfoy and the others followed suit and took away all the keys in the secret room.

Harry cast the Levitation Charm on the Death Eater, controlled him, and left quickly.

Malfoy charged at full speed with his men, and there were only a few half-orcs scattered along the way, not a single Death Eater.

Harry and the others returned to the dungeon without any hindrance, which made Harry and the others somewhat happy.

"Take out the key quickly." Harry looked at the dungeon and the goblins around him, and said, "Report your codes for the enchantment bracelets."

"Mine is number 55!" cried a goblin.

"Mine is number 105!"


The siren sounded one after another, and the five of Harry quickly searched for the key and handed it to them.

Kakaka's voice was accompanied by the goblin's excited voice, and Harry and the others also had smiles on their faces.

One by one, the goblins recovered their magic power, ignored the doors of the dungeon one after another, and appeared outside the dungeon out of thin air.

Even though the body was weak, the goblin who seemed to be dying was brought out.


"Thank you very much!"

An old goblin came in front of Harry and the other six, and said very excitedly.

Harry and the others were a little happy, which meant that their task was about to be completed.

"The battle outside doesn't know what it's going to be like, so let's hurry out and help." Carianna reminded.

Harry nodded, took out three bottles of healing potion and said, "This can help us recover quickly and heal injuries. I only have three bottles now."

Ronald took out the healing potion and said, "I have two bottles here!"

The old goblin looked at the potion and was very happy. Among them, there happened to be five goblins who were seriously injured. With five bottles of healing potion, their bodies would recover and they would have certain fighting power.

"Thank you!"

The goblin thanked and passed the healing potion to the other goblins, allowing them to recover.

After simply tidying up, Harry and the others led the way and rushed outside.

Harry and the others were also very concerned about the battle outside, especially the safety of Hermione and the others worried them even more.

When Harry and his group rushed out of the cave, the battle outside was already extremely fierce.

As soon as the goblin came out and saw the orcs and Death Eaters, he attacked without hesitation.

"Avada Kedavra!"

"Bones to pieces!"

"All petrified!"


No wands needed, streams of magic streamed from their hands.

The magic was flying, and the Orcs and Death Eaters in the fierce battle hadn't even reacted when they were attacked by the goblin.

Polk on the Fairy Ark immediately smiled happily when he saw the fairies appearing.

"It's Hobby, they've come out." Polk exclaimed happily.

A kind of goblins also noticed the movement over there, and were extremely happy.

Under the high enthusiasm, the firepower of the goblins continued to vent.

Seeing Harry and the others appearing, Hagrid also laughed out loud.

No matter how big his heart was, Hagrid was worried about letting the five of them perform such a dangerous task.

At this time, the Orcs and Death Eaters in Twin Mountains were about to die.

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