"Mr. Kate, you are a rich professor."

"This is a treatment that other professors cannot enjoy. This is a single building."

"The equipment here is very complete. It doesn't look like what a wizard should have, but it's very enviable."

After Hermione, Ronald and Harry Potter followed Kate Lyle to his single-family small western-style building, they exclaimed one after another.

During these days, they had also been to Professor McGonagall's office, Snape's office, and even their dormitory, but nothing compared to Kate Lyle's here.

At the same time, they have to lament that Kate Lyle's aristocratic temperament is so admirable no matter where she goes, and it is not unreasonable.

Because, his life has a well-organized plan everywhere.

"What do you need to drink? The drink is coffee. For drinks, there are Coke and soda." Kate Lyle laughed.

Hearing Kate Lyle's words, Hermione, Harry Potter, and Ronald's eyes lit up with excitement, and they said in unison: "Coke!"

Sure enough, the kid still likes to drink.

Kate Lyle snapped her fingers, and then saw three bottles of Coke flying out of the refrigerator on the side, and came in front of Hermione and the three of them. The bottle caps made a slight sound, and then flew out and fell into the in the trash can.

On the other side, the coffee cup flew up, filled with water and coffee powder, and then slowly turned on the hot sand. After a while, the coffee boiled, and it floated on Kate Lai. in front of you.

The three of Hermione stared at the scene in front of them, their eyes widened, extremely excited and excited.

"Wow, Professor Kate, it's amazing that you can cast magic silently." Hermione admired. ..

"You can do it too, Hermione!" Kate Lyle said with a smile: "Relax a little, if you want to learn elemental magic, you need a relaxed state of mind, which is very important."

Kate Lyle specially decorated her own small bungalow. In the European style, with noble colors and atmosphere, it is the equipment here, and many of them are from the Muggle world.

The only regret is that there is no electricity in Hogwarts, so some equipment cannot be used.

Of course, it doesn't matter to Kate Lyle.

After chatting briefly about some things, and relaxing the three of Harry, they smiled and said, "Elemental magic is a special kind of magic."

"He needs to sense the elemental energy that exists around us. This is the key to casting magic, and it also means which kind of magic you will be better at."

"Elemental magic refers to water element, fire element, earth element, wind element, thunder element, light element and dark element. They exist around us and are everywhere."

Kate Lyle condensed various elements while talking.

"White light element, cyan wind element, red fire element, yellow earth element, blue water element, purple thunder element, black dark element."

The seven elemental energies surrounded Kate Lyle, forming balls one by one, and following Kate Lyle's thoughts, they also floated in front of the three of Harry.

"Among the seven elements, the thunder element, the light element and the dark element are relatively rare, and not everyone can perceive and cultivate them."

"This is related to the individual's elemental affinity."

"So, if you want to learn magic, you also need to see what kind of affinity you have for magic elements, that is, to confirm what kind of magic you are suitable for practicing."

Having said that, Kate Lyle took out three magic potions, flew in front of them, and continued: "Drinking them will allow you to better understand magic elements."

The three of Hermione were already shocked by the eight magical elements released by Kate Lyle. Hearing this, they looked at the potion with great anticipation.

Which aspect of elemental magic would be suitable for me?

Harry took a potion and said, "I think fire magic will be more destructive."

Hermione also took a potion, thinking: "I like water element, she is cuter."

"I like the wind element, and I like the feeling of flying freely." Ronald said expectantly.

Listening to what the three of them said, Kate Lyle smiled and said, "Now is not the time to pray here. What you have to do is to drink the potion and feel the existence of elemental energy quietly."

When the three of Harry heard this, they drank the potion without delay.

It feels good, a little sweet, like drinking oral liquid.

It's just that the amount is too small, not even a bite.

"Sit down with your knees cross-legged. Meditation is one of the ways to quickly restore magic power, and it is also a way to feel the energy of the surrounding elements." Kate Lyle guided them to feel the way of magic.

The three of Hermione sat down and immediately got into the mood.

Kate Lyle glanced at the three of them, then took out the wand and waved it lightly, and saw that all the furniture and equipment in the hall suddenly became smaller and turned into a palm-sized miniature shape, and then waved with the wand, And fell into a box in the corner.

The same is true, and the entire hall is also empty.

At this point, Kate Lyle did not stop, but drew a big circle towards Hermione and the three of them, and then stood aside in satisfaction.

In just a few minutes, around the three of Harry, elemental energy fluctuations appeared and danced around them.

Around Harry, there were red fire elements and blue wind elements dancing, and they were very strong.

Beside Hermione, there was a blue water element dancing, just as Hermione imagined.

Ronald did not get the wind element as he imagined, but a rich yellow earth element around him.

Although they already knew what kind of magic they were suitable for, Kate Lyle did not stop them.

Because it's a time to grow up.

The more elemental energy gathered on the body, the more affinity they have for the corresponding elemental energy. In addition, the more energy they gather, the more elemental energy they have.

This process is also known as elemental baptism.

After sensing elemental energy and incorporating it into the body, it is a process of transforming and strengthening the body. This process can be artificial or self-condensed.

It also represents their own foundation, and of course, it can also be changed through the day after tomorrow.

However, if one is born with such a foundation, one will undoubtedly have an advantage over others.

The necessary conditions for casting magic are magic power and spiritual power, the two keys to casting magic.

Mana determines how many spells a magician can unleash, and how powerful they are.

Spiritual power is the magician's command to guide the release of magic.

So magic power and spiritual power complement each other.

Second, is the spell that casts the magic.

Therefore, at this time, the elements condensed by the three of Harry are also a process of element baptism.

This has a lot to do with the potion that Kate Lyle gave them.

Because this potion is called the baptism of elements.

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