Harry Potter: My Magic Overturns Hogwarts

Chapter 137 The Unexpected Door to the Secret Chamber\r

"Borg, your lord is very angry now, he wants us to quickly find the Ring of Eternity."

"We still have half a month to go. If we haven't found the Ring of Eternity within half a month, then you should know the consequences."

There are two men talking in the bedroom.

A burly man with a hideous scar on his face sat in front of a table, listened to what his partner said, and said, "We've been working hard, Ganesh."

"However, as you have seen, we searched the entire palace, broke open several secret rooms, and found gold, silver and jewelry, but we did not find the eternal ring that your lord needs."

"I really need a certain message now, and tell me that the eternal ring is still in the palace."

"Otherwise, I really don't know how much time I need to spend looking here."

"Now I regret very much, why did I choose to stay in the first place."

Hearing what Ganesh said, Borg was a little annoyed and regretful at the same time.

Since he captured Esladu and stayed here, there are many things he needs to manage.

And these things are annoying, those orcs are not so...manageable.

Also, to add to his annoyance, he needed to find a special ring.

"I don't have time here to listen to your complaints. Even if we dig three feet into the ground and tear down the entire palace, we still have to find it."

"I don't want to die in this world."

Ganes took a deep look at Borg, turned and left.

Borg looked at the back of Ganes leaving, and was silent for a moment, with a gloomy expression.

Kate Lyle and Roy Sophie were outside the window, listening to their conversation, they were slightly relieved.

It's a good thing they didn't find the Ring of Eternity.

The wind was blowing, and it was blowing the paper on the table.

The wind was a little strong, and the paper blew on Borg's face.

Borg's letter papers were randomly placed on the table, but soon Borg became deep in thought.

Borg stood up, took out his wand, looked around, and slowly approached the balcony.

However, the room and balcony were empty.

Borg was a little surprised, but also a little suspicious. Could it be that he was too sensitive?

After closing the balcony door, the room became warmer without the cold wind blowing in.

It was also at this moment that Borg felt more and more strange.

The room was always warm, but the door opened quietly, is this possible?


A voice sounded, and Borg passed out before he could turn around to see who it was.

Kate Lyle showed her figure, a wind magic, controlled the unconscious Borg, and let him fall on the bed.

Roy Sophie came out of invisibility and walked towards the oil lamp by the gate.

Roy Sophie wasn't tall enough, so she brought a chair and stepped on it.

He grabbed the oil lamp stand and pressed it in, turning it around.

Then, seeing the huge pillars that were the pillars of the city wall, a door opened.

The door is not big, only about 1.5 meters high, which is very suitable for dwarves.

What's even more interesting is that the door is not on the ground, but two meters above the ground.

Such a design is somewhat unexpected.

No one would have thought that this huge city wall column with a diameter of two meters would be the entrance to the secret underground passage.

In addition, this height is also beyond the height of a dwarf, making people not immediately think of the secret door hidden above.

Kate Lyle looked at Roy Sophie who was coming, and said with a smile: "Do you think it's incredible."

"That's true." Roy Sophie looked at the secret door and nodded, "I will never place the door higher than ours, because it means that if there is no ladder, I can't go up at all."

Kate Lyle nodded, grabbed Roy Sophie, jumped up, put Roy Sophie in, and under Roy Sophie's gaze, Kate Lyle released a magic spell for herself.

The height of 1.76 meters has changed to 1.2 meters at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his appearance has also changed.

This is another person who looks a little cute.

"Master Kate Lyle, who are you?" Sophie Roy said in shock.

"Don't worry, this is me, just me in different periods." Kate Lyle explained with a smile.

Roy Sophie nodded, the two entered the secret room, the door was closed, and the secret room ushered in darkness.

But it's obviously a small thing.

Under the control of Kate Lyle, a ball of light floated in front of him, illuminating the road ahead and seeing the spiral staircase clearly.

The two walked down step by step, about a hundred meters.

The air here didn't become thinner or turbid because of the depth.

It seems that the secret room is not airtight.

Kate Lyle thought so, and the two of them came to a maze-like place.

The six holes will lead to different directions, which also means that there may be dangers ahead.

Sophie Roy didn't know how to choose, so she looked at Kate Lyle.

"It takes a little while, but it's okay!"

As Kate Lyle said, she came to a hole and released a wind magic.

Under the magic wand of Kate Lyle, the strong wind is constantly emerging.

About two minutes later, Kate Lyle put away her wand, walked towards the next hole, and said, "This is a dead end, and it should be full of danger."

Roy Sophie looked at Kate Lyle's operation, a little confused.

It wasn't until Kate Lyle tried three times in a row that she heard a whistle-like sound coming back from the fourth cave, Roy Sophie knew what Kate Lyle was doing.

Through the wandering of the wind, the continuous influx, and the perception of changes, help Kate Lyle judge whether it is safe or not.

Kate Lyle listened attentively, pondered slightly, looked towards the fifth hole in the same way, stayed for two minutes, and then walked to the last hole.

The strong wind entered it, and after a while it made a sound similar to that of the fourth hole, but the sixth hole was somewhat sharp, like a long whistle.

Kate Lyle listened for a while, pointed to the fourth and sixth holes respectively, and said: "These two holes lead to deeper depths, but you may experience something, or you may not experience anything."

"In addition, it will also lead to two different places, which may be within the confines of the palace, or outside the confines of the palace."

Sophie Roy heard the words, pondered slightly, looked at Kate Lyle and said, "I want to hear Master Kate Lyle's opinion."

Kate Lyle smiled and said, "As far as I am concerned, there is no choice. No matter how dangerous the enemy is, can it be dangerous to me?"

Roy Sophie paused, understood, and said, "Then go in from the fourth hole!"

"Even though I've heard wandering poets say that four is not a number with good omens, I sometimes have to envy the story of the phoenix rising from the ashes."

"That wandering poet is not a good thing!" Kate Lyle turned around and walked into the fourth hole, laughing.

Roy Sophie was stunned, a little confused, why is this wandering poet not a good thing!

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